My first grow is in cocoloco



I am on here enough reading all yours helpful info and would love help from all you knowledgable peeps. I will post weeklies and welcome feedback from the farm to help my first grow be a sucess.

Enviroment is a 5x5x7 tent with 4 clip on fans and a 6in intake and 8in exhaust, all aci and a controller. 750w led.

Strain is Grand Daddy Purple
from Seed Connect (local branch)

Medium on all the pots is foxfarms cocoloco potting mix.

3x 15gal pots with 3lbs natures living mixed with the cocoloco on the bottom 1/3 topped with cocoloco.

3x 5gal pots with 6lbs hotsoil under the cocoloco.

1x 5gal pot with just cocoloco.

I germinated all the 5 gallon pots sucessfully but the 3 big ass pots dried out because i was adding the same amount of water to all the pots. So i germinated a few more in small cups and put the sprouts in the big pot. Calling it week 3 for the 5 gallons and week 2 for 15's.

Light is currently 40ish inches above the little ladies.

The cocoloco potting mix seems to be more similar to soil in a sense of watering demands but i have no experience with soil or realistic comparison basis. But i have been watering every other day so far for 3 weeks and seeing plenty of growth so im going to keep up with the every other day cycle unless someone has a better suggestion for this perticular medium. I have some bastard little girls but i love them. Not soil but not coir.

Im giving the 5 gallon pots about 3 cups of water with 1.5 near the stem and the rest around the medium.

The 15s i have been putting in 6 cups with 1.5 going around the stem and the rest going around the medium.

I skipped the seedling pics and stuff and just started with the most recent to show the lights distance and a good view of the girls currently.

Tomorrow is a watering day. Water ph is 6 and is RO tap water.

I keep the rh at 60 and the temp at 80.

Im feeling semi confident at this point because the plants are growing vigoursly and looking, how they look. They look good, yeah? I have been coming to the farm and reading through all the "help me" post a couple months now and trying to incorporate all the tips into what i have done so far.

2 nights ago there was an awful power outtage that left the girls in raw heat, talking 100+, for like 3 hours. Hopefully that doesnt happen again!

So far im having a ton of fun watching these girls grow. It is happening so fast that every time i peek in the tent it looks different.

I will add pics weekly and incorporate any usable suggestions or feedback.

Thanks growmies!

Ohhhh yeah. I have organic roots terp tea grow to feed the girl in the cocoloco with no organics and supplement the organics in the bigger pots should i need. I plan on getting the matching bloom to feed everything in flower.

My first grow is in cocoloco
My first grow is in cocoloco 2
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