Is Fox Farms Ocean Forest just ass, or am I screwing this up?

  • Thread starter CannaDana
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Exactly three weeks ago, I transplanted 18 plants into 5 gal. fabric bags filled with pure Fox Farms Ocean Forest. In the past, I had amended that soil. This time, I did not.

Well, three weeks into it and all the plants are turning lime green and drooping like mad, starting with new growth and moving throughout the whole plant. I have not added any nutrients.

I'm not over- or under-watering. I have good drainage. The pH of my water is between 6.3-6.6 for every watering. I water until I get a tiny bit of runoff, then wait until it is dry two kuckles down into the soil before watering again. I use tap water, which has iron and other micro-nutrients in it. The air temps vary between 71-81 degrees F. The plants are in full veg, and are getting 18 hours of 500-750 ppfd of full spectrum light, depending on their position.

And the plants all started acting like they were over-watered, even though I know they were not. They began to droop and become lime green from the top, down. Here is a photo of the worst of the plants, at the worst time.


Two days ago I decided to feed them a 1/2 dosing of FF Big Grow (6-4-4) when I watered. Today the plants have perked up to look normal, but they are still lime green. I think they might be greening up, or it could be my imagination. Here's what they look like today.

Is fox farms ocean forest just ass or am i screwing this up 2

No longer droopy. Nice and perky again. But (so far) still light color. I don't know how long it should take them to green up.

I thought FF Ocean Forest was supposed to be chock full of macro and micro nutrients. Is it not? Or am I doing something wrong? For the life of me, I cannot figure out what I might be doing wrong, here. I check over and over again, and everything seems right. The only thing I haven't been doing is feeding them nutrients, on the assumption that the Ocean Forest would get them by at least through veg. Seems like the organic nutes should definitely last more than three weeks.

Your sage advice?
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Gave up on ocean forest soil years ago, mainly because of the knats that come with the soil. I used it for years though.
Typically 2-3 weeks of nutrients is all you will get out of it before having to add a nutrient line to your feeding schedule.
Any store bought soil you by typically will only last 2-3 weeks if you do not amend it.
Hope that helps:)


Gave up on ocean forest soil years ago, mainly because of the knats that come with the soil. I used it for years though.
Typically 2-3 weeks of nutrients is all you will get out of it before having to add a nutrient line to your feeding schedule.
Any store bought soil you by typically will only last 2-3 weeks if you do not amend it.
Hope that helps:)
That does help, thanks. I keep hearing that FF Ocean Forest will get you through veg. That sure didn't happen for me.

What soil do you recommend, if any? I'm for sure not using this again without amending it to start. I've never had a gnat problem with Ocean Forest, thankfully.

When I do feed, I do it fairly lightly. Never had a lockout. But with this, I'm thinking I should hit them with a good full dose of a good veg fertilizer, because I feel like if it's this empty of nutes, one big feeding to get a reserve in the soil isn't going to lock anything out. Stupid idea?

Any idea how long it should take them to green up after a good feeding?


That does help, thanks. I keep hearing that FF Ocean Forest will get you through veg. That sure didn't happen for me.

What soil do you recommend, if any? I'm for sure not using this again without amending it to start. I've never had a gnat problem with Ocean Forest, thankfully.

When I do feed, I do it fairly lightly. Never had a lockout. But with this, I'm thinking I should hit them with a good full dose of a good veg fertilizer, because I feel like if it's this empty of nutes, one big feeding to get a reserve in the soil isn't going to lock anything out. Stupid idea?

Any idea how long it should take them to green up after a good feeding?
Happy frog is my go to for several years now it does the job.
Yes stupid idea, put them on a solid nutrient feeding schedule if you do not want any problems in the future.
The soil will not hold a reserve it has been completely depleted now all you can do is feed them when they need it.


I’m using FFOF, now I’m getting concerned. Seem to be doing well so far.
What do guys think of roots organic’Lush’
Got a bag of that it doesn’t look as rich, my wife said it was full of Pete moss type material and difficult to get wet. Water just sat on top for a while them got absorbed
We stayed with lush
About 2 1/2 weeks
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I had no issues my first run with FFOF, last a few weeks-month then you have to amend it or start feeding with waterings.

I’d say roots organics is a good brand

soil is a buffer and takes a bit longer for plants to respond, can not recalls numbers but I’ll just say a few day

you could also add recharge.

That must be where my Damn gnats came from, I got 2 plants in FFOF currently, rest in coco, liking it much more than soil.


Your best best is find a nutrient line you like and just use promix as your median. Look at athena...flora flex...Jacks. They are some of the better synthetic nutrients on the market imo. If your looking for organic...I have run geoflora which is a granular you add to the top of your median every 2 weeks. Seems to work good and all you have to do is add ph'd water. Very simple.


Gave up on ocean forest soil years ago, mainly because of the knats that come with the soil. I used it for years though.
Typically 2-3 weeks of nutrients is all you will get out of it before having to add a nutrient line to your feeding schedule.
Any store bought soil you by typically will only last 2-3 weeks if you do not amend it.
Hope that helps:

I'll never forget going to the local Hydro Store years and years and years ago and see the bales sitting outside not even on a pallet dude and that he had them haphazardly covered with an old blue tarp. I go in the store and the owner walks in, ironically enough I say Pete I'm not paying $55 for a bale of that foxfarm shitt you've got over there knowing full well that it's going to come chock-a-block a pest I don't want based solely on the way you have it stored right now in the middle of August not to mention what it came here from California with and the only reason I'm mentioning this is because I've made the mistake just like diesel said of spinning myself out sideways trying to find a batch that was actually decent and you know that motivated me to do?get a masters composting certification from the local University so I start making my own and I haven't looked back since where the biggest threat to places like foxfarm self-sufficient Farmers that don't need their s***


That does help, thanks. I keep hearing that FF Ocean Forest will get you through veg. That sure didn't happen for me.

What soil do you recommend, if any? I'm for sure not using this again without amending it to start. I've never had a gnat problem with Ocean Forest, thankfully.

When I do feed, I do it fairly lightly. Never had a lockout. But with this, I'm thinking I should hit them with a good full dose of a good veg fertilizer, because I feel like if it's this empty of nutes, one big feeding to get a reserve in the soil isn't going to lock anything out. Stupid idea?

Any idea how long it should take them to green up after a good feeding?
That does help, thanks. I keep hearing that FF Ocean Forest will get you through veg. That sure didn't happen for me.

What soil do you recommend, if any? I'm for sure not using this again without amending it to start. I've never had a gnat problem with Ocean Forest, thankfully.

When I do feed, I do it fairly lightly. Never had a lockout. But with this, I'm thinking I should hit them with a good full dose of a good veg fertilizer, because I feel like if it's this empty of nutes, one big feeding to get a reserve in the soil isn't going to lock anything out. Stupid idea?

Any idea how long it should take them to green up after a good feeding?
Roots makes a super soil called lush that has a lot of the ingredients I use in mine. Not sure how much of each ingredient goes into it but it sounds legit. I’ve liked everything I’ve ever used from them. You can buy their master pack which would probably suit you perfectly ranging from $70-$100. It’s probably too late but I wouldn’t recommend trying to “catch up” on nutrients. If there aren’t enough sugars in your roots, the nutrient solution won’t uptake via osmosis. In extreme cases it can pull water out of your plants. Remember light is the plant food and nutrients are like vitamins. is most comprehensive all around and goes into detail on this topic. If you’re using organic nutes it won’t hurt to use full strength but otherwise, start at 1/4-1/2 strength depending on a few variables. They’ll get back to normal within a few fertigations. good luck!


Gave up on ocean forest soil years ago, mainly because of the knats that come with the soil. I used it for years though.
Typically 2-3 weeks of nutrients is all you will get out of it before having to add a nutrient line to your feeding schedule.
Any store bought soil you by typically will only last 2-3 weeks if you do not amend it.
Hope that helps:)
Got a "BAD" issues with gants this go-a-rouned - it is terrible !!! 1st time ever with FF's soil What do you use now ?? any suggections - considering Pro Mix - but tit's real expensive


I use FFOF with Coast of Maine Stonington 50/50 .
When plants are small it holds water and can be an issue if not aware .
When plants get larger and draw more it is a convenience IMO.
There is a feeding schedule for FF nutrients .I would suppose they want you to grow in their soil, so I fertilize on the regular .
Here is their feeding schedule ;

Now I don't use everything listed but I do use the top 3 , Boomerang and wholly mackerel per schedule.
I use the last 3 during flower[ not rize up] .
I don't use their flush [you can flush however you choose IMO] .
Hope this helps with what you got going on now .


I use FFOF with Coast of Maine Stonington 50/50 .
When plants are small it holds water and can be an issue if not aware .
When plants get larger and draw more it is a convenience IMO.
There is a feeding schedule for FF nutrients .I would suppose they want you to grow in their soil, so I fertilize on the regular .
Here is their feeding schedule ;
View attachment 1216770
Now I don't use everything listed but I do use the top 3 , Boomerang and wholly mackerel per schedule.
I use the last 3 during flower[ not rize up] .
I don't use their flush [you can flush however you choose IMO] .
Hope this helps with what you got going on now .
What is the purpose or benefit of all those nutrient products? I use the first three. What are the others, and why would you need to use more than the first three? What are the benefits and drawbacks?
Pushrod Monkey

Pushrod Monkey

“I'm not over- or under-watering. I have good drainage. The pH of my water is between 6.3-6.6 for every watering. I water until I get a tiny bit of runoff, then wait until it is dry two kuckles down into the soil before watering again.”

You are describing poor watering habits. I’ll guarantee it with OF. Learn to water by weight and not “2 knuckles deep.”


I am sure they have some great reasons for all of them .
I think more is just salemanship ..
Like I said I do not use all .
Just the big 3 and the last 3 plus wholly mackerel which is strong IMO!
I have drilled holes in my 5g buckets so I can use the moisture meter to tell me what is going on in there .


“I'm not over- or under-watering. I have good drainage. The pH of my water is between 6.3-6.6 for every watering. I water until I get a tiny bit of runoff, then wait until it is dry two kuckles down into the soil before watering again.”

You are describing poor watering habits. I’ll guarantee it with OF. Learn to water by weight and not “2 knuckles deep.”
I'm an old lady. If you wanna come over and pick up all these heavy plants every couple days to judge their weight, that would be awesome. I'll have cookies for you. 😎

What's OF?


Your best best is find a nutrient line you like and just use promix as your median. Look at athena...flora flex...Jacks. They are some of the better synthetic nutrients on the market imo. If your looking for organic...I have run geoflora which is a granular you add to the top of your median every 2 weeks. Seems to work good and all you have to do is add ph'd water. Very simple.
Gaia green

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