Socks' garden pic dump thread

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Gave the runtz bush a mild lolipopping today. I haven't really defoliated any of my plants since I've been growing But with how much of a bush the runtz has become I felt it was needed. Normally I'll just go around and pick off some bud sites that aren't gonna amount to anything and let the plants defoliate themselves when they want because of my environment and all the bugs I don't want to take the plants first line of defense.

I don't personally mind having some popcorn buds at the bottom because I eat my weed anyways sothat kinda stuff just goes into my edibles. Plus I like to keep my grow as natural as possible and let nature do it's thing.


So I wanted to save the two afghans, runtz, and the super skunk so I bought a clone dome, heating pad, and some rooting gel. A few weeks ago now I took 3 clones from each of the afghans and the runtz for a total of 9 cuttings (super skunk was smaller than I wanted it to be so I'm gonna monstercrop that after a couple weeks in flower)

I had read you want to skip a feeding or two so that's what I did. I ended up having all 9 root however a coupe of the clones were on deaths door by the time they got into the soil so next time I'll wait less time after the last feeding. I'm gonna choose the healthiest 1 of each plant and just kill the rest as it's not worth throwing them.out to grow as they would go into flower immediately and only produce a single bud lol. Here's a pic of the clones like a week after putting them in 1 gallon pots
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A few days ago I went outside at night and happened to notice the window in the hallway which has a light right In front of it was shining light onto my plants so I went inside and covered the window.

About 1/3rd of my photos had gone into flower at that point then today about 2-3 days later I'm now noticing everything has started flowering. It couldnt have delayed flowering by more than a couple days so I'm not worried about that but it's a good thing I caught it when I did.

It's hard to really see the youngest flowering ones have flipped in the pics but I can tell by the slight change to their growth tips and the plant looks like it's starting to stretch
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I thought I had part of a leaf on one of my plants so I went to brush it off and it hopped away from me so I looked closer and realized there was a small tree frog on my plant lol
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Some pics from today, they are starting to smell delicious! Took one pic of me right next to and slightly behind one of the plants for size reference. I'm 6 feet tall 255lbs so I'm not a small guy by any means.
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Had a pretty nasty storm come through last night that messed up a couple of my plants so I had to do some repairs and get some poles in the ground to anchor a few plants to.

First picture the plant split right in half where it topped itself so I used plastic wrap to cover the wound then taped both ends of the plastic and anchored the plant to a post.
Then it knocked a couple other plants all the way over so I had to drive some poles into the ground and anchor the plants to them to keep them up right now.
Last picture the plant got knocked over and one of the two main stems folded in half so I used a couple stakes as a splint and anchored that plant too.

So far everything is still alive, I've done these repairs before and was able to finish the plants out so should be able to do the same here unless they get an infection but I'll keep an eye on them and if need be harvest a bit early. Otherwise I'm gonna keep on like normal.
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Been raining wayyy too much for my liking lately lol almost everyday and twice the last week we've had torrential downpours that messed my plants structural integrity up some so ive had to anchor the plants/branches in a couple different ways to.keep them off the ground since.

Couple pics in here to show more recent fixes mostly anchoring branches to the main stems for extra support.
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Harvested one of the autos yesterday I did the hydrogen peroxide/water bath I've been doing the last few years. I included a picture of what was left in the water after the quick bud bath from the one plant. And the Also so pics from today
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bud worms suck,, went out this morning and noticed like 10 spots that went to mold where worms obviously got in so I had to cut off the bud around each spot. Oh well I expect to find some moldy spots for this very reason just sucks when I find them.

Even with spraying Dr zymes and BT I still find some moldy spots, I'd imagine it would be even worse if I wasn't spraying.

I'll watch the spots that is. Cut out to make sure the mold doesn't spread or some back and try to limp the plant to the finish line.

One thing I noticed while cutting out those spots the buds are. Quite a bit stickier than they were last year from the same seeds. Curious if it's all genetics or if the feeding changes I made had any impact there. Either way my hand was coated in resin after cutting these buds out.


bud worms suck,, went out this morning and noticed like 10 spots that went to mold where worms obviously got in so I had to cut off the bud around each spot. Oh well I expect to find some moldy spots for this very reason just sucks when I find them.

Even with spraying Dr zymes and BT I still find some moldy spots, I'd imagine it would be even worse if I wasn't spraying.

I'll watch the spots that is. Cut out to make sure the mold doesn't spread or some back and try to limp the plant to the finish line.

One thing I noticed while cutting out those spots the buds are. Quite a bit stickier than they were last year from the same seeds. Curious if it's all genetics or if the feeding changes I made had any impact there. Either way my hand was coated in resin after cutting these buds out.
I hear you sucks! I found a couple of spots on one of mine and a cat carcass on one of the leaves. First time I’ve had cats. Guess the law of averages catches up with you sooner or later. Same here just gonna keep an ion it, and cut it off as it appears. Not spraying anything. Was actually glad to see it cats and not humidity related. And I agree with you for some reason the birds seem a lot farther along and stickier than they did at this point last year. Maybe it’s a nationwide phenomenon! Who knows. Hang in there and good luck! This auto correct is killing me! Lol


I hear you sucks! I found a couple of spots on one of mine and a cat carcass on one of the leaves. First time I’ve had cats. Guess the law of averages catches up with you sooner or later. Same here just gonna keep an ion it, and cut it off as it appears. Not spraying anything. Was actually glad to see it cats and not humidity related. And I agree with you for some reason the birds seem a lot farther along and stickier than they did at this point last year. Maybe it’s a nationwide phenomenon! Who knows. Hang in there and good luck! This auto correct is killing me! Lol
Damn that sucks man, I've seen at least a few spots every year but I have attributed that to the fact I live out in the woods and there have always been a ton of moths every year growing up out here. I just watch for the moldy spots when the buds get bigger and any area that is moldy.

I do spray the plants with Dr zymes to keep wpm away but I also spray the plants with BT too specifically for the caterpillars and I still get some🤷‍♂️. Oh well i have just calculated that loss in to begin with so I don't get as bummed as I did the first couple times it happened.

I'm.guessing with all.the rain we've had the last few weeks the BT isn't staying on the plants long enough to be eaten by many cats. Hope you don't find any more spots but just.gotta pay attention. I'm gonna spray again tonight before dark
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