White widow issues

  • Thread starter Tyrant
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Sup all got a couple white widow ladies in the tentbthis time but having some issues. First off I have these in the same tent with the same lights at the same hiegh4bas my other grows and only have an issue now. Temp in tent us about 24 c during day and 20 at lights off. Lights 18 on and 6 off my lights are those 100 wat5 blurple lights there us 2 of them both say there 1000 wats a peice but really only orobly 250 or 200. I'm using Promix hp soil in 5 gallon grow bags. I just started nutes on last feeding. I use grow micro and bloom and gave capmag as well. I only used. .5 ml per litre on last feeding but plan to up that on the nex6 feeding. I also used 1.5 ml per litre of water of calmag. They are about 6 weeks old ish I was running both lights full power but when the yellowing started I shut one light off to see if that would stop the yellowing of leafs. It did not work so I have turned it to the soft blue ligh4 to see if that helps. Zoom in on pic to se3 leafs. I have bee cutting the yellowing ones off here and there.
White widow issues
White widow issues 2


Measure from your lights to the tops of the plants. Should be at least 30 inches. could likely do with 36 with both lights running.


it looks like magnesium deficiency, now that you started feeding them it should hopefully clear it on new growth going forward.


it looks like magnesium deficiency, now that you started feeding them it should hopefully clear it on new growth going forward.
That’s exactly what it is next watering I would do cal mag with ph water of 6.5 and you’ll be fine. The other leaves won’t comeback but you have a long way to go


I don’t see mag def here, maybe potassium,

If it was mag, it would be yellowing between the leaf veins, leaf yellowing on the edges like that to me would be beginning of potassium def. The yellowing will eventually yellow it the whole leaf

But that’s just my opinion, no hate 🤣

Besides that plant looks great, minor def to fix and off to the races she’ll be! Luckily you caught it early, take a consensus of opinions before taking one to implement

Example of mag def with the yellowing between the veins of the leaves
IMG 5473

Then potassium, this is more progressed but similar, see the yellowing following the edges of the leaves down the fingers, next stage the rest of the leaf will yellow and start getting brown spots similar to cal def
IMG 5472


I don’t see mag def here, maybe potassium,

If it was mag, it would be yellowing between the leaf veins, leaf yellowing on the edges like that to me would be beginning of potassium def. The yellowing will eventually yellow it the whole leaf

But that’s just my opinion, no hate 🤣

Besides that plant looks great, minor def to fix and off to the races she’ll be! Luckily you caught it early, take a consensus of opinions before taking one to implement

Example of mag def with the yellowing between the veins of the leaves
View attachment 2195444

Then potassium, this is more progressed but similar, see the yellowing following the edges of the leaves down the fingers, next stage the rest of the leaf will yellow and start getting brown spots similar to cal def
View attachment 2195449
To me it looks like the firs5 pic


They are starting to look better sorry for the crappy red light pics. I'll grab better ones later....gunna set up the scrog next week if I can make shift one lol.
20240621 054411
20240621 054404
20240621 054359


Here is some updated pics of my white widow. Things are looking much better. I'm honestly not even sure what week I'm at. I get to high some days and forget shit haha. Coming along tho the tent is getting pretty full.
20240626 054336
20240626 054330
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