How to manage a photo height problem?



Hi all. I got a couple of happy healthy photos that are about 3ft tall. I ran these as an experiment before I decided to do autoflowers in my greenhouse. I’m really worried about height. My greenhouse is only about 6’ tall and if I let them grow they’re gonna stretch into the ceiling. I need a plan to maintain their height. What would you do? I can run a net above them and train them where they are but I’m a bit space limited on my floor and not sure if I can make that work and have never done it. I can top them and turn them into bushes this height but am doubtful that’ll work well or make for a happy plant, on the wall I might be able to trellis one but that’ll block sun on a key wall or worst case I try to find a friend that can start flowering now in their tent. Not an option to move it to the yard until fall. Best ideas?


You can tie them down/bend them over. But unless you’re going to flip them soon, it may not help. Alternately there’s low stress training, and if that’s not working, high stress training, where you literally crunch the stem and lay the branches over.


As your photos begin to grow. Remove the big top leaves shading lower nodes. This exposes the nodes bellow to light and they grow stalks creating a shorter very bushy plant. Keep the big leaves trimmed off every other day or so as they will keep growing back. That's all there is to it.
In a couple of weeks you will have a very bushy plant that won't grow 6' tall on you.
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