Really dumb questions but I’m new.



My plants “auto flower” are already flowering and can’t be any taller than 10 to 12 inches high. Is this normal? Most pictures I see the plants look huge with multiple branches. They are in relatively small pots which I planned on transplanting to larger but was advised I’d hurt the plants and best to leave in original pots now.
And really dumb question, after harvesting should I use fresh dirt for next batch or can I reuse? I used fox farms Ocean. Next time they all will start in larger containers.


One of the issues with autoflowers is that once the seed gets wet, the clock is ticking. It's going to flower when it wants to, which limits the size, and also the time available for recovering from any mistakes the grower makes. Photoperiod plants are a bit more forgiving, because you can veg as long as you need to, to create healthy plants the size you want.

You can reuse Ocean Forest, but you'll likely want to re-amend it to replace the nutes the previous run ate.


My plants “auto flower” are already flowering and can’t be any taller than 10 to 12 inches high. Is this normal? Most pictures I see the plants look huge with multiple branches. They are in relatively small pots which I planned on transplanting to larger but was advised I’d hurt the plants and best to leave in original pots now.
And really dumb question, after harvesting should I use fresh dirt for next batch or can I reuse? I used fox farms Ocean. Next time they all will start in larger containers.
Mix FFOF with 30 to 40% top soil sand pea gravel and if you want washed or rinsed perlite .
FFOF ( Macro nutrients) Micronutrients are Cal mag zinc iron boron sulfur and more. The micro nutrients help so the plant can uptake more macronutrients.
Top soil is 50% silica 5% nutrients . FFOF is all nutrients ( Organic matter ) Tree bark fern leaves loam. all soaks up water .
The mix of top soil sand ,gravel winning combination .
Silica really makes your plant strong .. 2 kinds of silica ( crystalline silica ) < mineral < and organic silica I believe from rice hulls.
100% sold on Silica Gold ...( organic ) adsorbs into plant faster then crystalline silica .
And you need to PH the water/nutrients your giving your plant.
you can do a run off PH test too,
Hope this helps .


If you’re a new grower, allow me to give u a bit of advice. U likely chose autos b/c they appear to be less complicated and produce the end result quicker. The reality is that autos are often way more difficult b/c you’re playing beat the clock from the time your seed germinates.
The auto is going to start flowering somewhere between day 30-45, regardless…….so it’s critical to be dialed in on the first 3 weeks of the grow.
Any minor setback or mistake, your fault or not, will dramatically affect your ultimate yield.
Photos on the other hand, allow for countless beginner mistakes and/or environmental issues. While it’s true the grow cycle will be longer, the payoff is much more certain.
I will do a seed grow and usually veg for 6-8 weeks. I suck with seedlings and sometimes they may not grow as rapidly as I’d like. But once you’re dialed in, vegging for an extra 2 weeks or so (if u have the space) means much larger harvests.
I generally grow 3 plants in a 2’x6’ space w/ 470 total watts of LED’s. Give me 8 weeks to Veg before flipping to 12/12 and I can almost guarantee 1 lb of dried & tighly manicured tops.
In that same scenario, I can screw something up and it may add a week onto my veg time, while the plant catches up…..but my harvest will still be a nice one.
I’m not trying to bash autos. God knows there are some growers on this site that are absolute rock stars growing autos. And they’ll likely do anything in their power to help u.
The last thing I’ll point out is it seems that genetics with autos can be a crapshoot. Perhaps those same Auto Rock Stars can point u to the right breeders to ensure solid genetics.
Good luck.


Thanks, and yes auto seemed like they would be a no brainer, but guess I’ll stick with them next round until I use up the seeds. Will try different variety in grow room when the weather goes to shit. I just figured it’s a weed plop some seeds in a pile of dog poop and it will grow. But obviously a lot more to it than that! Last time I tried to grow was in a phototron if that tells you anything. Had to be in the 80’s I’d think.


My plants “auto flower” are already flowering and can’t be any taller than 10 to 12 inches high. Is this normal? Most pictures I see the plants look huge with multiple branches. They are in relatively small pots which I planned on transplanting to larger but was advised I’d hurt the plants and best to leave in original pots now.
And really dumb question, after harvesting should I use fresh dirt for next batch or can I reuse? I used fox farms Ocean. Next time they all will start in larger containers.

I've run quite a few autos and like others have said, the clock is ticking once they germinate. So they'll flower when they want but saying that they can still grow and stretch a lot once flowering begins. The pot size may will be inhibiting them growing more also. Why were you advised not to repot them?

Keep at it, they'll be great!


I always use new soil but that's just me, my friend re-uses and seems to do ok. Some good advice from @HeadHunterpipes above there.

For good auto genetics I'd recommend the following (from my experience):

Night Owl Seeds
Speedrun Seeds
Mephisto Genetics
Twisted Trees Autoflowers

But there are many more to choose from of course.


I've run quite a few autos and like others have said, the clock is ticking once they germinate. So they'll flower when they want but saying that they can still grow and stretch a lot once flowering begins. The pot size may will be inhibiting them growing more also. Why were you advised not to repot them?

Keep at it, they'll be great!
Well 2 people on here said it could negatively affect the plants and said they would just leave in original pot. But I may try anyway not really life or death, just a few plants, can always regrow, plenty of summer left for another round.


Well 2 people on here said it could negatively affect the plants and said they would just leave in original pot. But I may try anyway not really life or death, just a few plants, can always regrow, plenty of summer left for another round.

I mean it can as it can take a little while for them to get over their transplant (clocks ticking and all that again) but I've never had an issue personally, it's only a few days here and there. Personal preference I'd say tbh.

Like you say, plenty of time so maybe do a few and leave the others as a comparison? All a good learning process whatever. 😊

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