Overeating during week six of flower?

  • Thread starter TomH
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This plant is Tangerine Dream auto.
It just ticked over to week six this morning.

Growing in a 1 cubic foot hamper filled with coco, perlite and pumice. Approximately 60:30:10 percent respectively.

I’m feeding flora nova plus silica, ca-mag, epsom salt, potassium sulfate and massive.

I feed 2x a day 5 and 5, approximately 60 oz with about 16 oz runoff.

Input is right at 1900 ppm, 6.03 PH.

Runoff is 690, 6.32 PH.

Is that possible? Twice a day it’s sucking that much nutrients out of the fertigations?
Overeating during week six of flower
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Overeating during week six of flower 10


Post script: this isn’t just a one time feeding anomaly, it’s been happening now for the last 3 days/nights feedings.
I started noting the huge differences in the input versus output over the weekend, at that time I was having really high runoff. Over 3000 PPM, I flushed it pretty hard, got down below 500PPM Runoff.

Now, feedings are staying in the low PPM runoff with a PH significantly higher than input.

It seems the increase in PH is the responsibility of the plant removing the acidic nutrients from the solution (correct assumption?), but should it continue doing this?
Do I need to up my nutes?
I’m already hitting her pretty hard, or it seems that way to me anyway!


Additional question for anyone that may have a recommendation:
would a good compost tea/terp tea be a good idea on this lady or should I just keep on the flora nova train?

Just tying to get the most of her growth spurt!


Feeding at 1900PPM?

I've been called a heretic for feeding at 1600PPM.

No expert, but the leaves appear waxy in the picture. Possibly too much N?

Also you said you're running Cal-mag, and Epsom salt. Do you need that much Mg? Also, I'm not sure what the upper thresholds of PPM on Sulfur are, but running Potassium Sulfate and Magnesium Sulfate can potentially be a lot of sulfur.

Which Flora you running? Bloom?

How much massive are you running?


Feeding at 1900PPM?

I've been called a heretic for feeding at 1600PPM.

No expert, but the leaves appear waxy in the picture. Possibly too much N?

Also you said you're running Cal-mag, and Epsom salt. Do you need that much Mg? Also, I'm not sure what the upper thresholds of PPM on Sulfur are, but running Potassium Sulfate and Magnesium Sulfate can potentially be a lot of sulfur.

Which Flora you running? Bloom?

How much massive are you running?
Because of the mag presence in both, they(ca-mag and Epsom) go in at half strength.
I do see the waxy green, but it doesn’t make sense, there isn’t much N going in.
The Ca-mag has some and the Bloom nute has some, Massive has a little, but they are far lower than the P and K in those same products.
Perhaps I need to just drop the Flora Nova bloom in favor of finishing with Massive to control the N?



Hi there I'm also using flora nova but in soil. I've also hit high EC (around 5.0) and then done waterings in between and it's been fine.
I'm still tryna figure out where the limits are for PPMs but what I would say is you could possibly be having inaccurate run off through dry spots, it's happens more in soil than Coco but still possible if the medium is compact.
I've since started using yucca as a wetting agent and it's makes difference, forcing the water to absorb more slowly and evenly

Another idea is trying to bottom feed everything like an auto pot system except I just pour manually. The days the plant doesn't drink that much I can drain it after 20mins, if the root zone has excess EC it will let go of it into the the extra water also.


Because of the mag presence in both, they(ca-mag and Epsom) go in at half strength.
I do see the waxy green, but it doesn’t make sense, there isn’t much N going in.
The Ca-mag has some and the Bloom nute has some, Massive has a little, but they are far lower than the P and K in those same products.
Perhaps I need to just drop the Flora Nova bloom in favor of finishing with Massive to control the N?

There is a n excess considering how far are you into a flower it must be coming from somewhere

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