Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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🐼 🚀 living soil
if your plants arent too big, and you got lots of those guys (they go nuts here after breeding, eat entire meadows in a couple days) you can just grab the stalk down low and shake the whole plant, and start smooshin. Thats what i do.

Take em seriously and take em out. Dont Let em get out of control though, if you have plants surrounded by mowed grass when theyre done reproducing, they can do a lot of damage overnight, your plant will stand out like a beacon or lighthouse to flying insects as a source of food and sex lol. When its hot and dry, japanese beetles like to feed at night and twilight too, makes it a little trickier, and they move plant to plant alot, when in high numbers, youll have some damage garanteed if around. Often at night ya get unexplained leaf holes. Usually japanese beetles so it seems, here anyway.

Also, some info that may help some people, beetle damage looks exactly like snail damage, but will appear higher on plants, and no slime trails in the right light either. Earwig damage also looks exactly like snail and beetle damage also without trails. But If you have DE down, and have what looks like snail damage or inchworm damage with no bugs being found during the day, its probably beetles at night.
They have been here in the same spot for 30 years, they lay their eggs and they hatch in about June. They like the Japanese knotweed in the wooded area by my house. I let them eat that and just hold the line. Gonna use the milky spores to kill their larvae so they go away bur I doubt it. Come September it's too cold for them, we have them for 3 months up here. That knot weed will grow through a locust horde, it's awful. It throws a tap down, shoots out 4 lateral roots that stop and drop new tap roots, repeat....so the Beatles mostly eat them . They love the berry bushes, they love the cosmos, lots of distraction plants by design✌️


IMG 1791


The heat is here. I work from home. The ac was running forever without clicking off . Temp 73 on the thermostat 73 so working right. At 7:52 the thermostat finally clicks off. At 7:55 back on. Sun is going down and is down shortly after 8pm. Even my office which is warmest room in the summer and the coldest in the winter was feeling cool . The electricity bill is going to suck. It was about $300 for June.
IMG 1790


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
😠 are there any predators you can attract that eat them?
My cats love them 🤣 but other than that not really lmao I just have to use mesh netting to cover them that's the only thing that truly works, unfortunately I didn't have any bags small enough for that plant and I just figured I'd show what happens when you don't cover them out here, or wait until they are at least a foot tall, so they're not so vulnerable.



My cats love them 🤣 but other than that not really lmao I just have to use mesh netting to cover them that's the only thing that truly works, unfortunately I didn't have any bags small enough for that plant and I just figured I'd show what happens when you don't cover them out here, or wait until they are at least a foot tall, so they're not so vulnerable.
What do they sound like when you step on them? I tend to send crickets out the door without killing them. I would shriek like a girl stomp on it or beat it with the nearest most appropriate object with in reach.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
GMORNING homies!
I hope everyone has a great day,
Stay as cool as possible,
This weather is fucking oppressive and I am mad as hell! And I’m not going to take it anymore!!!!!
Seriously outdoor homies, I hope you are rocking the largest of sombreros
Make them gardens pop👊🏻🤡


Oh boy I think I see a worrisome

Opinions @GNick55
Only on a lower here and there on #1 that I could find so far, oh and one on a brach that had a fan blowing right at it, like 6” away and didn’t notice, mighta stressed that branch lol, day 17 from flip will be checking more over the next few days
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Get a Misting spray bottle, spray it down, snag the node. Not trying to snag your inquiry.
Just 2 cents.
More opinions the better brother! Gotta make that decision when enough is enough at some point lol

Found more in #1 she might be a goner still small pulled them out diddnt see any pollen drop out on paper so fingers crossed no issue I do see a few more that have me knowing something’s wrong I pulled anything questionable I can see I’ll check again in a few hours then again in the morning see if I see more, If I do I’ll probably pull her

I’m searching for a strong pheno if she’s throwin sacs it’s not what I’m searching for lol

Plenty of bud on hand can start over if needed lol

Haven’t noticed anything on #2 yet after looking her over so we’ll see

Probably found 15-20 nodes in the lowers on #1 and a 2 twords the top those ones have me worried

This was the most defined one, was closed I split it open outside the tent to check it
IMG 6200

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