My first auto grow Columbian Gold

  • Thread starter JimfromA2
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Learned a tough lesson today. I use a moisture tester to check the moisture in the soil. I check deep and I check shallow. They have been dry the last three days, so I gave them water each day. Today I noticed the moisture tester was on PH instead of moisture. 🤬 I never use the PH or Light feature on my tester so I don't know how it got on PH.


Coming along nicely. I noticed some clawing of a few leaf tips. Have you been giving it a bit extra nitrogen or CalMag to green her up? I ask because I also see yellowing of leaf tips and edges. They don't need a whole lot of nitrogen during flowering and if CalMag isn't fixing it then it isn't CalMag. Clawing is a sign of nitrogen toxicity. The yellowing and the shading of the darker leaves makes me suspect a micronutrient deficiency. Possibly copper. It can look a little like early signs of phosporous deficiency (blueish or purpleish tint), nitrogen or potassium deficiency (yellowing leaves) or magnesium toxicity (dark coloratiom). Can't be nitrogen deficiency because of the clawing. If you've been feeding a flowering nutrient and still get anything that looks like an N, P or K deficiency but still have copious flowering like you do it must be something else because they need sufficient amount of P and K for flower growth. That leads me back to copper. If things you have tried using so far haven't worked then don't keep giving them more. It could end up causing other problems. Check your soil pH. That's the first thing I check if something seems off. The more your pH rises above 6.5, the less your plants can take up micronutrients. If it tends to stay above that point a lot then they are having a hard time getting everything they need. A coco heavy soil can keep the pH levels a bit high. CalMag can raise your pH also. If you were closer to finishing I'd say don't sweat it too much. A micronutrient boost could do the trick.

I could be wrong but I've seen something like this before. It turned out to be copper and boron deficiencies. YMMV


Coming along nicely. I noticed some clawing of a few leaf tips. Have you been giving it a bit extra nitrogen or CalMag to green her up? I ask because I also see yellowing of leaf tips and edges. They don't need a whole lot of nitrogen during flowering and if CalMag isn't fixing it then it isn't CalMag. Clawing is a sign of nitrogen toxicity. The yellowing and the shading of the darker leaves makes me suspect a micronutrient deficiency. Possibly copper. It can look a little like early signs of phosporous deficiency (blueish or purpleish tint), nitrogen or potassium deficiency (yellowing leaves) or magnesium toxicity (dark coloratiom). Can't be nitrogen deficiency because of the clawing. If you've been feeding a flowering nutrient and still get anything that looks like an N, P or K deficiency but still have copious flowering like you do it must be something else because they need sufficient amount of P and K for flower growth. That leads me back to copper. If things you have tried using so far haven't worked then don't keep giving them more. It could end up causing other problems. Check your soil pH. That's the first thing I check if something seems off. The more your pH rises above 6.5, the less your plants can take up micronutrients. If it tends to stay above that point a lot then they are having a hard time getting everything they need. A coco heavy soil can keep the pH levels a bit high. CalMag can raise your pH also. If you were closer to finishing I'd say don't sweat it too much. A micronutrient boost could do the trick.

I could be wrong but I've seen something like this before. It turned out to be copper and boron deficiencies. YMMV
I ph my water with or without nutrients to 6.0. Cal/Mag is in everything they get. (2ml per gal) When I feed it is 2ml Cal/Mag, 2ml Micro, 4ml Bloom, 2ml Hi-Brix, 2ml FlaVuh. When they get the water it includes 2ml Cal/Mag, 6 ml FishSh!t


Hmmm.....excuse me while I scratch my head for a 🤔

Perhaps a nutrient imbalance? Right nutes but in proportions she doesn't particularly prefer? Just a thought. Having grown different strains together I have noticed a couple of things. For the most part, during veg their needs don't seem vary that much. It's right about this time of year and into flowering that individual preferences show themselves more. Sometimes it can get a little tricky.


One of the things I don't understand is they are both the same strain, they both are from the same seed bank. One is struggling and very spindly, the other is doing fine and is more bushy. They both get fed the same thing. The one that is struggling is producing bigger buds than the bushy one.


I suspect that there will be an increase in variability within a given strain because demand is already leading to a rush to get seed to market. It can take 5-10 years of diligent effort to identify breeding stock/subsequent offspring for desired traits and then actually STABILIZING those genetics. The cultivar game in the US is too young to be cranking out a lot of newer strains with stable genetics IMHO. It's very evident in my grow this year.
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