Struggling to identify what's going on here

  • Thread starter rchoromokos
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10 week old plants in Fox Farm soil. Been in soil now for 6 weeks and just starting to feed Grow Big twice a week. Keeping water at 6.4pH and probably feed 2.5 gal of water every couple of days or when they are dry (25 gal grow bags). The lower leaves and some random leaves showing signs of stress or some deficiency. I use tap water and generally let it sit outside in 5 gal buckets for a day or so. Tap water is probably a little high in calcium (I can see it in my faucet and ice maker in the house). Just find it hard to believe it's low N but maybe they are growing and need more food. Any help appreciated.
Struggling to identify whats going on here
Struggling to identify whats going on here 2
Struggling to identify whats going on here 3
Struggling to identify whats going on here 4
Struggling to identify whats going on here 5


Hey. I will play 😉 That's all we can do from photos 🤟

insect - caterpillar damage
deficiency- nitro for sure
deficiency with insect damage
insect - caterpillar- snail damage

There's loads of successful outside growers here. Hope they will be able to help you to get rid of whateva is eating those beautiful ladies 🤞 and advise on dressings.


I use Grow dots with my fox farms and my nutes are almost never a problem. I sometimes will top dress some Roots organics tea during my.flower


Lower leaf only? Well i start clipping under bottoms of my outdoor plants now, I'm in Oregon it's just starting to heat up. Myself i'm taking all the tiny pencil lead size bud sites off you want air flow. I've used grow big it's fine. Those are good size containers but i'm only feeding 1xwk with the N and i've top dressed with worm castings. I water from a hose for the deep waterings and use gal. milk jugs for nutes or teas. I also leave mine sit out to help with the chorlrene or whatever comes out of city water. And your plants look great. Just keep up the hydration and check real good daily for critters. I've not seen moths yet so far so no catipillars yet, but they'll be later on when flowering takes place friggin white moths.


10 week old plants in Fox Farm soil. Been in soil now for 6 weeks and just starting to feed Grow Big twice a week. Keeping water at 6.4pH and probably feed 2.5 gal of water every couple of days or when they are dry (25 gal grow bags). The lower leaves and some random leaves showing signs of stress or some deficiency. I use tap water and generally let it sit outside in 5 gal buckets for a day or so. Tap water is probably a little high in calcium (I can see it in my faucet and ice maker in the house). Just find it hard to believe it's low N but maybe they are growing and need more food. Any help appreciated.
Magnesium deficiency.


Use some cal mag for your plants. The regiment for feeding with fox farms for most of the weeks of life of the plant except for the end I think included Calmag


Yes to calmag. 1 tsp / gallon every other watering. They aren't in particularly bad shape, but they'll look better in a week or two.
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