Rookie outdoor grow in hollister ca

  • Thread starter cbrians
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The wind probably comes from the same direction most of the time! On shore! If it’s that bad, maybe you can just fashion some kind of windbreak! In my opinion, greenhouses can screw things up if not done properly! The watering is the important part! Don’t be afraid to let those pots dry back! A cheapo single probe moisture meter can help you take some of the guest work out of that until you know what you’re doing! About 15 bucks I’m up by red Bluff!


Opened the top up so it vents a little better, and got them raised up. Probably going to leave them alone, I’m gonna end up caring too much and killing them ha
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The wind probably comes from the same direction most of the time! On shore! If it’s that bad, maybe you can just fashion some kind of windbreak! In my opinion, greenhouses can screw things up if not done properly! The watering is the important part! Don’t be afraid to let those pots dry back! A cheapo single probe moisture meter can help you take some of the guest work out of that until you know what you’re doing! About 15 bucks I’m up by red Bluff!
Okay I googled red bluff and it’s not close to
me but you said shore like you know the area? I’m on fairview. Out away from prying city eyes lol


ah fuck parenting win 😅

the black gold is organic I think, I can try and find a picture.

So too much water? I was worried it wasn’t enough. I’m working graveyard now but I can send an updated pic in the morning
It is the organic black gold, with some nutrients but probably not enough. I’ve kept them in the same soil brand to be consistent
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No, not familiar with it. Most coastal areas on the West Coast get an on shore, breeze, most of the time! And a fair amount of humidity at night so things don’t dry out as fast!


I just opened up the top of it so it vents a little more, it was getting steamy.

I have them in there mostly because of how damn windy it gets in my yard. I will try and find something to set them up on
You could use the same “greenhouse” structure and remove the clear plastic and add a wind screen type of material🤷🏼‍♂️ think sun shade (low percentage) if you are concerned about the wind : )


No, not familiar with it. Most coastal areas on the West Coast get an on shore, breeze, most of the time! And a fair amount of humidity at night so things don’t dry out as fast!
Oh okay. I live like a mile from ‘shore road’ hence my confusion hahaha. Yeah, blustery and moist, fog rolls in over the mountains from the coast on a daily basis. Probably added to the over watering


You could use the same “greenhouse” structure and remove the clear plastic and add a wind screen type of material🤷🏼‍♂️ think sun shade (low percentage) if you are concerned about the wind : )
Oh good idea! I almost bought some welding partitions but this is stuff I had laying around the yard. We actually just replaced a screen door, I can probably upcycle it.


Relatedly unrelated, thanks for being helpful, I posted and prepared to get shamed for just trying to do a basic grow. I appreciate y’all
this site is the coolest place on the internet! You should see some of the hokey shit I do! At the very most oldchucky will come through and bust my balls 😂 if you are doing some really dumb stuff (with your plants) someone will say something : ) the admin is very good about keeping a positive energy here and like wise with the members 😍 ask all your questions!!!


Where you are at you can’t get too much sun! Straight, unfiltered sunlight! Sun up to sundown! And I’ve never seen bear do anything dumb! Insane yes, dumb no! Nothing wrong with thinking outside the box!


Where you are at you can’t get too much sun! Straight, unfiltered sunlight! Sun up to sundown! And I’ve never seen bear do anything dumb! Insane yes, dumb no! Nothing wrong with thinking outside the box!
Just fueling the fire man! 😂 seriously though, thank you 🙏✌️ : )


I love it I’ll be on here all the time. Prepare yourselves haha.

So, it seems like you guys think it’s a water issue or a nutrient issue. IF it’s a water thing, how long should I wait to water again, or I guess how long until I should be concerned. Last watered yesterday, but they’ve been droopy since monday. I’ll do a better job of keeping a consistent watering schedule.


It depends on your environment how fast they will dry out! 100° and 20% humidity will dry out a hell of a lot faster than 70° and 60% humidity! Those plants are not transpiring a lot of water! Most of the drying out is occurring because of an evaporation! At least until the plants get bigger. And the roots start occupying more of the pot. If you don’t have good air circulation over, under, and around the pots, they might take forever to dry out! And just because you stick your finger, two or 3 inches into the top of the soil to check for moisture doesn’t mean that’s what the moisture will be in the middle or the bottom of the pot. I would be inclined on a couple of them to not water For four or five days and see if the plant don’t start perking up after two or three of that. And when you water you need to slowly water the entire pot. Not just this area underneath the canopy of the plant. Roots will not grow into dry soil. So if you only water a limited small area, that’s where the roots will stay. Watering is nothing more than wetting all of the soil in the pot, and then not watering again until most of it has dried out! Pot plants don’t like having their roots wet all the time. You need to let that medium dry out or come close to it before you water again. They recover from under watering in a couple of hours. Recovery from overwatering takes days! That’s just my take on it. Others will have other things to say.


You need to give the route zone a supply of oxygen. When the roots are in a constantly wet soil, there’s no way for the oxygen to work its way in there. So you are an essence slowly drowning them. If you let the Root zone dry out some, then air or oxygen will occupy the space in the soil that is vacated by the water leaving! So they get a chance to breathe. That is kind of simplistic, but it is what constitutes a wet dry cycle! Depending upon the density and the water holding capacity of the medium the time it takes to run that cycle can be anywhere from a few days to a week or more. Some people with experience can lift the pot and tell the difference between a wet pot, and one that needs watering. That comes with experience, but in my book, it is always better to underwater.. just my two cents worth and you’re on your own with the feeding part.


You need to give the route zone a supply of oxygen. When the roots are in a constantly wet soil, there’s no way for the oxygen to work its way in there. So you are an essence slowly drowning them. If you let the Root zone dry out some, then air or oxygen will occupy the space in the soil that is vacated by the water leaving! So they get a chance to breathe. That is kind of simplistic, but it is what constitutes a wet dry cycle! Depending upon the density and the water holding capacity of the medium the time it takes to run that cycle can be anywhere from a few days to a week or more. Some people with experience can lift the pot and tell the difference between a wet pot, and one that needs watering. That comes with experience, but in my book, it is always better to underwater.. just my two cents worth and you’re on your own with the feeding part.
Okay that makes sense. I guess it feels like it should be the opposite right, water is life ya know. I hear you thought about drowning them. I’ll probably give them until Saturday and see how they do. Will definitely update


Alright y’all, back again cuz I have no patience. Pulled plants out of the ‘green house’ have them raised up on some boards in direct sun. In my opinion the colors look fantastic, they’re so green I love it. Even with that they’re so droopy.

Still thinking over water?
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Here some (child free) group pics, it’s a bit windy in the backyard but you can sorta tell they’re in varying stages of droop. Some have the top two leaves in full prayer and the bottoms are sad.
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Okay, I caved and watered them this morning. I’m reading more, I see a lot of talk about over watering or over nutrients(dark green leaves), but I think in reality I didn’t harden them off at all 😅
Any tips on correcting this? Should I just let them adjust on their own, or should I start taking them inside and out? They’ve already been out for a week ish.


You need to give the route zone a supply of oxygen. When the roots are in a constantly wet soil, there’s no way for the oxygen to work its way in there. So you are an essence slowly drowning them. If you let the Root zone dry out some, then air or oxygen will occupy the space in the soil that is vacated by the water leaving! So they get a chance to breathe. That is kind of simplistic, but it is what constitutes a wet dry cycle! Depending upon the density and the water holding capacity of the medium the time it takes to run that cycle can be anywhere from a few days to a week or more. Some people with experience can lift the pot and tell the difference between a wet pot, and one that needs watering. That comes with experience, but in my book, it is always better to underwater.. just my two cents worth and you’re on your own with the feeding part.
Seems like if ya took some tubing with tiny holes in it and mixed it up in the pot in the beginning you could use an air pump to blow air inside
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