Help a first timer please!



New here and new to growing. I’ve been trying to research and get tips from online and from friends. Currently I have 5 Purple Haze and 1 Alien OG. Starting to germinate/solo cup them May 23 and planted them in ground June 7. The Alien OG was from a cheap local shop my bf and I found and it was the only one that sprouted out of maybe 10-15 seeds. The Purple Hazes are all from ILGM. At current state I water them on Tuesday’s with just water and PH the water to about 6.5 as best I can. On Saturdays I do the same but also add in Fox Farm Big Grower. I used FFOF for soil. I feel like PH#3 is my strongest but included pics of her for comparison. PH#1 and AOG seem to be not exactly my weakest, but just not thriving as much as the others. If you need any more info please let me know. Any help is much appreciated!
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