Grow diary mission impossible (low to medium budget lol)

  • Thread starter BearWater
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Got everything changed up and and plugged with foam. Minus a proper tape job and the ā€œnew exhaust fanā€. Need to cut the hole in the plug piece and then tape it all up, itll happen at some point. The temps are more consistant and I dont think the AC has been conditioning as much as it has been, I do have it set to economy mode which Iā€™ve noticed the fan runs differentlyšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø i just like the sound of economy mode lol! Im sure the actual science behind it isnā€™t beneficial or even detrimental to things hahaha! I did water this afternoon so naturally the RH% shot up quite a bit and has been sitting around 60ish. Will this be a problem come later flower? With the temps and fans I feel like im on the line with that, but also those temps with fans with be keeping mold non existantšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø we shall see!
IMG 0075


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Hey everybody! Picked up some flowering additives to add to my feeding regiment yesterday! I did notice a slight start to the trichome production, and thats just with what I have been feeding. One of the products is a bush doctor counterpart to their cal-mag and the other is sugars and what not ( I heard the ladies like sugar) lol, or their soil does, I think its both! Hahaha! They will get a round of that today.

HUGE SHOUT OUT! To @jadins_journey for helping me get my room (barn,shed,coop) back on track temp wise (I was seriously getting ready to pull the plug). ā™„ļøšŸ™ šŸ¤— whether you want it or not lol you get a hug! It turns out my mastermind was a little under the influence of cannabis and retardation šŸ˜‚ either way I am learning and thats what I need, and its not so much the hard way with all the kind and helpful folks here so you all get a shout out too! My electric bill came and my wife even said ā€œI got the pge billā€ oh yeah? ā€œYeah it wasnā€™t that bad this monthā€ are you serious!? Fuck yeah! Now I know it wasnā€™t on for the whole month of June but still as hard as that little AC was working at first I swore I was going have a 900 dollar bill! Hey @Sunin! Having the lights on during the day has been the best decision I made with the lights! im able to get in there and work in the ā€œlater morningā€ and through out the day if I want, perfect schedule for me. I might still try and optimize it with a night run later on down the road ( I have a crazy ā€œhoodā€ idea for the lights to be ducted! ; )

Sunin hereā€™s your outdoor update no pics lol sorry. They are still vegging but starting to slow, they look really happy (mostly water) but some nutes here and there. I have noticed an uptick in (possible mite damage) nothing crazy at this point so over the weekend I plan on hitting them with something ā€œscorched earth ishā€ Ill try and get some pics for you today! Donā€™t hold me to it.

Last but not least I do want to thank averybody who stops by and has something smart to say or not! Hahaha! I do appreciate you all and have a good time interacting! Also those of you who have helped me out through PM (thank youšŸ™).


Thank you. I'll wait šŸ˜‰
I have my underdog there that I think will surprise you when time comes. I like betting on the outcomes šŸ¤£
Post some of the inside flowering supa dupa coop too when you will have a moment> are they trellising more?
I always add sugars, better tasting outcome, nicer layers in buds šŸ‘Œ
Greetings for wife- she can go and buy herself something nice now that you made some savings šŸ¤Ÿ


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Thank you. I'll wait šŸ˜‰
I have my underdog there that I think will surprise you when time comes. I like betting on the outcomes šŸ¤£
Post some of the inside flowering supa dupa coop too when you will have a moment> are they trellising more?
I always add sugars, better tasting outcome, nicer layers in buds šŸ‘Œ
Greetings for wife- she can go and buy herself something nice now that you made some savings šŸ¤Ÿ
She liked liked the thought of treating herself šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚

If I get myself into the ā€œoutdoorā€ thought process it makes me feel better about them (time frame they are young) I will definitely keep you in the loop for (betting purposes)šŸ˜‚āœŒļø I love the structure of the raskal that is flowering the most so thats the one im wanting to do well hahaha. I also have my clone situation for outdoors (weā€™ll see about that) a week or so out for doing anything with soil and pots. Later dude āœŒļø


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Good morning everyone! Snapped a couple pics last night of the indoor room after we got back from a day trip to hike around a volcano lol! Havenā€™t forgot about you @Sunin hahaha. Ill snap a pick of those outside girls for you today at some point : )

Day 35?ish:
IMG 6786
IMG 6787
IMG 6788
IMG 6789
IMG 6790
IMG 6791


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
That suspension will kill me šŸ¤£
Late bloomers are puffing up slowly šŸ¤ž what's the expected flower on this strain?
They are more of a sativa dominate strain (dont quote me on that) so im anticipating a little bit longer (70ish) maybešŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø. Everything I can find on line is something else with the XX strain. Im going to stay with my original prediction : )
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I think you will go far over 70ish.
Partially because somebody is constantly drilling in their coop tweaking this and that around you know šŸ˜


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
I think you will go far over 70ish.
Partially because somebody is constantly drilling in their coop tweaking this and that around you know šŸ˜
Hahaha!!! Yeah I know : ) as of now its minimal interactions, turned the Dehu back on and adjusted the rh a bit. Other than thatā€¦ im done ā€œmessinā€! āœŒļø

Hereā€™s your outdoors! The mite damage is up ticking unsatisfactorily so a treatment is in order sooner rather than later. I had let them go a little longer from the last watering so they look a little sad. Again these were just a lets see whatā€™s happens : ) so im not putting to much effort into them (they did get a cal-mag and kelp and grow mix feeding today though! : )
IMG 6800
IMG 6801


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
oh no. Jack them fast and feed poor things šŸ¤£
They already look better : ) Iā€™ve got some ā€œlight weightā€ spray for them until I pick up another batch of the Jacks (were in ā€œlow budgetā€ mode of the grow thread)šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ if that stuff doesnt work ill whip up a batch of alcohol and wateršŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


They already look better : ) Iā€™ve got some ā€œlight weightā€ spray for them until I pick up another batch of the Jacks (were in ā€œlow budgetā€ mode of the grow thread)šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ if that stuff doesnt work ill whip up a batch of alcohol and wateršŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø
Castille soap or like my granny and her granny- dish liquid soap few drops per 250ml in warm water- melts suckers away. In Poland in times of communism brand of dish soap known for destroying mites on plants {and loads of other things} was called Ludwig- you can still buy it šŸ¤£ many do.
I dish soap house plants often - warm cloth, bowl, folding chair and off you go budget styla, smoke a joint and wipe them out šŸ¤Ÿ


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Castille soap or like my granny and her granny- dish liquid soap few drops per 250ml in warm water- melts suckers away. In Poland in times of communism brand of dish soap known for destroying mites on plants {and loads of other things} was called Ludwig- you can still buy it šŸ¤£ many do.
I dish soap house plants often - warm cloth, bowl, folding chair and off you go budget styla, smoke a joint and wipe them out šŸ¤Ÿ
Iā€™ve made some dish soap spray for the veggies, never thought of using on the ganja! Hahaha! I could alternate soap water and the stuff I have on hand.

you got me thinking of them now! They are almost out of the sun for the day, Iā€™ll try get out there and spray!


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
This was today (no poking around) just pics, dehu check, and bounce! ; ) got the clones out in the sun for a little this afternoon (almost forgot about them!)šŸ˜‚
And I forget who it was but we were talking about topping and not topping. This was a good example I thought, (just to get the idea). Those plants arenā€™t going anywhere special lol. Also pictured, ā€œthe next runā€ : ) oh and a close up of the outdoors, looks like itā€™s starting its re veg.
IMG 6758
IMG 6820
IMG 6821
IMG 6822
IMG 6819
IMG 6817
IMG 6818
IMG 6815
IMG 6816


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Those clones soaking up some sun look perfect.
They are getting there šŸ˜„ there are a couple im really proud papa over and then there are the ones that make me question parenthood dailyšŸ˜‚ wait are you talking about my plants?! Oh shit! Just kidding! Hahaha. I really didnt think they were going to take and make it at first! This was my first solo cloning from start to finish : ) gotten out side in the morning sun right now! thank you for the kind words šŸ™


They are getting there šŸ˜„ there are a couple im really proud papa over and then there are the ones that make me question parenthood dailyšŸ˜‚ wait are you talking about my plants?! Oh shit! Just kidding! Hahaha. I really didnt think they were going to take and make it at first! This was my first solo cloning from start to finish : ) gotten out side in the morning sun right now! thank you for the kind words šŸ™
Hey there Bear, everything's looking pretty good, how is the weather been down there?

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