Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
And this fucking guy, 💦💦💦💦🍃🍃🍃💨😲

At this rate he will be a crater that’s smoking in a week.

The jar is almost half way full. Some plant matter to remove, but this strain on the male side is a giver……


Lights stress you have moderate upward leaf cupping now, it’ll creep on harder if you don’t do dillegent.
if temps right where its happening are good, and humidity isn't too low, then a solid probably from me anyway.

Cool cool, thanks!

If I get the light levels to their sweet spot, those cupping leaves will relax within…24 hours? 72?


so ive noticed i dont really have enough experience with LED panels to make qualified claims on them. I only had a few full cycles with em before i stopped for a while. But i took the clones i was growing under HPS and outside with me to Led.

Its weird that LED panels can burn some plants at 12", and like 16-1800 ppfd, when if you manage temps, you can have plant material under sunlight, or hps light at 12" (roughly same ppfd, and like 2-3x the Lux) is usually wont, isnt it?

Im not trying to make this an ant-LED thing either. This is just an interesting discussion to me now lol.

I use Led's. Prob wont go back to HPS afterall. I want to learn stuff. But the light does work completely differently when it comes to light stress symptoms then other light sources.

Ive given straight up bad advice on this forum earlier on, because mid day sun can be like 2500ppfd. Ive grown plants close enough to HPS to bleach material white without them showing light stress anywhere below it lol.

Most plant under LED wont either. I have several 12" under a panel on 100% right now. That maui seedling has been there for nearly a week now lol. Shes thriving.
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so ive noticed i dont really have enough experience with LED panels to make qualified claims on them.

Its weird that LED panels can burn some plants at 12", and like 16-1800 ppfd, when if you manage temps, you can have plant material under sunlight, or hps light at 12" (roughly same ppfd, and like 2-3x the Lux) is usually wont, isnt it?

Im not trying to make this an ant-LED thing either. I use Led's lol. I want to learn stuff. But the light does work completely differently when it comes to light stress symptoms then other light sources. I mean mid day sun can be like 2500ppfd. Ive grown plants close enough to HPS to bleach material white without them showing heat stress anywhere below it lol.
It surely goes to show that PPFD is not a super great way to think about things..

These leaves on my plants were under the sun for over 2 months. Now they’re light stressed under like 340ppfd, albeit at 20/4 right now as opposed to 15/9 or whatever it was outside. Still, using DLI and ppfd in this context is a worthless comparison.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
It surely goes to show that PPFD is not a super great way to think about things..

These leaves on my plants were under the sun for over 2 months. Now they’re light stressed under like 340ppfd, albeit at 20/4 right now as opposed to 15/9 or whatever it was outside. Still, using DLI and ppfd in this context is a worthless comparison.
I been saying it’s all Boulderdash homie.
Just more variables to make my head hurt personally 😂


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
so ive noticed i dont really have enough experience with LED panels to make qualified claims on them. I only had a few full cycles with em before i stopped for a while. But i took the clones i was growing under HPS and outside with me to Led.

Its weird that LED panels can burn some plants at 12", and like 16-1800 ppfd, when if you manage temps, you can have plant material under sunlight, or hps light at 12" (roughly same ppfd, and like 2-3x the Lux) is usually wont, isnt it?

Im not trying to make this an ant-LED thing either. This is just an interesting discussion to me now lol.

I use Led's. Prob wont go back to HPS afterall. I want to learn stuff. But the light does work completely differently when it comes to light stress symptoms then other light sources.

Ive given straight up bad advice on this forum earlier on, because mid day sun can be like 2500ppfd. Ive grown plants close enough to HPS to bleach material white without them showing light stress anywhere below it lol.

Most plant under LED wont either. I have several 12" under a panel on 100% right now. That maui seedling has been there for nearly a week now lol. Shes thriving.
I’ve ran strains that have flat out redlined my old school meter, so by that metric, they were showing 2400 but was most likely a few hundred points higher.


It surely goes to show that PPFD is not a super great way to think about things..

These leaves on my plants were under the sun for over 2 months. Now they’re light stressed under like 340ppfd, albeit at 20/4 right now as opposed to 15/9 or whatever it was outside. Still, using DLI and ppfd in this context is a worthless comparison.
I dont know how to think about or measure light intensity in any other ways then luminous flux, and ppfd.

my columbian plants hated LED, so did the peaceblasters it seems. None of my other plants did.

A plant can take multiple times the luminous flux, at equal ppfd under sunlight or hps, and never burn.

I have an information hungry brain that wants to know whats going on there, any my lux and ppfd meters dont explain diddly squat about this lol.

A thought just occrued @Rama777

Is that top direcly under a UV led on the panel? Those can burn plants quick if they get too close. used to use uv leds as supplements in flower all the time.


I’ve ran strains that have flat out redlined my old school meter, so by that metric, they were showing 2400 but was most likely a few hundred points higher.
my peaceblasters were the most sunloving and light loving lineage i had along with that columbian. Both burned and went nutrient deficient very easily under LED's though. It's just odd.

I had no clue LED's may work completely differently for some plants lmao. Had never even crossed my mind. I thought the columbian and the Peaceblaster just didnt like DWC. the PB seedlings this year got pretty rough at 12" 100% even while the rest took it no prob.

My peaceblasters dont even flinch out under the mid day sun while all my other plants are crying.

The peaceblaster doesnt cup its leaves under intense LED though, it goes magnesium deficient really bad, and gets a bit stiff and brittle. and leaves will brown off eventually.

I really wanna know whats going on there. The curiosity gets to me constantly tbh.
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