Purple stripes on my mother plant ( Nothern Lights )

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Thank you very much!

- @Deadstill

I am not sure if it is original northern lights. But it is Northern lights Ferminized.

Okay, so only mix Grow/Micro to get the level I need of nitrogen, calcium and magnesium?

I can't find anything here in my area that only sells nutritional content with nitrogen.

only find calcium and magnesium supplements.

I use tap water and use PH-minus to bring it down to 6 - 6.5% PH. Yes, let the soil dry out well before I water it and lift the pot / possibly feel whether it is heavy or light. The soil is cheap soil that I can buy in my area, but then from a plant shop. I use black cloth at the bottom of the pot, play balls and soil with perlite.


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Thank you very much!

- @Deadstill

I am not sure if it is original northern lights. But it is Northern lights Ferminized.

Okay, so only mix Grow/Micro to get the level I need of nitrogen, calcium and magnesium?

I can't find anything here in my area that only sells nutritional content with nitrogen.

only find calcium and magnesium supplements.

I use tap water and use PH-minus to bring it down to 6 - 6.5% PH. Yes, let the soil dry out well before I water it and lift the pot / possibly feel whether it is heavy or light. The soil is cheap soil that I can buy in my area, but then from a plant shop. I use black cloth at the bottom of the pot, play balls and soil with perlite.

Using a product like CalMag+ that has Calcium, Magnesium and Nitrogen will greatly benefit your plant, here. Part of the reason why your plant is showing signs of nitrogen deficiency, is likely because a lack of magnesium, which helps availability of nitrogen. So, it's not to say that you don't have enough nitrogen in your nutrients, it's that you are missing magnesium which helps the plant also absorb nitrogen.

I just watched that video you posted and I also see signs of calcium deficiency, so a little CalMag+ will help, for sure.

You say "in your area" are you outside of the US or something? Amazon is a good resource for grow supplies that aren't readily available elsewhere. Is that an option?

^^^ This 1 quart bottle is only 20 dollars and will probably last you a very long time if you're only growing a few plants at a time. A little goes a long way with this stuff!
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There's a reason the directions are there...

Follow them.

Giving half nutes and then 1/4 them has made your plant starved, and has caused PH lockout.

The bloom part of the formula is what adjust PH. The more you give, the more PH goes down. The more PH goes down, the more you lockout nitrogen which is essential for green stems and new growth.

The bloom part of the formula is very acidic but when mixed in water with high alkalinity it will drop the alkalinity pretty good. But sometimes not good enough to get it within the 5.6 PH we need.

Firstly... Find out if you water is hard, or soft, acidic or alkaline......

Then we can discuss the other problems of nutrients and balancing PH.


Using a product like CalMag+ that has Calcium, Magnesium and Nitrogen will greatly benefit your plant, here. Part of the reason why your plant is showing signs of nitrogen deficiency, is likely because a lack of magnesium, which helps availability of nitrogen. So, it's not to say that you don't have enough nitrogen in your nutrients, it's that you are missing magnesium which helps the plant also absorb nitrogen.

I just watched that video you posted and I also see signs of calcium deficiency, so a little CalMag+ will help, for sure.

You say "in your area" are you outside of the US or something? Amazon is a good resource for grow supplies that aren't readily available elsewhere. Is that an option?

^^^ This 1 quart bottle is only 20 dollars and will probably last you a very long time if you're only growing a few plants at a time. A little goes a long way with this stuff!
Hey! And Thanks a lot. :)

- @Deadstill

I have tried mixing 1 L of water and the recommended dose of what is written on the back of my nutritional bottles of only Micro and Bloom as they have the most calcium and magnesium. Then I'll see if it helps, gave the Northern Lights mother plant 0.7 dl of water and the Strawberry Banana motherplant 0.3 dl so I might be able to see the difference between them.

Yes, I live outside the US, I actually live in Norway. :P then problems with getting hold of CalMag+.

But maybe I can rather buy this one that I can get here readily available?


And again, thanks so much for your help guys!
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There's a reason the directions are there...

Follow them.

Giving half nutes and then 1/4 them has made your plant starved, and has caused PH lockout.

The bloom part of the formula is what adjust PH. The more you give, the more PH goes down. The more PH goes down, the more you lockout nitrogen which is essential for green stems and new growth.

The bloom part of the formula is very acidic but when mixed in water with high alkalinity it will drop the alkalinity pretty good. But sometimes not good enough to get it within the 5.6 PH we need.

Firstly... Find out if you water is hard, or soft, acidic or alkaline......

Then we can discuss the other problems of nutrients and balancing PH.

- @GanjaJack

The reason I use PH-minus is because I have a water of 8.0 - 8.5% PH.
So have to use PH-minus to get down to 6.0 - 6.5%

I think the water is acidic or hard as it is at 8.0 - 8.5% PH. But am unsure what to call it when the PH is so high.



- @GanjaJack

The reason I use PH-minus is because I have a water of 8.0 - 8.5% PH.
So have to use PH-minus to get down to 6.0 - 6.5%

I think the water is acidic or hard as it is at 8.0 - 8.5% PH. But am unsure what to call it when the PH is so high.

In PH scale... 7 is neutral

anything above 7 is alkaline....

Anything below 7 is acid....

If your water is 8.0.... it is alkaline,

Don't PH it at all, Don't use PH down... You don't need to.

The Bloom part of your formula is acidic enough to drop the PH down to about 6.0, when you're in flowering, because the bloom part of the formula is EXTREMELY ACIDIC...

Before you're in flowering and still in veggie mode, it is ok to run the formula straight, the plants can take it. (In my own grows I find that young seedlings and smaller plants tend to like the harder water.)

This makes it less difficult to manage the plants and hopefully it will be as such for you.

Also, cut back on the watering and those nutes are meant more for hydro than for soil grows.

What's the electric wire going into the soil??

What I would do and did..... I went to the book store and pulled out every single Grow Bible I could...

That was before the internet... Then when the internet came, I went and scoured the information, learned everything I could about PH and how they effect and balance nutrients to the plants needs.

I applaud you for growing and taking the step to learn, stay patient and the expertise will come through careful thought and common sense and sucking down as much information about growing as you can.
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In PH scale... 7 is neutral

anything above 7 is alkaline....

Anything below 7 is acid....

If your water is 8.0.... it is alkaline,

Don't PH it at all, Don't use PH down... You don't need to.

The Bloom part of your formula is acidic enough to drop the PH down to about 6.0, when you're in flowering, because the bloom part of the formula is EXTREMELY ACIDIC...

Before you're in flowering and still in veggie mode, it is ok to run the formula straight, the plants can take it. (In my own grows I find that young seedlings and smaller plants tend to like the harder water.)

This makes it less difficult to manage the plants and hopefully it will be as such for you.

Also, cut back on the watering and those nutes are meant more for hydro than for soil grows.

What's the electric wire going into the soil??
Perfect Thanks!

- @GanjaJack

Anything above 7 is alkaline.... so my water is alkaline if they are 8.0 - 8.5% PH?

Ok, then I won't use PH-minus down.

Ok, so I can give the recommended dose of nutrition to those standing in veggie modethe phase, which are then my mother plants. and then I follow the Growing list right?

- Do I follow this list to the mother plants? Which is marked with red on each side and which says growing in the middle?
- Look on the picture.

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With mother plants, I usually go with pre-flowering, because you want the extra bloom to keep your PH in the 6.5 range because this gives the plant a little boost in the stems to help with clone roots later on.

When you give your plants too much potassium/Phosphorous in the veggie stage it can lend to making males, or so I have read...

So keeping them closer to neutral PH, squelches the P and K and provides greater amounts of N.

N = Nitrogen

P = phosphorous

K = Potassium

However, when you're sure that you have a female mother plant, then you just want to provide a well balanced diet of NPK and keep the PH in about the 6.5 range.

Usually, I just run RDWC so, I fill up the bucket with nute water, put the weakest of flourescent grow lights on the plant and just let it go wild, pretty much just ignore it. When I see the plant start doing weird things, I will correct it.
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With mother plants, I usually go with pre-flowering, because you want the extra bloom to keep your PH in the 6.5 range because this gives the plant a little boost in the stems to help with clone roots later on.
Okay, but I'm not going to have the mother plant to flower, I'm going to take cuttings from it, but okay then I follow the flowering nutrient list?


I mean i follows the pre-flowering list on the back of the bottles and gives them what is written on the back of the bottle.


Okay, but I'm not going to have the mother plant to flower, I'm going to take cuttings from it, but okay then I follow the flowering nutrient list?

The mother plant is not going to be flowered... but it needs the "Pre-flowering" nutrients to obtain a balanced diet for long term survival without generating buds.

Essentially what you're doing is promoting the fastest new growth possible without generating buds...

That takes a lot of NPK in balanced quantities to ensure that the plant does not lack in nutrients and also so that the clones that it produces is loaded with the PK nutrients necessary for their survival after separation from the mother.

When you start a plant from seeds.... The first and immediate little knobs that pop out of the seed, that aren't leaves, have a certain name that I forget now....

Anyway, those are like nutrient nodes that provide the first essential life needs to the seedling.

Cuttings don't have that, so you have to provide it, without over doing it, just enough to get the roots to form up, usually within 7-10 days.
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The mother plant is not going to be flowered... but it needs the "Pre-flowering" nutrients to obtain a balanced diet for long term survival without generating buds.

Essentially what you're doing is promoting the fastest new growth possible without generating buds...

That takes a lot of NPK in balanced quantities to ensure that the plant does not lack in nutrients and also so that the clones that it produces is loaded with the PK nutrients necessary for their survival after separation from the mother.

When you start a plant from seeds.... The first and immediate little knobs that pop out of the seed, that aren't leaves, have a certain name that I forget now....

Anyway, those are like nutrient nodes that provide the first essential life needs to the seedling.
Okay, Thank you so mutch, so next time it needs to be watered, I'll switch to pre-flowering nutrition. and does not halve the dose or give it a PH-minus but just follows straight from what is written on the bottle.


Okay, Thank you so mutch, so next time it needs to be watered, I'll switch to pre-flowering nutrition. and does not halve the dose or give it a PH-minus but just follows straight from what is written on the bottle.

Stay patient, give it time to react to what you do. Things in soil go a little slower....

I personally would either switch to full DWC hydro or go with a different set of nutrients that are meant for soil.

Running hydro nutrients in a soil set up usually isn't good.


Stay patient, give it time to react to what you do. Things in soil go a little slower....

I personally would either switch to full DWC hydro or go with a different set of nutrients that are meant for soil.

Running hydro nutrients in a soil set up usually isn't good.
Got it, I've heard a bit from people about growing in DWC hydro, But I'm not quite there yet, as I'm in the very beginning phase, I've never grown Cannabis before. So if you make a mistake in Hydro, you end up with the plant dying within 2 days. The reason I chose to grow in soil is because you can do more mistakes with soil.

- It says that this nutrient is for coco, hydro and soil.




I have now mixed nutrients with 4 L of water. I also like to have the nutrients ready in 5 L cans.


Grow 6 ml

Micro 6 ml

Bloom 4 ml

I reckon it was correct, and have checked the nutrition for soil which is on the bottle.

IMG 9153


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Hey! And Thanks a lot. :)

- @Deadstill

I have tried mixing 1 L of water and the recommended dose of what is written on the back of my nutritional bottles of only Micro and Bloom as they have the most calcium and magnesium. Then I'll see if it helps, gave the Northern Lights mother plant 0.7 dl of water and the Strawberry Banana motherplant 0.3 dl so I might be able to see the difference between them.

Yes, I live outside the US, I actually live in Norway. :P then problems with getting hold of CalMag+.

But maybe I can rather buy this one that I can get here readily available?


And again, thanks so much for your help guys!
Yes, I would get some of that as soon as possible if you can. There are other, more natural ways to add Calcium and Magnesium to your soil, as well. You can try epsom salt for magnesium and wood ash for calcium, for instance. If you do a quick google search on how to add magnesium and calcium naturally, you'll get a whole list of things you can use.


Yes, I would get some of that as soon as possible if you can. There are other, more natural ways to add Calcium and Magnesium to your soil, as well. You can try epsom salt for magnesium and wood ash for calcium, for instance. If you do a quick google search on how to add magnesium and calcium naturally, you'll get a whole list of things you can use.
Yeah. I think i Buy this one


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