
  • Thread starter New2dagame
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Was just told today always use silica first when mixing in nutes. News to me , guess I been doing wrong for the last 14 months .
Was starting with base then calmag then other supplements, with silica being usually last .
Would love to hear everyone's order on mixing nutes into water.????



I am a woodworker and very aware of the risks working with wood (plant material) that contains silica. Silica in tropical woods for example can cause serious lung disease when the dust is inhaled in a wood shop (I think it is called silicosis).

So, my questions are:

1. How does cannabis use silica and how is it processed by the plant?
2. Is it in the flower material as silica when we smoke it if it was added to the nutrient schedule?

I have not used it in my grow yet but I hear it is very beneficial to the plant, just curious about the potential for unintended consequences if any exist.

Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

I add silica last. PH water first. No particular order is necessary imo, and experience. I add the same crap in a particular order, just so I don't forget to add something. Is the silica utilized better if added first? Will it at an extra oz, or gram to final harvest?
Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

Does it really matter. If a guy thinks it's doing something, great for him.
Week 4, under a 600 2 moms I threw under a screen.
Dam, shoulda added silica first. People think WAY too much. This shit is EASY! Haven't gone above 1.1 ec the entire grow. Seriously, it does not matter!
20180316 113658
20180316 113530
20180316 223949
Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

Diffrent strain the grow before. For some reason I'm getting an error messege when trying to upload previous grows. Diffrent strains, just as good, or better results.
Great yields, top shelf.
The few things I find important.
Check on 2x's with 2 meters, keep clean, less is more, keep it SIMPLE!! (Don't remember what week this was, but still had a while
20171227 181604
20180103 191141
20180127 163547
Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

Sometimes ilica will precipitate out. Reason why they say add silica first. Mix, then add other amendments. Mix, then ph.
If my ph ends up a bit low, I'll add a bit more silica as a ph up.
I'll switch it up next grow, and see if I get any better results. I'm almost always willing to take suggestions, but DO NOT PISS IN YOUR REZ PEPS. I'v seriously read that a few times


If my ph ends up a bit low, I'll add a bit more silica as a ph up.
I'll switch it up next grow, and see if I get any better results. I'm almost always willing to take suggestions, but DO NOT PISS IN YOUR REZ PEPS. I'v seriously read that a few times
you dont know urea if ya dont know bout pissin the the res,and you need more calmag,plants r lackin, cracka
crackalackin :p


Shit what ratios were in the vial and also the dropper? Not super scientific in that video lol.if ya did that with most chems you might have problems mixing.take a half cap full of pk boost like 0-4-5 or similar and place it on a pour or use a dropper and put just 2 ml of most any grow formula on top and see what happens.same shit with gh micro,has to be mixed curious to know what happens to the silica when added first,then nutes,then you add pH down or citric acid in the final step.what chemical gets modified in that process?

Science bitches
Screenshot 20171209 110308

Couldn't find the other pic haha.


Shit what ratios were in the vial and also the dropper? Not super scientific in that video lol.if ya did that with most chems you might have problems mixing.take a half cap full of pk boost like 0-4-5 or similar and place it on a pour or use a dropper and put just 2 ml of most any grow formula on top and see what happens.same shit with gh micro,has to be mixed curious to know what happens to the silica when added first,then nutes,then you add pH down or citric acid in the final step.what chemical gets modified in that process?

Science bitches
View attachment 786333
Couldn't find the other pic haha.
Yeah, I think the concentration was high to make the demonstration easier to see.
Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

In my years of doing this, yes silica helps, the order in which it's put has made no diffrence.
That video was hardly scientific. I bet if you added the same amount of each in reverse....Anyway, I've never had an N lockout due to anything besides a broken meter, (so use 2). Idk about you, but I'm always topping off my rez after each feeding, so silica is already present. Add an air stone, let it sit at the 2 ml, and it mixes up fine. Silica is already in the solution to start. From glancing at the bottle, that was CE Silica 2 ml
I use it last most of the time, especially if my ph is a Pune hair low.
If it works for you, and you get results, that's all that matters.
Yes, I always do add Micro before Bloom when using the Lucas Formula. I always have. I'll try bloom first next time, but I doubt it will make a gram of diffrence in yield, but never tried.
My order. Lucas
PH. Micro 8
Cal/mag. Bloom 16
Base. Depending on strain
Silica 1 ml cal/mag
Drip clean
I'm looking for well over 2 lbs per 600. If pissing in my rez doesn't work, I'll give marshmallows a shot. They float too. Even the ones in Frankenberry.
If what you're doing is giving, or surpassing your expectations, no need to change.
I'm with 6 string on this


I used the micro last for almost a year before I read it should be added first lol.i never saw issues the other way but I will admit after I read this I started using micro first haha.
IMG 20180320 124236752

I posted this for a few reasons.last line,never combine in undiluted water,which is exactly what happened in that video.
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