How are you topping and training?



I wasn't looking for it. It just showed up on my Roku Youtube feed. I thought it was BS. I'd be more inclined to believe large-scale growers don't top to reduce labor costs or just have more height in their growing spaces. Most of us folks who grow in tents are interested in making sure our plants don't outgrow our tents. Topping and other pruning can help do that.
Manifolded, topped and lollipopped. Guess I’m an over achiever , but looks like it’s working! 😎💪😂
IMG 4881
IMG 4880
IMG 4856
IMG 4859
IMG 4957
IMG 4968


Sorry about me throwing down a couple posts ago. Nutswinger……..that I’m done fucking with. Seriously my bad homie.
No need to apologize to me. 👍 All good. Sorry you got upset. Sorry I laughed at it... I thought it was a joke. I am famous for saying I saw something on Youtube. Figured it was aimed at me 🤣


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
No need to apologize to me. 👍 All good. Sorry you got upset. Sorry I laughed at it... I thought it was a joke. I am famous for saying I saw something on Youtube. Figured it was aimed at me 🤣
Oh best believe I’m laughing too, I went off the reservation right quick, not a normal thing, but it has been known to happen when there are ignorant disturbances in the force. 🤟I swear I’m a nice clown.

Fuck off 😄


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Thank you, I appreciate that and I may take you up on that when I get closer. I'm only at 3 nodes on one of the 4 plants. I want to get them in their final pot before I top. Going to do that Sunday, give them some time to recover then top. I think I am only going to top the two older ones so the younger ones can catch up. Let them just grow natural. See the difference. But since all 4 are different strains, it will be hard to judge.

At this point, I will be happy if I can keep them alive to harvest.... Still getting the hang of watering. Too much... too little... UG!
The farmy has your back homie 🤡


This thread got a bit wild! Lol. Made for fun morning reading with my coffee and dabber! @Captspaulding ty for pics
Manifolded, topped and lollipopped. Guess I’m an over achiever , but looks like it’s working! 😎💪😂
This is a super sexy plant doc. I will need help when it comes time to defoliate. That seems to be about as an individual technique as topping. I like your style.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
This thread got a bit wild! Lol. Made for fun morning reading with my coffee and dabber! @Captspaulding ty for pics

This is a super sexy plant doc. I will need help when it comes time to defoliate. That seems to be about as an individual technique as topping. I like your style.
Gmorning to you homie!
Clowns do have a predisposition to be “colorful” do we not? Sorry about the short fuse. My apologies all around, it’s was a play stupid games win stupid prizes type sitcheeaaaaayeshun, anyways, to a new day and staying off the low road 👊🏻😂🤡


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
This is what the plants in the pics I posted last night turned into, some heat I was contending with. Texas is rough in the summer. But the run a cali dream was fucking nice. Potassium pigs too……
Giant colas.
IMG 4226
IMG 4225
IMG 4219
IMG 4220
IMG 4197
IMG 4231
IMG 4230
IMG 4242
IMG 4277
IMG 4281
IMG 4280
IMG 4315
IMG 4325
IMG 4335
IMG 4369
IMG 4368
IMG 4379
IMG 4377


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Oh best believe I’m laughing too, I went off the reservation right quick, not a normal thing, but it has been known to happen when there are ignorant disturbances in the force. 🤟I swear I’m a nice clown.

Fuck off 😄
we all love our kids but you best believe we tell them to shut the fuck up when they say something really stupid (or throw a flip flop at them!)😂 ♥️✌️
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