Indoor grown weed is not green.

  • Thread starter PauliBhoy
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Think for yourself,
Turn off the fucking box and go the fuck outside and enjoy life.
You’ll piss away your life listening to the idiots
That think they no everything about so called science.
Fucking planets going to do what it wants with us. You have no choice in the outcome.

here’s a thought?
When mount saint helens blew the fuck up how big was that carbon footprint?
I rest my case:)


Real talk.
climate doom is a real money maker.

It's a product created by greedy slime balls.

It's been in the public sector for quite sometime.

Al gore and many others made a killing with weather derivatives...and still do.

Humans have been manipulating the weather since the wheel was invented.

Here's an old source from 2016

It's openly talked about.

We can easily make it rain and clear clouds.
3 balls

3 balls

Think for yourself,
Turn off the fucking box and go the fuck outside and enjoy life.
You’ll piss away your life listening to the idiots
That think they no everything about so called science.
Fucking planets going to do what it wants with us. You have no choice in the outcome.

here’s a thought?
When mount saint helens blew the fuck up how big was that carbon footprint?
I rest my case:)
My buddy had mentioned that before about St. Helens so I googled finally and found this:

There is no question that very large volcanic eruptions can inject significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens vented approximately 10 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in only 9 hours.

However, it currently takes humanity only 2.5 hours to put out the same amount. While large explosive eruptions like this are rare and only occur globally every 10 years or so, humanity’s emissions are ceaseless and increasing every year.

They could very well be steering the narrative in favor of their opinion as both sides of every topic do. So much for the Information Super Highway, everybody presents their "facts" with smoke and mirrors. We need a fact check for a fact check for a fact check. I'm sure humans aren't helping anything but I was reading a compelling argument about the sun having a natural cycle that has been documented for centuries to raise and lower earths temperatures and there's not a damn thing we can do about it, but for all I know that was horseshit too. I cant wait for the aliens to show up and explain all this shit that we think we already know.


My buddy had mentioned that before about St. Helens so I googled finally and found this:

There is no question that very large volcanic eruptions can inject significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens vented approximately 10 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in only 9 hours.

However, it currently takes humanity only 2.5 hours to put out the same amount. While large explosive eruptions like this are rare and only occur globally every 10 years or so, humanity’s emissions are ceaseless and increasing every year.

They could very well be steering the narrative in favor of their opinion as both sides of every topic do. So much for the Information Super Highway, everybody presents their "facts" with smoke and mirrors. We need a fact check for a fact check for a fact check. I'm sure humans aren't helping anything but I was reading a compelling argument about the sun having a natural cycle that has been documented for centuries to raise and lower earths temperatures and there's not a damn thing we can do about it, but for all I know that was horseshit too. I cant wait for the aliens to show up and explain all this shit that we think we already know.
How many ton of c02 is absorb by our oceans, plants and trees annually? How's that compared to say 200 years ago? Can we go into detail on how much carbon is absorbed by our oceans, then according to winds and waves. I want to study more than just one piece of the carbon cycle.

I actually enjoy criticizing liberal cures. Recently I've been finding myself hating both parties equally, which is another story. Anyways, I've heard they are legit making rocks by pulling carbon out of the air. They are trying to ionize the atmosphere to block out the sun from heating us. I've seen people trust the CCPs government data lol. Like yall think China will ever shut anything down. This agreement today between the US and china is planned. It's not to fix anything, it's to keep you enslaved.

Anyways, if there's a world problem, politicians and business leaders benefit more by using it to their advantage.

I'm not saying we will or won't burn, I'm just saying I won't comply with anymore mandates. Que Braveheart scene... Freedommmmm


This is a great thread, very educational,,
I was lucky enough to get a degree back in the 1970's that covered this stuff, sort of,
Then I worked in the design of generating equipment , and other electrical equipment associated with the grid,
So, I have a little better understanding than most.
It is amazing how easily politicians can "narrow focus" a topic to prove their point.
IMHO, right now, electric companies have an excess of electricity, so, the electric companies should be thankful for the recent legalization of growing in VA,,
With that legalization, the electric companies gain a great new place to sell the excess electricity.
Maybe the stigma of growing will ease, about the time we need more generating capacity, and more people can then grow outside.

I grew some outdoors this year,, but, I had the capability to move the grow indoors.
If we got bad weather for a few days, and the plants were being grown under indoor lighting, the plants would begin to struggle.
Outdoor growing is so much easier,,
I can not wait for next year to come, so I can start another outdoor grow.


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I myself am sad to see this surface on this media platform. I came here as it WAS one of the places that was peaceful and did not involve politics. I will rethink my time spent here. If I wanted to hear all of this bullshit, I’d just watch more mainstream news. So, cut the crap out and let’s all go back to what we came here for..growing of the green!
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As a scientist, listening to people talk about "so-called science" — a label they create for information they don't want to hear — is chickenshit. Climate change was politicized by the people who have run the world for the last century or more — the fossil fuels industries. The laws of chemistry and physics don't care about your political beliefs, or whether you were duped by coal, oil and gas.

Another thing that's chickenshit is whining about the carbon footprint of weed, when we have a large carbon footprint BECAUSE WE'RE FORCED TO HAVE A LARGE FOOTPRINT. That changes when our sources of power change and when we can use the sun as we see fit, instead of hiding in fucking closets — even in the so-called "legal" states.

Fuck anyone whining about the carbon footprint of weed.


I myself am sad to see this surface on this media platform. I came here as it WAS one of the places that was peaceful and did not involve politics. I will rethink my time spent here. If I wanted to hear all of this bullshit, I’d just watch more mainstream news. So, cut the crap out and let’s all go back to what we came here for..growing of the green!

I don't see why we can't talk about related subjects. Honestly there are alot of amazing people here and I'd like to hear their views on various topics. I enjoy watching people debate, and of course the personal stuff will intertwine, yet on here it rarely does. So sure, if this gets off track, it's not useful. But atm, the information in this thread can benefit many in the future, Regardless how they stand. I want to understand all sides of all subjects related to me and weed here.

Without being rude, there is always the unwatch option. I actually enjoy this shit lol.. Don't stop it cause you don't like it.

I really wish they would add a subsection for non weed shit lol.


I myself am sad to see this surface on this media platform. I came here as it WAS one of the places that was peaceful and did not involve politics. I will rethink my time spent here. If I wanted to hear all of this bullshit, I’d just watch more mainstream news. So, cut the crap out and let’s all go back to what we came here for..growing of the green!
You can unfollow the thread and walla won’t see it anymore.🙃


Stay out of the activists corner forum if you do not like it.
This is the only forum on the farm that political speech is allowed on The Farm.
And you have to play nice so you don’t hurt anyone’s “feelings”:)
I had no idea I was in the “activist corner”...thanks for enlightening me about this. I found this under what’s new. I see that calling for peace is just not savvy...


Of course indoor isn't "green" duh... In the future, I think indoor weed will fade away. How many people grow tobaco in tents?
If and when the world fully legalizes and makes import and exports fully legal with free trade, most consumers will buy AAAA Thai and Jamacian for $5oz rather than spend $200oz for indoor that isn't any better.


Of course indoor isn't "green" duh... In the future, I think indoor weed will fade away. How many people grow tobaco in tents?
If and when the world fully legalizes and makes import and exports fully legal with free trade, most consumers will buy AAAA Thai and Jamacian for $5oz rather than spend $200oz for indoor that isn't any better.
Anything that helps me out of S.A.D like my green space does can't be bad for the planet...without it though the winter it could be a lot more violent and destructive around my home and community....I don't do winter well, my nice warm, green, bright grow rooms lift my spirits & helps me get through another cold,damp,grey & gloomy miserable cold season.


Of course indoor isn't "green" duh... In the future, I think indoor weed will fade away. How many people grow tobaco in tents?
If and when the world fully legalizes and makes import and exports fully legal with free trade, most consumers will buy AAAA Thai and Jamacian for $5oz rather than spend $200oz for indoor that isn't any better.
Confirmation bias says my weed will always be better
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