Help a first timer please!



New here and new to growing. I’ve been trying to research and get tips from online and from friends. Currently I have 5 Purple Haze and 1 Alien OG. Starting to germinate/solo cup them May 23 and planted them in ground June 7. The Alien OG was from a cheap local shop my bf and I found and it was the only one that sprouted out of maybe 10-15 seeds. The Purple Hazes are all from ILGM. At current state I water them on Tuesday’s with just water and PH the water to about 6.5 as best I can. On Saturdays I do the same but also add in Fox Farm Big Grower. I used FFOF for soil. I feel like PH#3 is my strongest but included pics of her for comparison. PH#1 and AOG seem to be not exactly my weakest, but just not thriving as much as the others. If you need any more info please let me know. Any help is much appreciated!
Help a first timer please
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Hello and welcome to the farm.
Your plants actually look pretty good. The burned lower leaves are from planting in Ocean Forest as a seedling.
You can take them off now without hurting the plant.
Ocean Forest is very high in nitrogen and hard for some young plants to deal with. Note how deep green these plants are. This is the high nutrient content soil doing it's job. What ever you do do not feed these plants until you see signs of low nitrogen.Yellowing lower leaves or overall plant lightening. They are eating well.

You should top dress each plant with 1/2 cup bone meal and mix it in as best you can. an inch deep.

Looking at this and other leaves All the little white spots. I suspect a bug called Trips. They are a juice sucker. I can't be sure from this picture . Look the plant over well and Google Thrips Cannabis. You may need to spray these plants with an insecticidal soap.
Fallow the directions for Trips.


Hello and welcome to the farm.
Your plants actually look pretty good. The burned lower leaves are from planting in Ocean Forest as a seedling.
You can take them off now without hurting the plant.
Ocean Forest is very high in nitrogen and hard for some young plants to deal with. Note how deep green these plants are. This is the high nutrient content soil doing it's job. What ever you do do not feed these plants until you see signs of low nitrogen.Yellowing lower leaves or overall plant lightening. They are eating well.

You should top dress each plant with 1/2 cup bone meal and mix it in as best you can. an inch deep.

Looking at this and other leaves All the little white spots. I suspect a bug called Trips. They are a juice sucker. I can't be sure from this picture . Look the plant over well and Google Thrips Cannabis. You may need to spray these plants with an insecticidal soap.
Fallow the directions for Trips.

Thank you! I forgot to mention that I spray them with Neem Oil usually on watering days..unless I start to see bugs on the leaves while I’m inspecting them on other days. I have noticed that the directions say I’d only need to use it once a week but again, I sometimes see bugs returning a lot sooner. Maybe I need to get a better version or something better?
IMG 2333


yes yes, something is munching on it. kill it.
apart from that it's not bad for a first timer 👍
you have problems with nutrients there- depends which plant even over or under fed (first have some deficiency for sure) and bit of watering issues (check how to introduce wet/dry cycles in pots)
so what I would do if I would be you- go to grow diaries- find yourself few and look there what successful outdoor growers are doing - there's fair bit here 😊 maybe they will come and give you some advises if you will be nice 😁


36 seedlings started in OF, not a single one burned. He’s feeding his plants in an amended soil, WHICH MEANS THE FOOD IS ALREADY IN THERE. Stop spreading bullshit
Exactly! I've started hundreds of seeds in Fox Farms Ocean Forest and that's not true, that's just bro-science.

They all look over-watered which I suspect has caused most of the problems, for starters.

Edit: as Stokes said, stop feeding nutes for now too
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Exactly! I've started hundreds of seeds in Fox Farms Ocean Forest and that's not true, that's just bro-science.

They all look over-watered which I suspect has caused most of the problems, for starters.

Edit: as Stokes said, stop feeding nutes for now too
Thanks! How much water should each plant be getting at this stage?


I am well aware what an amended soil is. And I could care less what you think there Stokes.
Just so you know.

I dont/wouldnt expect you to. But what you should care about is that you spam the boards with inaccurate information, and new growers read it, then do things like mixing it with happy frog, which leads to early deficiencies, deficiencies that new growers cant identify. Has them chasing their tails right about the time when they want to flip to flower. Catastrophic if its an auto, because theres no exact way to tell when its gonna go into flower. Theyre along for the ride. OF is already low in potassium, and you want to have them heading into the stretch and flower with half the amounts that were already low? Now phosphorus is an issue. Magnesium is already an issue before flower, and now calcium will be too. Ive seen it on here like 4 times in the last month alone.


So Tiger Lilly.
You started your seedlings in cups. Do you have a light set up?
If so what light do you have and what distance above the seedlings?
I started them in solo cups but moved them to in ground June 7. They’re not in a greenhouse, just natural sunlight. I live in Southern CA and for the last few weeks it has been in the mid to high 90s during the day and probably only going to get hotter. Humidity at my home is usually around 30-40%?


It's not how much water as much as it is how frequently you water, they need to dry out some in between watering
Touché. I was splitting a gallon of water between the 6 plants but for the last week I had upped it to 2 gallons split between the 6 plants. I live in Southern CA and lately it has been well into the 90s consistently during the day. Not in a greenhouse just in natural sunlight. I figured only watering twice a week with this heat that would be enough to dry them out between waterings. What do you think?


Touché. I was splitting a gallon of water between the 6 plants but for the last week I had upped it to 2 gallons split between the 6 plants. I live in Southern CA and lately it has been well into the 90s consistently during the day. Not in a greenhouse just in natural sunlight. I figured only watering twice a week with this heat that would be enough to dry them out between waterings. What do you think?
Whats the soil look like when you water ?

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