Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
People think I'm exaggerating when I tell them we have giant grasshoppers that will chew a plant stalk in half in 5 minutes...
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People think I'm exaggerating when I tell them we have giant grasshoppers that will chew a plant stalk in half in 5 minutes...
View attachment 2209360
OMG i'm more afraid of those huge grasshoppers than a charging bear. Honest i had nightmares as a kid about grasshopper invasions. My 2 older brothers would chase me an my sister around with them, oh how'd i scream. PS I love my brothers even though they were snot lickin donkeys when we were kids.


So many years ago I was visiting my bio dad in Michigan on my way moving from New York back west to my adopted family in New Mexico. Anyway I had many years worth of high times stacked in my back seat a bunch of empty Killian's red laying around back floor boards from a previous night and a dime bag of smoke. So I'm leaving my dad's ace and it's snowing pretty bad. I come up onto an accident and long story short I hit the 2 week old brand new jeep Cherokee state police. I shoved the weed in-between my butt cheeks. They wanted to clear the scene fast so they had me follow one officer with one following me up to the station just off 94. I play dumb and pull back behind the fencing where the cruisers park. They told me to move, giving me the opportunity to throw my weed out the window in their parking lot. It was immediately covered by falling snow. I got off with just a ticked and had my car towed to my aunt's. My car goes into the shop and 3 k later I have it back. I met one of those devils Kathy Bates talks about in waterboy and she gives me the clap and steals my car. 😂 😂 Life what can I say 😂


was it an Accord?

I hit a 2x4 on the interstate that came out a trailer in front of me in an acura tL (accord in a tuxedo) and it blew out both tires on my right side.

I didnt lose control, i didnt swerve, i hit the next exit and parked at a motel completely shocked. I was doing like 85 on midwestern interstates 0.o

My old taurus, when a tire went flat while driving doing 25 on a back road, people two cars back probably felt it pull to the side xD

I can totally see an inexperienced driver having a flat in a honda and not realizing it at first. Pretty easily actually lmao. In a chevy impala or something? HA! That's a genuinely hilarious thought... But in a honda, yea i can see that if they're inexperienced in a vehicle.
Actually I think it was a honda, or a hunduiy, or however u spell it 😂


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
WeI need to start some more wbs and get some monotubs going. My liquid cultures are definitely dead at this point. Need to make new isolates.

I also need to redo the paper stock one of these days. But I don't blow through this stuff near as fast as I used to. I only need to flush like one good monotubs a year anymore 🤣

Out of my entire collection. My prized possession is that ss02 cactus. It is the most profound and life changing thing I've ever experienced by leaps and bounds 😉 the glowing empty pot, and jar of dark liquid. That's an ss02 brew very slowly made from about 6 feet of cacti over the course of about 6 days. There's enough there for 5 people. And there it sits until 5 people are at the same point in space and time. It's already 6 years old. I tried a half shot of it a couple summers ago. It's incredibly powerful.

Honestly I haven't tripped in a few years, so the stocks are just slowly increasing over time xD
I had no idea my long lost twin loved in a couple states away 😂

I’m actually using a couple monotubs to to hang males in right now, figured out they work great for a tight clean up the have free air exchange so it seemed like a good idea.

It works great.


care about your marijuana than better watch all this,..
@GNick55 thanks for posting this, I watched a video from this guy recently, what an awesome set up he’s got going. I’m trying to watch the video and it freezes up after a minute, going to try and copy the link and open on YouTube, if that doesn’t work was wondering the name of the guys channel and video title.


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
OMG i'm more afraid of those huge grasshoppers than a charging bear. Honest i had nightmares as a kid about grasshopper invasions. My 2 older brothers would chase me an my sister around with them, oh how'd i scream. PS I love my brothers even though they were snot lickin donkeys when we were kids.
Do not come to the high plains of Colorado then! 🤣 That one in the picture isn't even full sized, yet. They get larger than my thumb so up to like 4 inches long and if you ride a motorcycle out here you better have a helmet with a face shield or you WILL lose an eye or get a nasty bruise, maybe knock out a tooth. They're like giant jumping rocks. These things are a plague, for real.


🐼 🚀 living soil
I was wondering why
“Hopper shot” was next to the buck and bird shot.

Now I know 😂

Seriously I’d beside myself 😡🤬
I currently have these bastards myself, been in the weeds for years so gonna put milky spores down. Got some neem I'm gonna dilute and I hand pick 50 at least each day. I push farther back into the weeds to try and keep them off my plants. A drop of dawn in water and they drown. Sometimes when you go to grab them they go back on 2 legs like a person and grab your fingers with their front legs when you get them. Gotta shake them off into the soapy death water. Most just either drop on a lower leaf and be stuck or just stay there like a moron. We got germaniums coming which they love but it temporarily paralyzes them so it's easier to collect them or set up containers to drown them when they fall. ✌️
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