I Want To See A Grow Before I Help Anyone

  • Thread starter Shamus
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Forums suck now. Mediocre growers giving too much advice. Knowledgable growers don't want to waste time because too many new people keep popping up and creating a new thread for every question they have, despite there already being a dozen threads on the topic. And what's with smokers who don't even grow spending all day posting threads on bullshit? This is a cultivation forum not a smokers forum.


Forums suck now. Mediocre growers giving too much advice. Knowledgable growers don't want to waste time because too many new people keep popping up and creating a new thread for every question they have, despite there already being a dozen threads on the topic. And what's with smokers who don't even grow spending all day posting threads on bullshit? This is a cultivation forum not a smokers forum.
No shit I've noticed that a lot lately...


Just because i do exactly just that, THINK 4 MYSELF is why i would try it out. Maybe u should follow your own advice and not say sumthinz crap jus cuz U heard from a bunch of unkwownz as opposed 2 doin yer own research. Trial N fuckin error. Thats what it all about.

honestly the only people I know who say terpinator works are the "unknowns" - that shit was made to try and put some shine back on buds that unscrupulous growers use paclo on (this is what the distributor told me) - some big time growers I know ended up with samples and tired that shit and noticed NO difference whatsoever

and as far as doing research... how can you quantify what works if you dont even have your grow dialed in? you need to put in the time - get shit dialed without any fancy additives before you can say what works

and midwest was fucking around - you need to grow some thicker fucking skin


Premium Member
Absolutely, i meant no dissrespect but the dense one second line of advice is 2 get off the farm? im gonna save my words cuz i dont wanna start any shit. Thats not what im here 4. But yer absolutely right. Thing is i read the good reviews here on the farm. Sooooo.... u know what, lets leave it @ that bro. Im sure we've ALL got waaaay more important thingz 2 do. I 4, 1 have 2 sites 2 tend 2. PEACE !!!!
@Mr.X welcome to the Farm. Take it slow and listen more than you talk and you will find a
Lol buy lots and lots of terpinator!:)

LOL @GrowGod Give the guy some slack :D
Like I said a month ago concerning another post about Terpinator, the only terpinator I ever use is "living soil" and quality genetics. :rolleyes: You cant buy that in a plastic bottle. Never had a fragrance issue either. However to clarify it also depends on what genetics and phenos you end up with. Not all strains reek. ........Peace


Premium Member
Just because you buy a ferrari doesnt mean you can drive it,same with plants.You could give away all your ''secrets''and most people would still fubar it.I think failure,time invested,and the desire to keep going after that make the difference.Alot of people give up way before they learn anything,look at all the equipment for sale on craigslist.About 80% of the stuff you learn you learn by doing(experience)so if someone thinks they can just come on a website and ask a few questions and learn to grow or solve their garden issues they are in for a big letdown,lol.
@fishwhistle You hit that right on....... " thru the doing, comes the understanding." Having a bit of passion goes a long way too.


I make my own terpinater now. Super easy recipe. If you want catpiss terps sb or dodshit terps. One half miracle grow all purpose one half cat piss or dogshit. Mix in a 5 gal bucket and wave a magic wond over the top 10clockwise en 20 counterclockwise. Wala.boom mm super terps. Makes super tane soup!


Dont forget where you came from or how you got to where you think your at lol.i guess some folks would still be scratchin their heads wondering wtf to do if guys like @waayne or jackmayoffer had this type attitude every time someone asked a question ;) sure it woukd be nice if new growers spent some time reading around the site before they posted the same damn questions over n over,but you dont have to answer newbs if its too much trouble,just dont read those threads guys lmao.i was growing for almost 2 decades outdoors before my state went medical and i had alot of questions about indoor lighting.im just glad i had patient people to talk to and help answer my questions . Im sure theres some dumbass questions posted by some of the posters in this thread ifn ya start digging around the achieves.i just hate it when people act like everythings a big fuckin secret.this plant is supposed to be about sharing and caring,not whos got the most braggin rights folks.these type threads been keepin me away from here lately.i mean come on man theres like 3 things that make a decent grow,watering,lighting,and temps lol.lets not put ourselves on a pedestal over a few decent harvests.
remember where you came from.peace


Original Swamp Fam
Dont forget where you came from or how you got to where you think your at lol.i guess some folks would still be scratchin their heads wondering wtf to do if guys like @waayne or jackmayoffer had this type attitude every time someone asked a question ;) sure it woukd be nice if new growers spent some time reading around the site before they posted the same damn questions over n over,but you dont have to answer newbs if its too much trouble,just dont read those threads guys lmao.i was growing for almost 2 decades outdoors before my state went medical and i had alot of questions about indoor lighting.im just glad i had patient people to talk to and help answer my questions . Im sure theres some dumbass questions posted by some of the posters in this thread ifn ya start digging around the achieves.i just hate it when people act like everythings a big fuckin secret.this plant is supposed to be about sharing and caring,not whos got the most braggin rights folks.these type threads been keepin me away from here lately.i mean come on man theres like 3 things that make a decent grow,watering,lighting,and temps lol.lets not put ourselves on a pedestal over a few decent harvests.
remember where you came from.peace
I like ya even more now brother . much respect. while I gotcha here.. whats a medium I dont have to worry about watering. Im lazy but want lots of weed to sell. thanks for the help


Premium Member
Dont forget where you came from or how you got to where you think your at lol.i guess some folks would still be scratchin their heads wondering wtf to do if guys like @waayne or jackmayoffer had this type attitude every time someone asked a question ;) sure it woukd be nice if new growers spent some time reading around the site before they posted the same damn questions over n over,but you dont have to answer newbs if its too much trouble,just dont read those threads guys lmao.i was growing for almost 2 decades outdoors before my state went medical and i had alot of questions about indoor lighting.im just glad i had patient people to talk to and help answer my questions . Im sure theres some dumbass questions posted by some of the posters in this thread ifn ya start digging around the achieves.i just hate it when people act like everythings a big fuckin secret.this plant is supposed to be about sharing and caring,not whos got the most braggin rights folks.these type threads been keepin me away from here lately.i mean come on man theres like 3 things that make a decent grow,watering,lighting,and temps lol.lets not put ourselves on a pedestal over a few decent harvests.
remember where you came from.peace
@sixstring I agree with your view. To me over the 35 years since I popped my 1st seed there have been a lot of peeps that took me under their wing and showed me whats up. Cannabis to me is a pay it forward type deal. Journeyman are obligated in some ways to pass the knowledge on to the apprentices. Then if they have passion and dedication they will become a master at it also. I am of the mind tho and it's true some peeps are just too dang lazy to do the footwork and not doing any of the research. I think that does tend to get old especially when you know a simple search would have answered the question sooner.

The other angle is what was mentioned at the start of this thread and that was the point of big mercial ops coming in and gleaning knowledge from those that have paid their dues and blood, sweat, tears and at times jail. So I can see the point of some folks being a little stand offish at first. Much love and good vibes to all.



There are so many threads that have several paragraphs from me and an open invite to PM me for any more questions.. I've helped a lot of newer growers on here..

Help your fellow brothers out..

I'll I'm saying is be weary of the snakes in the grass and don't be so quick to help someone just because they need it.. Look into them.. Ask for pics..

You could be helping someone who is lobbying for you to be in jail an not able to grow for yourself.

This was not a fuck newbs post.. So don't make it like that..

Just be careful of who you help is all.. This isn't 2002 and not everyone here has the best intentions for the community


Fuck this whole "gimme gimme" mentality these lazy assholes are perpetuating... I don't begrudge any of the guys movin to greener pastures, but if you're a 30 yo dude cashcropping just bc its legal now in your state, and work for some moneyman and can't even do your own legwork, then i ain't helpin ya for shit... You had plenty of time to cut your teeth with the rest of us while we were doin it for the love of growing... @cannapits wassup man! Finally moved it on over here... dropped ya a pm on the other site, but I know you don't frequent it... I doubt I got it, and I'm rackin my brain tryin to figure out what it is lol


All I'm trying to say is


I'm not talking about people like Texas kid and others who put in the work to be where they are..

I'm talking about Richard Branson.. I'm talking about the rich getting richer.. The day of reckoning is upon us.. And do you want to be the sorry sap cupping the balls while big money gets it all over your face..

Do you think after you've been thrown in jail, lost your wife, your garden your kids because what you've been waiting for for decades (med, decrim etc) came and went.. Do you think that money hungry botanist with a 4 year degree whose never touched a pot plant IN his life is gonna give u money when your on the street?


I'll bite the mother fuckers nuts off and send him cuts full oF BM.. I will get all George clooney up in this mother fucker and oceans twelve my ass into that mother fucker and plant BM, dudding and whatever the fuck else I can.

This is the time when we have to take advantage of the fact we have networks.. I'm not saying let's all be in a giant hippy circle and give everything to each other, this is the opposite of fuck newbs..

Over grow the mother fucking world


Original Swamp Fam
@cannapits wassup man! Finally moved it on over here... dropped ya a pm on the other site, but I know you don't frequent it... I doubt I got it, and I'm rackin my brain tryin to figure out what it is lol

yeah bro sorry I dont go there much. IG is best way to reach me fast. or here. lets talk more...

making it so you have to show pics isnt the answer. like shamus said do the leg work but ive only come across a couple big grows asking questions. Ive helped lots of newbs when I can. I have a smaller circle and will help those bigger guys if they are in my circle.. Ive lost everything ive owned, relationship of 7 yrs , my rescue animals , 2o yrs worth of collecting genetics and my freedom for helping a snake. I learned not all sick people are good people. live and learn


Note to self,dont take cuts from shamus lol your funny man ill get all bm up on yo ass :)
i read the thread I feel the vib.alot of the people posting neg shit prolly had a helping hand at some point along the way.that was my message.i dont think a 4 year botany grad will be hangin in the help me threads guys.forgot to mention @Billyboat in my first post.dude has mad patients for dumbass questions and always answers to the best of his ability while remaining humble,love ya billy and one of the only reasons i logged on today,but then this thread kept poppin up so im like wtf is all the damn fuss.i guess im not worried about big money having an impact on my grow so ill keep answering the silly newb questions hahaha


Original Swamp Fam
Note to self,dont take cuts from shamus lol your funny man ill get all bm up on yo ass :)
i read the thread I feel the vib.alot of the people posting neg shit prolly had a helping hand at some point along the way.that was my message.i dont think a 4 year botany grad will be hangin in the help me threads guys.forgot to mention @Billyboat in my first post.dude has mad patients for dumbass questions and always answers to the best of his ability while remaining humble,love ya billy and one of the only reasons i logged on today,but then this thread kept poppin up so im like wtf is all the damn fuss.i guess im not worried about big money having an impact on my grow so ill keep answering the silly newb questions hahaha

thats the truth. @Billyboat is a great dude. Im pretty sure I called him a dick once and was supper polite about it. Ive got mad respect for the man

as well as you my friend. best wishes
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