Hermes pollinated my grow what to do



I found a couple herm plants in my grow. I should have been watching closer with untested strain. Exotic genetics blueberry Gary 3 out of 6 feminized seeds Hermes. Problem is it has pollinated my grow and everything has seeds. So question is what do I do with it now. Grow is about 4 weeks in to flower full of seeds. Do I just cut it down? Or do I let it mature and harvest? If I harvest it do I just freeze it and turn it to fresh frozen hash and press it into live resin? Or try and salvage some of it? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Hermes pollinated my grow what to do


I don’t completely understand why everyone freaks out over seeds. Must be youngsters, because prior to the mid 70’s and sinsemilla, weed without seeds was unheard off. Seeds won’t hurt anything, slight reduction in yield, since the plant will be putting some energy into seed maturation. Doesn’t affect the THC content much. Yeah seeds are a bit of a pita to deal with (ka boom), but I wouldn’t toss a plant I’ve spent months growing because it’s seeded. Just break out a double album cover and a playing card and de-seed it
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they must be...
what an idea to cut grow in the middle of the flower
you will be smoking with cracking sound 🤣 so what?
Some of them might be a descent smoke, some of them you can turn into cake (olive cake - I do recommend 😉), you can press and so on
just leave them be to the end 🤟


let it mature and harvest, you'll get a bunch a fem seed. weed that will most prolly taste good and with still provide an enjoyable high

main downside is to carefully pregrind with hand before putting anything into the grinder to remove seeds and rare unmature seeds wich taste bad if grinded.


I found a couple herm plants in my grow. I should have been watching closer with untested strain. Exotic genetics blueberry Gary 3 out of 6 feminized seeds Hermes. Problem is it has pollinated my grow and everything has seeds. So question is what do I do with it now. Grow is about 4 weeks in to flower full of seeds. Do I just cut it down? Or do I let it mature and harvest? If I harvest it do I just freeze it and turn it to fresh frozen hash and press it into live resin? Or try and salvage some of it? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
let it finish, harvest, dry, cure, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Thats what you should do.

If the hermies were fully formed male flowers down low, dont grow these seeds again, and do not grow the seed from the bud. If they were little bare stamen (bananas) up top, well, you just made some feminized seeds in addition to some good flower.

let it mature and harvest, you'll get a bunch a fem seed. weed that will most prolly taste good and with still provide an enjoyable high

main downside is to carefully pregrind with hand before putting anything into the grinder to remove seeds and rare unmature seeds wich taste bad if grinded.

The kind of hermie matters here and so does the specific plant. Breeders not understanding that are why so many fem seeds were just genetic hermies 10-15+ years ago. And why so many today spit bananas at the slightest provocations. My stress tested non inbred Fem F1 lineages wont hermie. You could burn those suckers to a crisp and bounce the lights around, they wont do it.

Do not grow seeds produced by genetic hermies producing fully formed male flowers down low. Dont. Toss em. That is NOT the kind of hermie you want to be making fem seed with. Those plants have XXy chromosome sets (double-x/y) Not XX. Every consecutive generation grown from such seeds will produce more, and more male flowers.

If they are bare, petal-less male stamen higher up in the canopy of the plant, then youve made fem seeds.

Personally when i make fem seeds, i use plants i have stress tested to confirm will not even hermie under intense stress. Then i will hormone interrupt that plant to force it to make XX pollen. Self pollenating, or using non hormone interrupted stamen pollen pretty significantly increases your chances of stress hermies in the following generation.

Doing anything less is intentionally selecting for higher rates of stress hermie. And using genetic hermie pollen is a nearly guaranteed way to destroy the genetics of your other lineages too tbh.
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The kind of hermie matters here. Breeders not understanding that are why so many fem seeds were just genetic hermies 10-15+ years ago.

Do not grow seeds produced by genetic hermies producing fully formed male flowers down low. Dont. Toss em. That is NOT the kind of hermie you want to be making fem seed with. Those plants have XXy chromosome sets (double-x/y) Not XX. Every consecutive generation grown from such seeds will produce more, and more male flowers.

If they are bare, petal-less male stamen higher up in the canopy of the plant, then youve made fem seeds.

Personally when i make fem seeds, i use plants i have stress tested to confirm will not even hermie under intense stress. Then i will hormone interrupt that plant to force it to make XX pollen.

Doing anything less is intentionally selecting for higher rates of stress hermie. And using genetic hermie pollen is a nearly guaranteed way to destroy the genetics of your other lineages too tbh.

it depend the kind off hermie, and how sever it hermied, at wich stage, during flowering stretch, at the end of flowering etc.

if it hermied locally from lite environnemental stress botom of canopy first few week of flower on nodes, you can definetly grow thoose seeds and get enjoyable weed to smoke, it's exagerated to say that the chance for more hermie popping over one generation are that higher, chance to get 100% females won't be especially lower than the previous generation if you grow seeds in large amount you'll notice this easily
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it depend the kind off hermie, and how sever it hermied, at wich stage, during flowering stretch, at the end of flowering etc.

if it hermied locally from lite environnemental stress botom of canopy first few week of flower on nodes, you can definetly grow thoose seeds, it's exagerated to say that the chance for more hermie popping over one generation are that higher, chance to get 100% females won't be especially lower than the previous generation if you grow seeds in large amount you'll notice this easily
every single time ive grown genetic (plants without a stress trigger, ones that make *fully formed male flowers down low, that includes stem, petiole, sepal, petals, anther and stamen*... not just a cluster of stamen with a mutated petal wedged in a bunch of female flowers*.) hermie seeds from pollen produced in fully formed flowers down low on a plant, every single seed i grew did the same thing. And about 15 years ago this was a constant, rampant problem with european breeders selling in the USA.

A healthy plant will not hermie in early flower unless its genetic. There has to be a very significant stress factor involved for that to happen. And those arent fully formed male flowers either when that happens. Sometimes they will make some petals, sometimes even a stamen cluster, but they are not full formed male shoots down low onthe plant. Which is actually super uncommon now a days. But you absolutely still see them, and they are grow, and lineage destroyers.

It is absolutely 100% not as simple as *you have fem seeds now* and telling someone that at a glance over a hermie plant is just poor misleading advice imho. Especially if they had 4/6 early flower hermies with no obvious stressors involved. (and no, light leaks isnt one of those potential stressors, thats breeder "hide my shady breeding practice" misinformation 100%)

small and inconsistent light leaks dont cause hermies, thats also genetics. If your plant hermies from a small light leaks alone, it was going to hermie anyway, probably no matter what you did. Full moons, and clouds and stuff... These plants were evolving along side small light leaks since long before our species even existed.

It took me a while to have fem seeds that wont hermie, it was not easy, it took like 10 years. Its genetics, promise. even if stress caused it, the genetics allowed it.
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every single time ive grown genetic hermie seeds from pollen produced in fully formed flowers down low on a plant, every single seed i grew did the same thing. And about 15 years ago this was a constant, rampant problem with european breeders selling in the USA.

A healthy plant will not hermie in early flower unless its genetic. There has to be a very significant stress factor involved for that to happen. And those arent fully formed male flowers either when that happens. Sometimes they will make some petals, sometimes even a stamen cluster, but they are not full formed male shoots down low onthe plant. Which is actually super uncommon now a days.

It is absolutely 100% not as simple as *you have fem seeds now* and telling someone that at a glance over a hermie plant is just poor misleading advice imho. Especially if they had 4/6 early flower hermies with no obvious stressors involved. (and no, light leaks isnt one of those potential stressors, thats breeder "hide my shady breeding practice" misinformation 100%)

small and inconsistent light leaks dont cause hermies, thats also genetics. If your plant hermies from a small light leaks alone, it was going to hermie anyway, probably no matter what you did. Full moons, and clouds and stuff... These plants were evolving along side small light leaks since long before our species even existed.

It took me a while to have fem seeds that wont hermie, it was not easy, it took like 10 years. Its genetics, promise. even if stress caused it, the genetics allowed it.

i edited a little before you quoted:

"you can definetly grow thoose seeds and get enjoyable weed to smoke."

having enjoyable weed to smoke is my point mostly i don't care about a few ball or seeds if the weed still taste good enough and is potent enough. i m not advising to breed those seeds over many generations. just saying that first generation of hermie is still good enough to grow eventually and enjoy.

concerning my case i suppose little airflow and low light penetration bottom of the canopy cause a few single balls to pop on preflower nodes the first few weeks of flower, happen with a few strain not all, and never all phenotypes, from one to half a batch of seeds usually.

also some landrace strain like marrocan beldia and some other strains are known to carry the hermie trait more than some others.


I believe this to be a genetic issue. I am not going to waste my time on any of the seeds. I might sort out some of the flower but i think I will make it all into live rosin.


i edited a little before you quoted:

"you can definetly grow thoose seeds and get enjoyable weed to smoke."

having enjoyable weed to smoke is my point mostly i don't care about a few ball or seeds if the weed still taste good enough and is potent enough. i m not advising to breed those seeds over many generations. just saying that first generation of hermie is still good enough to grow eventually and enjoy.

concerning my case i suppose little airflow and low light penetration bottom of the canopy cause a few single balls to pop on preflower nodes the first few weeks of flower, happen with a few strain not all, and never all phenotypes, from one to half a batch of seeds usually.

also some landrace strain like marrocan beldia and some other strains are known to carry the hermie trait more than some others.
Thats fine, just know if you keep regrowing succesive generations of those seeds, that trait will become more prevelant over time. It does with all hermies tbh, just with some to a higher degree then others and bare stamen will become balls will become fully formed male flowers with inbreeding those genetics, thats just how that works. Some land races have a higher chance of hermie, because their initial lineage that form,ed the land race was less diverse (i.e. more inbreeding) If the plants get as far as making full male flowers down low, you need to trash that lineage. Seriously. Not doing so, across a large scale, is is currently happening, can genuinely damage the future genetic potential of the plant we love so much.

And also, if your fem seeds are doing that, full male balls already, the plants used for the cross were not stress tested phenotypes. And were likely multiple inbred generations using entirely untested female plants for hermie pollen. But that being said, sometimes the best smoking plant out of a bunch just spits some bananas sometimes too, so thats the plant you run with. But unfortunately, breeding exclusively for things like potency and bag appeal, is also currently destroying the quality of cannabis genetics as a whole as well, entirely in the name of proffit margins.

If your plants are making fully formed balls, your only a few gens away from a ruined lineage that produces full formed flowers down low, genuinely may be as low as a single inbred generation away from it, can confirm from multiple experiences over the years. I havent seen anything but bare stamen on fem seed myself in years... On my wn fem seed i havent even seen that.

If you have anything more then that, you should definitely trash that lineage, or at the very least run a hepa filter so you arent putting that pollen out into the atmosphere. Growers making careless decisions with inbreeding and running monoculture crops... Ive been watching the same mistakes get made over and over for a couple decades now, and thse mistakes were being made before i even existed, and people still dont wanna learn from them just because the easy way forward is easiest lol.

If you dont want hermies, put the necessary work into making fem seed yourself, find a truly reliable breeder, or grow regular seed and pull the males out. Really all you can do. If you have plants that hermie easily, i strongly recommend you avoid growing that seed as well. And if you do, and live in a neighborhood or near other properties, please just be respectful to other potential growers, and put a hepa filter on your exhaust 🤣 🤣 👌 And do not put those plants outside to grow. Please. that stuff can spread literally miles at a time. There's a grower on just about every neighborhood block these days in some places.

Fast and loose in the name of proffit and self satisfaction with plant genetics is very unwise. Ill stop rambling at one phrase: "I wonder what the gros michel tasted like... ill never know..."
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In my experience, so far in 2+ years, is that if you can’t get them to show pre flower, they will herm when you push flower. Every time I have a seed that turns out to be a healthy, straight taproot form seed, and at par growth rates - they preflower earlier rather than later.
All stressed pants I’ve had, “same seed momma”, whether my fault or bad germ, whatever, has always pre flowered later than the healthy ones.


Anybody else see a correlation there? More prone to herm the longer it takes to pre flower, under high stresses?


Other than genetics, right. These girls should be showing pre flower under the right stresses. If not, they delay for male, for better survival next season. The more female calyx they make, the less places for a male sex organ to grow. Eh? So delaying allows more male to produce more seed and survival increases. Or am I too high and tripping on some theory? I am talking even a high stress from seed, or mid grow environment, or a combo most likely of any of those. In a healthy female, she should pop pre flower and want to flower to reproduce. But if delayed under stress, just like pinching and lower temps, humidity drops, drought…all those should be push in stress. So in that thinking, wouldn’t it be reasonable to believe that later pre flower is more prone to herm? We all stress the shit out of these things.


7 years this is my first herm. No stress just bad genetics.

I mean it just happens sometimes. not a big deal. probably not your fault at all
we have all been there. who wasn't - just didn't grow enough 😉 7 years without a hermie is a good result anyway 😉
Isn't it funny that we are well able to accept and even demand alterations of genetic code in plants and animals but not so much when it comes to accepting the crap that comes with it in the foundation?
I was scared when I read somewhere %amounts of crooked carrots that land in waste from production just because people expect them to be straight. And the truth is that on every 100 pretty carrots there will be certain amount of mutants 🤣 and those mutants will be much more interesting than normal variations from code

so relax, some of those buds, I can bet, won't have seeds at all- enjoy them ✌️

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