She is just thirsty, yeah?



She was a bit droopy this morning when i watered. If im on the right track im seeing the stems still holding the leaf up and floppy fingers. Is this too droopy? Possibly time to increase the water added? Ive been watering every other day about 3 cups. Ph 6. Light is 40 in.
She is just thirsty yeah


Sacred Tree Organic Farms
She was a bit droopy this morning when i watered. If im on the right track im seeing the stems still holding the leaf up and floppy fingers. Is this too droopy? Possibly time to increase the water added? Ive been watering every other day about 3 cups. Ph 6. Light is 40 in.
Some cultivars don't like to be slammed all at one time. This causes almost a drowning effect to the root zone, and locks out oxygen. Plants look angry but quickly bounce out as they begin to transpire.

Watch for dry pockets too, you can see the sides that didn't get touched.


Some cultivars don't like to be slammed all at one time. This causes almost a drowning effect to the root zone, and locks out oxygen. Plants look angry but quickly bounce out as they begin to transpire.

Watch for dry pockets too, you can see the sides that didn't get touched.
Copy. My technique is very sloppy. I use a little cup. I need a controllable method for getting past the leaves. Im scared my massive hands are going to damage the plants so i try my best to dodge the leaves when i water, i dont really know how to water them clean yet.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Im scared my massive hands are going to damage the plants so i try my best to dodge the leaves when i water,
You definitely don’t want to go in there like the Hulk but you dont have to avoid touching the plant : ) You can gently move things out of your way a bit, at least enough to water.


You definitely don’t want to go in there like the Hulk but you dont have to avoid touching the plant : ) You can gently move things out of your way a bit, at least enough to water.
Copy. I have a very difficult time with gentle. Im going to look around for inspiration on this today. Maybe a snub nosed watering can so i am able to gently move the leaf and get by her as i pour? I currently can not double fist the base and move the leaves and get a cup of water close enough to the base anymore. Ill come up with something by the day after tomorrow.


I go in in my plants like them 👇


cannabis is tough plant. you should see what I do with the fans while tucking lol
don't be scared and water properly in those pots or you will get in trouble AZreefer. I can see from here that you are not watering properly
1/4 of water per volume of pot divided by three.
each plant should be watered in stages.
Let's say I have 2 L of water- I split it in three parts- one part around the plant itself slowly, you turn the pot or yourself around the pot, you leave it for a bit 10-15 min is enough taking care of another plant, come back- apply second part on the edges, leave it, continue other plants or go for smoke or snack, come back- last part I fill the pot surface quickly so it's sinking evenly. done. should be around 10-15% of run off and few days of peace and happy plant. if you're in cocoloco it's different- even more water is going in much more often
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Copy. I have a very difficult time with gentle. Im going to look around for inspiration on this today. Maybe a snub nosed watering can so i am able to gently move the leaf and get by her as i pour? I currently can not double fist the base and move the leaves and get a cup of water close enough to the base anymore. Ill come up with something by the day after tomorrow.
The longer time in between feeds the better. I feed every 4th day for instance. Wet dry cycles are everything. Like @SacredTreeOrganicFarms said, the roots need air also plant size relative to potbsize tells me don’t water until runoff your amounts 3 cups is groovy. they haven’t filled the bottom of those pots at all yet. Don’t want to over saturate down there and make a dead zone. If you are heavy handed at feed time, they droop, unless you soaked the shit out of them. In which case increase airflow and fan pointed at pots. tomorrow they will look great.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I go in in my plants like them 👇

View attachment 2207986

cannabis is tough plant. you should see what I do with the fans while tucking lol
don't be scared and water properly in those pots or you will get in trouble AZreefer. I can see from here that you are not watering properly
That strain called “the goat” 😂


She was a bit droopy this morning when i watered. If im on the right track im seeing the stems still holding the leaf up and floppy fingers. Is this too droopy? Possibly time to increase the water added? Ive been watering every other day about 3 cups. Ph 6. Light is 40 in.
She was a bit droopy this morning when i watered. If im on the right track im seeing the stems still holding the leaf up and floppy fingers. Is this too droopy? Possibly time to increase the water added? Ive been watering every other day about 3 cups. Ph 6. Light is 40 in.
I can see in the pictures you're not watering correctly, 3 cups is not enough, you have to wet the ENTIRE MEDIUM and sometimes you have to achieve 20-25% RUNOFF or the roots will NOT grow properly through your medium-


they haven’t filled the bottom of those pots at all yet.

they never will if he will be watering 3 gal or 5 gal with only bit around the plant. had a friend that was watering only on edges of big pot with (I have to admit) some success without flushing through main one (which I like to do first as it flushes main ball nicely from crap)


they never will if he will be watering 3 gal or 5 gal with only bit around the plant. had a friend that was watering only on edges of big pot with (I have to admit) some success without flushing through main one (which I like to do first as it flushes main ball nicely from crap)
I have organics under my potting medium. Im not supposed to water to run off. One of the reasons i thought organic would be good.


The longer time in between feeds the better. I feed every 4th day for instance. Wet dry cycles are everything. Like @SacredTreeOrganicFarms said, the roots need air also plant size relative to potbsize tells me don’t water until runoff your amounts 3 cups is groovy. they haven’t filled the bottom of those pots at all yet. Don’t want to over saturate down there and make a dead zone. If you are heavy handed at feed time, they droop, unless you soaked the shit out of them. In which case increase airflow and fan pointed at pots. tomorrow they will look great.
Im going to drop a fan to pot level now.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I have organics under my potting medium. Im not supposed to water to run off. One of the reasons i thought organic would be good.
I am also a dude who never waters to runoff….
It’s not my style.
And yeah, organic is great 👍🏻

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