Starting to Yellow on lead tip



I noticed some yellowing on one of my leaf tips this morning. I’m using happy frog so I haven’t added any nutrients yet.

She’s been in the soil for 11 days.

I have been having humidity issues so my first thought was too much heat or light.

Any help would be appreciated.
Starting to yellow on lead tip
Starting to yellow on lead tip 2


Oh!! I didn’t know what. I thought it would be best so I could see what was going on. I will do something to protect them.

How high/intensity do you recommend the light should be? I’m using 100W LED light. I was running it on the highest intensity.


But how far away is that light? It's a good watt to have for a good long veg light but seedling needs about 24" then lower it down or raise the pot up on risers. I'm not using such high wattage on seedlings just 32watt CFL with a reflector hood. Sits at about 12" i'd raise your light or lower the watts temporarely? My 2cents🥸


Get colored solo cups. Melt holes in bottom and on sides if you choose. Download a ppfd/dli app. You most likely need to add pinch of nitrogen just using happy frog. I use it also and after 3 weeks of seed in solo cup they for sure need more. What I do is for seedlings I use 25 percent ocean forest toward bottom of cup and 75 percent happy frog on top.
Screenshot 20240214 1210462
Screenshot 20240217 151406


But how far away is that light? It's a good watt to have for a good long veg light but seedling needs about 24" then lower it down or raise the pot up on risers. I'm not using such high wattage on seedlings just 32watt CFL with a reflector hood. Sits at about 12" i'd raise your light or lower the watts temporarely? My 2cents🥸
it wasn’t very far. I had it probably about 4 in. or so away. On that high setting. It did good for the first week or so then I noticed this today. This is the light that came with the grow tent. I have an ac infinity 2x2x4.
Get colored solo cups. Melt holes in bottom and on sides if you choose. Download a ppfd/dli app. You most likely need to add pinch of nitrogen just using happy frog. I use it also and after 3 weeks of seed in solo cup they for sure need more. What I do is for seedlings I use 25 percent ocean forest toward bottom of cup and 75 percent happy frog on top.
it hasn’t been in the soil that long. It hasn’t even been a full 2 weeks yet. I was worried if I put nutrients in this early she would burn.

I do have the bottles of nutrients. The fox farm trio I saw everyone recommend.


I raised the light to the 1ft mark in the tent, put her inside another cup to protect the roots, and lowered the power of the light from 10 to 2. This is what she currently looks like and the info from my environment.
IMG 4292
IMG 4294


I agree on getting the roots out of the light. I would be on the lookout for signs of over-lighting...edge curl, twisting, taco-ing, and colors other than green. Finally, I would add some more/larger drainage holes. Happy Frog holds onto water pretty hard, and the puckered texture on your leaves is a sign that the roots aren't getting enough air.
Solo cup holes

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