Issue with plants your thoughts plz



Thanks guys, in regards to air bubbles I run my pump on half as I am running a 4 valve pump but have them connected so that each bucket has 2 valves running through the one hose to each bucket. Should I max the air output or do you think I can leave it on half ?

"Too much air" isn't a problem, so I'd increase the airflow to see if that helps.


Light height and output %

I use mega crop I have great success with 12 1/2 grams per 5 gallons,
I use 50 grams per ten gallons In flower. You may want to look into the sweet candy @greenleafnutrients makes. It’s amazing. 👊🏻🤡
I gave the buckets a full water/food change over yesterday ph was 5.8, today I got home and checked ph was 6.5 is this normal to increase that much in a day? Is this because the plants are taking up nutrients causing the red to rise in ph?


Typically air stones. With deep water culture, the roots are submerged and depend on bubblers (usually) to get enough air. If a pump goes down or there aren't enough bubbles for the volume, you get over-watering symptoms.
I've seen people set up 55 gallon trash cans for DWC. Amazing results.


I gave the buckets a full water/food change over yesterday ph was 5.8, today I got home and checked ph was 6.5 is this normal to increase that much in a day? Is this because the plants are taking up nutrients causing the red to rise in ph?
How are you lowering it, acid? The carbonate hardness if high (tap water usually is) will bounce that pH right back up. Also some hydro nutes will lower pH and buffer the hardness keeping the pH lower. I use Master Blend and set up Kratky grows (DWC basically w/o the air) in soda bottles.
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Lettuce is a winter crop here. I currently have several basil plants in Kratky.

All that to say Master Blend may work better for you but no matter what you're using go easy until the plant is larger😉


How are you lowering it, acid? The carbonate hardness if high (tap water usually is) will bounce that pH right back up. Also some hydro nutes will lower pH and buffer the hardness keeping the pH lower. I use Master Blend and set up Kratky grows (DWC basically w/o the air) in soda bottles.
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Lettuce is a winter crop here. I currently have several basil plants in Kratky.

All that to say Master Blend may work better for you but no matter what you're using go easy until the plant is larger😉
Thanks for the advise I am using a ph down solution but will keep an eye on the ppm and perhaps lower it that way.
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