How are you topping and training?



I usually mainline
Also if I top normally it will be at third and then going on sides and I might top them too
So I am here with Captspaulding- I bend, I cut and I am not scared of extremes.
Realities of growing in small spaces are what they are 😅 except autos- them I leave as nature (I mean laboratory) intended ✌️
Now this grow I am experimenting and FIMing and I already regret that I didn't start to tie them down earlier

I think AZreefer was asking here somewhere (before all that name calling 🤣) if all the plants have to be done the same way. No- they don't -but doing plants the same way guarantee you more even floor.
I do find plants done in different ways more interesting and you will learn much faster doing different things on each and finding your own way of growing
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I usually mainline
Also if I top normally it will be at third and then going on sides and I might top them too
So I am here with Captspaulding- I bend, I cut and I am not scared of extremes.
Realities of growing in small spaces are what they are 😅 except autos- them I leave as nature (I mean laboratory) intended ✌️
Now this grow I am experimenting and FIMing and I already regret that I didn't start to tie them down earlier

I think AZreefer was asking here somewhere (before all that name calling 🤣) if all the plants have to be done the same way. No- they don't -but doing plants the same way guarantee you more even floor.
I do find plants done in different ways more interesting and you will learn much faster doing different things on each and finding your own way of growing
I dig that,
Are you talking about me being an asshole?
Hey now! oh hey……..a squirrel. 🐿️
Yeah I really like to use every method in my tool box. Certain strains dont settle into a pin right away and may require a bit more chiropractic care, so I don’t discriminate. Def try to share the good word…..


I think AZreefer was asking here somewhere (before all that name calling 🤣) if all the plants have to be done the same way. No- they don't -but doing plants the same way guarantee you more even floor.
I do find plants done in different ways more interesting and you will learn much faster doing different things on each and finding your own way of growing
Ty sir! I was just going to rehash the same question if it got swept aside. So much good stuff coming in.

I am very excited and if i dont fuck up any of my babies first i have a handful ti try different shit on. This grow for me was more about excitment and not so much well planned as far as what ive used. Lol. So i might as well try more than 1 topping method. Also i doubt i have room to mainline 7 plants in a 5x5. I dunno. So maybe a few get mainlined and maybe a few get topped and mayve some fim? Id like to maybe not top 1 just to see.


Ty sir! I was just going to rehash the same question if it got swept aside. So much good stuff coming in.

I am very excited and if i dont fuck up any of my babies first i have a handful ti try different shit on. This grow for me was more about excitment and not so much well planned as far as what ive used. Lol. So i might as well try more than 1 topping method. Also i doubt i have room to mainline 7 plants in a 5x5. I dunno. So maybe a few get mainlined and maybe a few get topped and mayve some fim? Id like to maybe not top 1 just to see.

Well. 7 plants in 5x5 sounds ok. 6 would be better if you want to give them 5gal.
Top low on one, high on the other, try FIM on next two on different levels, just LST the 5th one, supercropping on 6th (can be done few ways on plant in two months) and leave most sluggish, crappy one untouched so you can decide later 🤣
I have similar tent in progress. Yes- it is a mess ✌️ but very pleasant to observe 😍


@Newty Good strategy. I have a strain this year that ended up having a really open branch structure. I'm in the habit of culling interior lower growth early on but this one I could have left alone. If I get any regrowth at those nodes I'm keeping it instead of pinching it.

Back in the beginning when I was doing closet grows, before the days of tents, my vertical space was very limited to like about 3 feet. My lateral space was even tighter so training really wasn't an option for me. Something like a 2'x3'x3' total. To maximize limited space I would FIM once the plants were about 6"-8" tall and I had 4 fully developed nodes and a cluster of 3-4 new shoots starting ar the top. That cluster is what would FIM. This had a few advantages. It slowed the upper growth down a bit and allowed the lower growth to develop more. It gave better light penetration to the lower canopy. I never had to lollipop. All the colas would finish at about the same height. With a good cut I could get 8-10 colas the size of my forearm from each plant. One time I cut wrong and discovered the technique I use now for my outdoor plants. I get the same response from the plants but still keep the main cola.

The pic below illustrates the early response and how it opens up light below .
20240627 064635

This pic shows how a plant begins to fill out and up more evenly.
20240627 064656

This one shows how they grow during flowering.

20230903 174513


@Newty Good strategy. I have a strain this year that ended up having a really open branch structure. I'm in the habit of culling interior lower growth early on but this one I could have left alone. If I get any regrowth at those nodes I'm keeping it instead of pinching it.

Back in the beginning when I was doing closet grows, before the days of tents, my vertical space was very limited to like about 3 feet. My lateral space was even tighter so training really wasn't an option for me. Something like a 2'x3'x3' total. To maximize limited space I would FIM once the plants were about 6"-8" tall and I had 4 fully developed nodes and a cluster of 3-4 new shoots starting ar the top. That cluster is what would FIM. This had a few advantages. It slowed the upper growth down a bit and allowed the lower growth to develop more. It gave better light penetration to the lower canopy. I never had to lollipop. All the colas would finish at about the same height. With a good cut I could get 8-10 colas the size of my forearm from each plant. One time I cut wrong and discovered the technique I use now for my outdoor plants. I get the same response from the plants but still keep the main cola.

The pic below illustrates the early response and how it opens up light below .
View attachment 2204512

This pic shows how a plant begins to fill out and up more evenly.
View attachment 2204513

This one shows how they grow during flowering.

View attachment 2204514
I absolutly love living in a desert. I have a problem and get cold under 60. I shine in 100 and over. But i really wish i could try an outdoor grow. Those bushes look so good!


The Cannabis Karen (I'm a Bytch)
I think it's very individual, for both the grower and the plant. I would say that I have a minimalist approach. That's my growing style. I focus on air flow and light penetration. I also try to keep my plants from growing too tall or too wide for their tent. I also like nice-looking plants for my own satisfaction.

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