Leaves curling with a yellowish and glossy looking tint

  • Thread starter Harley.Freeman
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you always soak all the medium than let it dry out before watering all the medium again,. there is no other way, your are screwung up,..
Yes sir I do it about 3 times per plant. So 2 gallons of water between 5 plants. I let them soak up the water the first go then come back second time and feel the weight of the bags and usually they take a little more on the third go around. From what I can tell by observing them, 2 gallons for 5 plants that are in 5 gallon bags isn't a whole lot of water.
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Yes sir I do it about 3 times per plant. So 2 gallons of water between 5 plants. I water let them soak it up then water a little more and feel the weight and usually give them a little bit more. From what I can tell by observing them, 2 gallons for 5 plants that are in 5 gallon bags isn't a whole lot of water.
ok we have gone through this a few times either get it or don’t,.
a 5 gallon bag needs a gallon of water,. let it dry completely dry out before watering a gallon again,..
i’m not bringing this up again,..


ok we have gone through this a few times either get it or don’t,.
a 5 gallon bag needs a gallon of water,. let it dry completely dry out before watering a gallon again,..
i’m not bringing this up again,..
I didn't ask you to bring it up again. I'm listening to the plants. If they don't want a gallon each, then I'm not going to force it upon them. Lol your the one who told me to let the plants talk to me.


I didn't ask you to bring it up again. I'm listening to the plants. If they don't want a gallon each, then I'm not going to force it upon them. Lol your the one who told me to let the plants talk to me.
i’ve been telling you how to water properly this is one of the reasons why you have stunty compact plants not growing fast,.


I will give it another go and hope for the best. I couldn't find the the post where you said a 5gal needs 1 gal per. What I read online said the same thing you did and I tried it after transplant they seemed to get very droopy afterward which is why I went back to less water. But I will try to bump it up some more and see what happens


I will give it another go and hope for the best. I couldn't find the the post where you said a 5gal needs 1 gal per. What I read online said the same thing you did and I tried it after transplant they seemed to get very droopy afterward which is why I went back to less water. But I will try to bump it up some more and see what happens
ok the droopy you see is the watering pushing out the oxygen, once everything is settled the oxygen returns,. droopy after a watering happens almost always


ok the droopy you see is the watering pushing out the oxygen, once everything is settled the oxygen returns,. droopy after a watering happens almost always
For sure. I appreciate ya!


Everything is looking great! They are getting a lot taller and I am happy to see it!
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I am trying to figure out how to use this site and post on this forum... lol. I have literally never posted on a forum ever and I've tried to start a thread like 2 or 3 times, just so I can have an open platform/conversation with some knowledgeable folks to see if I can get anybody to respond about any problems I may come across or even if I can help answer any questions as well!

I have a question about my two girls in early veg.

About two days ago now I topped these girls and also did a little defoliating

I gave them a feeding later in the day, the pot felt like the right weight and relatively light. I wasn't liking the fox farm nutrients I had them on before so I went to something different ( Cold War Organic - Bud Bread - dry ), not liquid like the other stuff. I checked the ph and it seemed to be like 6.3 so I thought that would be alright, I mixed like 2/3 teaspoon to be safe and it recommended 1 whole teaspoon.

The leaves started looking as if they were curling up on the sides instead of of how they were which was nice big full leaves, I will attach pics though and there was also yellowish spots with a sort of glossyness with it as well

Idk if I they are okay and I should just leave them or if I need to think about doing something or make adjustments. I of course have been doing a lot of research but would like another opinion.

I'm not sure if its from the PH, maybe one of the nutrients in the CWO Bud Bread which is high in potassium and calcium, all of the other ingredients are below 5 percent. It could be the light but up until now I haven't had any issues that could possibly be from it( could be the height in which I have it but I have tried adjusting that as well. Air flow and circulation are good, no bugs from what I have seen.

I could use all the help I can get! Thanks guy!
What's your room temp and humidity
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