Plumber's Pipe

  • Thread starter PlumberSoCal2
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Great week
View attachment 1179490
Didn't miss the plants at all
View attachment 1179491from R-L: 4 Dragon Flames (DF) autos, 6 GDP, 4 Tangie 99 and 8 GG4xHCP
View attachment 1179492
One of the autos
View attachment 1179494
May have to seed this one with all the branching and quick flowering.

View attachment 1179493
More DF autos: A male I moved by the pool (on straight water every other day) before leaving for vacation with 3 not sure's. If male they get cut, female allowed to seed.
View attachment 1179495

View attachment 1179498
Another DF auto in flower

View attachment 1179499
DF auto x GDP F1

Trying the DF auto that wasn't an auto
View attachment 1179502

I need more vacations like this one
View attachment 1179501

Happy Growing and vacations!
Howā€™s that dg auto smoke? Think it will be worth the work?


Howā€™s that dg auto smoke? Think it will be worth the work?
Hum, the one that didn't auto is good. The auto was so so. They don't produce like a regular photo period so I too am questioning continuing growing the autos. I do enjoy working the strain and the quick finishing so we'll see.

Giving the reg photos a 2 month grow period say starting batches in Aug and Dec, harvest in Dec and April, then start a full summer grow in March/April I'll have more than enough year round.


Dragon Fire Auto Grow update

Popped Aug 20 - 60 days old

Out of 11 I've got 5 females
20211019 163039

20211019 163121

20211019 162927

20211019 162742

The tallest is about 24" with 1 topping

3 males
20211019 162801

20211019 162852

and 3 still unknown
20211019 163127

20211019 163140

20211019 162811

the one behind this male

This girl will be seeded
20211019 163039

Topped once with excellent branch development. This is what I will be looking/growing for in the next generations of these autos.


Dragon Fire auto x Granddaddy Purple F1 Updates

Planted 24 Seeds Sept 3

39 days old

9 in soil
20211019 143816

20211019 143843

20211019 143826

20211019 143852

20211019 143843

About half are showing sex. Possibly the short days and not enough light. Only watered twice a week as needed. I don't know if these will be worth anything.

5 in coco coir same age
20211019 143946

The little one above and these
20211019 143958

Are 29 days old


Auto Fertigation

I've been asked several times about the fertigation setup I'm using so thought I'd share it here in more detail.

It all starts with a 55 gallon drum
20211019 144058

This 1/2" pipe/tubing from the bottom of the barrel to the pump must be kept full/primed with water and water tight
20211019 145128

for the type of pump I'm using
20211019 145125

Cheap ($55) transfer pumps. An aquarium air pump is essential to keep the water in the 55 gal drum from sitting stagnant.

The pumps have a standard hose fitting and using standard 1/2" black irrigation tubing I ran it to the furthest plant then tapped it with 1/4" tubing with 1 gallon an hour drip heads. Plastic clothespins hold the heads in place. To avoid putting back pressure on the pump I installed a 1/4" return line to the barrel.
20211019 144946

The valve can be adjusted if needed to allow more/less pressure on the drip heads.

Running the 1/4" tubing can be a challenge with more than 1 outlet
20211019 145317

but fittings like tee's and 90's are cheap.

20211019 144601

Electronic for the water pump. I'm using 1 minute 3 times a day at 8am, 12 noon and 4pm. I have run 5x's a day but 3 works well. I've got a analog timer for supplemental LED lighting.

I'm using MasterBlend tomato fertilizer with calcium and magnesium 1/4 - full strength depending on plant type and age. There's a MasterBlend calculator on line to help you mix the nutrients.

Coconut coir in 1 gallon fiber pots.

This honestly couldn't be simpler. Once set up a daily check of the system and weekly check on water level is about it. You can safely take off for a week or two just make sure the water level is full and no bad leaks in your system.

This could also be adjusted to work on soil grows as well.

Happy Growing!


The Love Birds
20211024 102205

DF autos, best of each sex

5 DF auto females stretching
20211024 172317

and starting to flower

DF auto male x GDP female F1's
20211024 172125

20211024 172158

There are 5 that show the strong redish/purpling in the main stem that I am looking for in these F1's
20211024 102503

6 if I keep this little strong one
20211024 102541

Of those 5 or 6 how many will express the auto gene? We'll see and the best will be pollinated.

The photo periods

6 Granddaddy Purples
20211024 172324

4 Reno Tangie 99's
20211024 172332

8 Reno's GG4 x HCP's
20211024 172338

Been a good week in my neck of the woods, Happy Growing!


Gotten stuff done the past couple weeks

All DF auto x GDP's are in the big greenhouse
20211107 094018

Filling the West side.

The 3 DF auto females were moved to the East side
20211107 094122

and have doubled in size. Looking nice
20211107 094212

The Love Birds
20211107 095430

20211107 095511

20211107 095450

I'm gonna take him down and save the pollen and allow her to make as many seeds as possible.

Still waiting on this one to finish
20211107 093912

Trichs all cloudy but no amber
All the DF autos are 79 days old.


The Photo Periods

Granddaddy Purple (6)
20211106 144508

Tangie 99 (4)
20211106 144500

Gherry (gg#4 x hcp) (8)
20211106 144452

All 58 days old, topped to 8 colas and will be flipped by the end of the month. Purple buds in our sunshine and cooler weatheršŸ˜‰

Planted 31 LA Woman seeds on Nov 3 and is why I moved the plants.

I'm leaving the auto watering and lighting times as is. Plants don't care about our ridiculous time periods.

Happy Growing!
20211106 145203


The autos
20211117 084831

Mama all seeded up

The 3 sisters
20211117 082150

20211117 082308

20211117 082222

A brother not auto and very different
20211117 082617

20211117 082622

I really like this one and will be collecting pollen

And a deformed runt
20211117 090009

with cloudy trichs for weeks but no amber so chopped Monday. Funky sweet smell. Can't wait to taste it.

Shout out to @Moshmen for the seeds. Forgot where they came from and the strains and was wrongly calling them Dragon Flames or Dragon Fire. They are neither. A female Magnum auto crossed with a regular male from Dragon Flames Genetics called something Dragon. Looks like Interstate on the envelope but I find nothing like that from the breeder.

Anyway, both my F1's and F2's produced 90% autos so I'm getting somewhere with the line and dubbing them Magnum Flames auto. Magnum auto came from a breeder(s) in Spain who never shared what indica and sativa strains they used and is claimed to grow like an indica but effect one like a sativa. All I know is that I crossed the F1's with Granddaddy Purple and it produced very large plants
20211116 075408

20211116 080045

Really nice cross that will be my next project.

Sunday I flipped the regulars
20211117 082128

They're on 10.5 hr light from 15. The stretching has began and males should show themselves quick.

I did move my nicest GDP female
20211116 082537

back into the little greenhouse and will set it on a 14/10 light cycle and clone her. Took 2 her last topping over a week ago.

Happy Growing!
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