The Supplement Thread

  • Thread starter Mndovrmnky
  • Start date
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The motivation behind this thread...

I have a sick family member and have been learning about different supplements from ppl. Easier access to this info and being able to talk to ppl who are using different regimens for different ailments makes sense. Also if we share what meds are being taken, ppl with more experience may have some insight into the long term pros and cons etc. Also, if anyone has opinions on which strains are good for what plz share. Thanks for participating.

He has PSP ( which is similar to Parkinsons and Alzheimers only the pathology is different. It's from a group of diseases know as parkinsonisms.

He has started taking thc oil as a sleep aid and cbd oil during the day.

His prescription consists of...
Avodart (dutasteride) - 1 a day for psa test.
Omeprazole - 1 a day acid reflux.
Co-beneldopa 100mg of levodopa and 25mg of benzeraside - parkinsons meds. 1 dissolvable in the morning and 3 capsules through the day each
Tamulosin - to help pass water 1 a day.
Bendroflumethiazide - 1 a day blood pressure.
Atenolol - 1 a day blood pressure.

His supplements are...
Ginkgo Biloba 6000mg - 1 a day memory aid.
Curcumin 400mg (turmeric) - 1 a day used for pain and inflammation.
Cbdbrothers white label cbd oil - A couple of drops in his soup or sandwich a day.
Homemade thc oil (sour secret) a drop the size of a grain of rice an hour before bed.
Solpadine - 1 a night
Equate sleep aid - 1 a night
Other sleeping meds in his Arsenal are calms forté and advanced sleeps melatonin.
Looks like he might use Tylenol for pain too. It's not being used regularly if he does.

There's a lot of info to potentially be collected here and hopefully ppl will be willing to participate and share their knowledge.


Ps. Someone with a similar disease to my dad has told me to start him on.
MMS (miracle mineral solution) see Jim humble and check out the testimonials on YouTube.
Collodial silver - For energy.
Serrapeptaze - For neuropathies.
Angstrom magnesium - sleep aid and muscle relaxant.
Spirulina - superfood with several positive effects.

Plz do your research before starting to take anything.
Always ask your doctor before taking anything.
Last edited:


Nice post bro and thanks for sharing this research and data here for us all to investigate.

Added, we can gain some good health benefit from adding certain bacteria types during times of illness than if we used certain meds alone, such as antibiotics. There is a vast amount of research collated with regards the impacts of Lactic Acid Bacteria on the bodies immune, antibiotic defense systems when recovering from illness or operation. Indeed you may find your own health centres provide you with live culture yoghurt for just this reason.

Many medical treatments of severe or otherwise aliments can indeed lead to a disruption in the natural flora of human beings, as our own high powered microbes go in to battle with pathogenic agents and losses are felt. At these times of combat, our vital organs, and bodily systems can be left uncovered from the usual protection offered by natural human flora. In particular, the colon can be exposed to additional risk of infection unless we provide a solution to the bare patches of human biology. Just as in a field we can easily spot the areas of compaction as lifeless sections of lawn for example, here we also find erosion and life changing consequences, so we must address the root causes, or at the very least, find a way to limit adding risk in order for normal function to return.
Anyone who has family, loved ones, friends or people they just know that is suffering for example from increased diarrhoea as a consequence of other meds that they might be taking for more serious problems, can I believe be helped by the inclusions of LAB in diets or as supplements. Taking tablets might be too much given the nature of modern meds, but we can find way to introduce LAB to our diets via live culture yoghurt, or fermented products such as Natto which in turn will increase our own ability to defend ourselves without bills beyond the usual shopping budgets.

there is plenty of data ref Butanediol volatiles assisting our biology to prevent toxin uptake, limit free radicals, assimilate and re program cells, activate receptors, or likewise deactivate. Microbes talk life to our biology directly, just cause you don't speak the language of volatiles, don't mean they aint working on you every second of the day. I really think cracking the code here will free up far more real assistance than the gene map ever could.

Lots of people may know this LAB stuff as bifodo? more here from WebMD

Bifidobacteria are a group of bacteria that normally live in the intestines. They can be grown outside the body and then taken by mouth as medicine.

Bifidobacteria are used for many conditions affecting the intestines, including preventing diarrhea in infants and children; as well as traveler’s diarrhea in adults. Some people take bifidobacteria to restore “good bacteria” in the gut that have been killed or removed by diarrhea, radiation, chemotherapy, antibiotics, or other causes. Bifidobacteria are also used to treat a bowel disease called ulcerative colitis, as well as a condition called pouchitis, which sometimes develops after surgery for ulcerative colitis. Some people use Bifidobacteria to prevent a particular bowel infection called necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns.

Other uses for Bifidobacteria include treating a skin condition in infants called atopic eczema, yeast infections (candidiasis), cold, flu, reducing flu-like symptoms in children attending day-care centers, breast pain (mastitis), hepatitis, lactose intolerance, mumps, Lyme disease, and cancer. These bacteria are also used to boost the immune system and lower cholesterol.

How does it work?
Bifidobacteria belong to a group of bacteria called lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria are found in fermented foods like yogurt and cheese. Bifidobacteria are used in treatment as so-called “probiotics,” the opposite of antibiotics. They are considered "friendly" bacteria and are taken to grow and multiply in areas of the body where they normally would occur. The human body counts on its normal bacteria to perform several jobs, including breaking down foods, helping the body take in nutrients, and preventing the take-over of “bad” bacteria. Probiotics such as bifidobacteria are typically used in cases when a disease occurs or might occur due to a kill-off of normal bacteria. For example, treatment with antibiotics can destroy disease-causing bacteria, but also normal bacteria in the GI (gastrointestinal) and urinary tracts. The theory is that taking Bifidobacterium probiotics during antibiotic treatment can prevent or minimize the death of good bacteria and the take-over by bad bacteria.

There is an increasing concern for the mineral values of our foods, and I sense we are eating less mushrooms and less green leaves that have been treated well and so likely even that many of us do eat, lacks much of the life giving properties we all need to stay healthy today. The destruction of microbial soil systems is a living disgrace, the continued sale of harmful pesticides and system altering chemical farming inputs etc must be halted without failure and today. The promises made by the chemical outfits about how that are going to save us, is and always has been a lie.
It is my expressed belief that pesticides and fungicides have reduce CoBalt levels to dangerous ranges leading to a number of cell imbalances as charge is out of sync with required nutrition values. Much like when we add things to soil and get compaction, we are preventing the natural state of balance of the golden ratio by increasing chaos and so the natural systems of homeostasis are failing
We must learn to navigate the narratives with more skill and we MUST keep sharing data in an open inclusive manner, even if this makes us look silly for earlier less informed comments and opinions or practice. We should avoid companies with proprietary rules that prevent us knowing the reality whatever that is.

We should fight poor data when and where we see it. We should challenge practice, store owners, politicians when we see then masking transparency. We MUST continue to share and communicate in an open public domain. Pvt companies are limiting, just ask windows users, and ask, would MS be a better company if we all had input?

More on LAB and gamma interferon here: ttps://

Some data on LAB and health bacteria with antibiotic treatments&f=false

good luck all stay healthy if you can and work with people who care if not.




The motivation behind this thread...

I have a sick family member and have been learning about different supplements from ppl. Easier access to this info and being able to talk to ppl who are using different regimens for different ailments makes sense. Also if we share what meds are being taken, ppl with more experience may have some insight into the long term pros and cons etc. Also, if anyone has opinions on which strains are good for what plz share. Thanks for participating.

He has PSP ( which is similar to Parkinsons and Alzheimers only the pathology is different. It's from a group of diseases know as parkinsonisms.

He has started taking thc oil as a sleep aid and cbd oil during the day.

His prescription consists of...
Avodart (dutasteride) - 1 a day for psa test.
Omeprazole - 1 a day acid reflux.
Co-beneldopa 100mg of levodopa and 25mg of benzeraside - parkinsons meds. 1 dissolvable in the morning and 3 capsules through the day each
Tamulosin - to help pass water 1 a day.
Bendroflumethiazide - 1 a day blood pressure.
Atenolol - 1 a day blood pressure.

His supplements are...
Ginkgo Biloba 6000mg - 1 a day memory aid.
Curcumin 400mg (turmeric) - 1 a day used for pain and inflammation.
Cbdbrothers white label cbd oil - A couple of drops in his soup or sandwich a day.
Homemade thc oil (sour secret) a drop the size of a grain of rice an hour before bed.
Solpadine - 1 a night
Equate sleep aid - 1 a night
Other sleeping meds in his Arsenal are calms forté and advanced sleeps melatonin.
Looks like he might use Tylenol for pain too. It's not being used regularly if he does.

There's a lot of info to potentially be collected here and hopefully ppl will be willing to participate and share their knowledge.


Ps. Someone with a similar disease to my dad has told me to start him on.
MMS (miracle mineral solution) see Jim humble and check out the testimonials on YouTube.
Collodial silver - For energy.
Serrapeptaze - For neuropathies.
Angstrom magnesium - sleep aid and muscle relaxant.
Spirulina - superfood with several positive effects.

Plz do your research before starting to take anything.
Always ask your doctor before taking anything.
Ever look at "turmeric" it has great qualities and could be of some help and added to daily routine - have personal experience with - this (herb) really works (consider looking into) this herb)


Ever look at "turmeric" it has great qualities and could be of some help and added to daily routine - have personal experience with - this (herb) really works (consider looking into) this herb)

Thanks mate, but it's in the list already man hehe. Smoke much? Lolz :p


Here are some good things that I found, buy at own risk:

and a good guide here, but they don't mention Oasis cubes.....I swear by them......

You should have read the (old) thread, its about supplements for sick people, not for plants...

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