Help a first timer please!



Man id think you're not over watering if the first couple inches are dry but idk I'm new
Right? I’ve heard about root rot and how it’s “better” to under water than over water for that reason and with this heat it’s hard to think I’m over watering? But again, I’m new so I honestly have no idea haha


I dont/wouldnt expect you to. But what you should care about is that you spam the boards with inaccurate information, and new growers read it, then do things like mixing it with happy frog, which leads to early deficiencies, deficiencies that new growers cant identify. Has them chasing their tails right about the time when they want to flip to flower. Catastrophic if its an auto, because theres no exact way to tell when its gonna go into flower. Theyre along for the ride. OF is already low in potassium, and you want to have them heading into the stretch and flower with half the amounts that were already low? Now phosphorus is an issue. Magnesium is already an issue before flower, and now calcium will be too. Ive seen it on here like 4 times in the last month alone.
If you want to have people respect you. Just maybe you should actually help people rather than bitching about people that have some Idea what they are talking about. I remember when you found this forum and I have yet to see you anything different. So what you think, frankly I could care less.
As far as I'm concerned the forum would be far better without your participation.


If you want to have people respect you. Just maybe you should actually help people rather than bitching about people that have some Idea what they are talking about. I remember when you found this forum and I have yet to see you anything different. So what you think, frankly I could care less.
As far as I'm concerned the forum would be far better without your participation.

I dont need nor want your respect.
Being that we’re on the subject of growing knowledge, maybe you would enlighten me on just how the fuck one goes about adjusting the sun.

Been growing for 4 years, certainly dont know everything. But i do know the fundamentals, shit that 90% of new growers struggle with. I also know FFOF, while the quality has gone downhill these past couple years, the shits not hot. Has never been. If someone feeds an amended soil, and the plants react to the added nutrition, then the problem is with the bottle feeding-not the soil. When you tell people “the soil is hot”, they will take precautions. They dont know any better. You 🫵🏻 should. If you dont know what youre talking about, dont attempt to provide a remedy. I dont know everything, but i dont blow smoke up someones ass. If im not sure about something, or have a hunch, i always provide a disclaimer.

If you dont want me to call you out on your bad advice, block me dude. I have never gave any advice that i wouldnt do in my own tent.


The Cannabis Karen (I'm a Bytch)
I dont/wouldnt expect you to. But what you should care about is that you spam the boards with inaccurate information, and new growers read it, then do things like mixing it with happy frog, which leads to early deficiencies, deficiencies that new growers cant identify. Has them chasing their tails right about the time when they want to flip to flower. Catastrophic if its an auto, because theres no exact way to tell when its gonna go into flower. Theyre along for the ride. OF is already low in potassium, and you want to have them heading into the stretch and flower with half the amounts that were already low? Now phosphorus is an issue. Magnesium is already an issue before flower, and now calcium will be too. Ive seen it on here like 4 times in the last month alone.
In fairness there have been reports of Ocean Forest (in the past) as coming out a little hot, maybe Fox Farm righted the ship?


In fairness there have been reports of Ocean Forest (in the past) as coming out a little hot, maybe Fox Farm righted the ship?

Its been around a while. Possible. Certainly not recently. Been on forums exclusively for 4 years now, never saw a seedling burned from the soil alone. All issues were either overwatering or attempting to use the trio at full strength well before amended nutes were exhausted


ok well you 2 guys just leave it be,..
personally i think the only issue here is a pest and the heat,.. don’t think his watering is too off,
pest and the heat,..
@Oldchucky is going through the same thing, really anything above 85 is not ideal,.

Fair enough. In my defense i tried to leave it at that until i was quoted. G’day boys


If you want to have people respect you. Just maybe you should actually help people rather than bitching about people that have some Idea what they are talking about. I remember when you found this forum and I have yet to see you anything different. So what you think, frankly I could care less.
As far as I'm concerned the forum would be far better without your participation.

ok well you 2 guys just leave it be,..
personally i think the only issue here is a pest and the heat,.. don’t think his watering is too off,
pest and the heat,..
@Oldchucky is going through the same thing, really anything above 85 is not ideal,.
Thank you! What can I do about the heat if that’s even possible? lol it’s probably going to consistently stay mid 90s and maybe even 100ish all summer where I’m at😐is there anything I can do to make sure they survive?


Touché. I was splitting a gallon of water between the 6 plants but for the last week I had upped it to 2 gallons split between the 6 plants. I live in Southern CA and lately it has been well into the 90s consistently during the day. Not in a greenhouse just in natural sunlight. I figured only watering twice a week with this heat that would be enough to dry them out between waterings. What do you think?
I'm still following I'm not sure exactly what your issue yet tho

I think Nick nailed it re: bugs cuz I see thrips & leafhopper damage, but I'm more concerned with the look of these leaves, have you looked under the leaves WITH MAGNIFICATION?

My concern is you may have mites on some of those plants, they would cause this, whereas thrips and leafhoppers would not.

I'm going to follow along, let us know your findings after you scope the leaves
Screenshot 20240701 235905


I'm still following I'm not sure exactly what your issue yet tho

I think Nick nailed it re: bugs cuz I see thrips & leafhopper damage, but I'm more concerned with the look of these leaves, have you looked under the leaves WITH MAGNIFICATION?

My concern is you may have mites on some of those plants, they would cause this, whereas thrips and leafhoppers would not.

I'm going to follow along, let us know your findings after you scope the leaves
I’ll def look tomorrow under a microscope! Do you have any recommendations on getting rid of the pests?


Here are some close up pics of a few of my plants. It looks like there’s some type of insects on there from what I can tell, not sure exactly what kind but I’m assuming any at all are not good lol
IMG 2359
IMG 2358
IMG 2357
IMG 2356


your gonna have to search for them,. you’ll need a jewellers loupe,.
google “find spider mites marijuana” to help you understand,. than get back to us


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
It's not how much water as much as it is how frequently you water, they need to dry out some in between waterings
I agree it’s all waaaay too wet.


Really? Twice a week with 90+ degree weather? I watered last night and 2in underneath the surface was dry.
IT'S MITES, look at these leaves, that's might damage; look underneath them WITH MAGNIFICATION

mites are your biggest problem, along with over watering on the two in the pots.

AFTER YOU CONFIRM it's mites, take 70% alcohol & mix it 50/50 with water and spray those leaves top and bottom, just before sundown when there's no sun on them, cover the soil so it doesn't leak down to the roots

I've treated mine out in the garden twice so far and it killed them all, eggs too both times, took a few weeks for them re-infest
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