Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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I got Chinese takeout on my way home yesterday.

Got that "both ends blues" this morning. Worst I've ever had it

Was supposed to serve a concert at the country club and make epic cash tips tonight 😭
I may go get an IV instead if I can't keep some damn water down. Been about 5 hours now. Out of spit, out of sweat lmao.

That space in between the blues though, my god can the brain make some damn good drugs 🤣🤣🤣


This is going to be a disappointing post to some people.

Movies i still haven't seen:

The Godfather
The Goonies
2001: A Space Odyssey
Doctor Zhivago

there are more too.

Movies i actually own copies of:

All of the movies i just listed and then some.

Im still not sure why, i buy movies, but i never watch them. I start them, and usually within 30 minutes i just have music on. I did finally watch A Clockwork Orange a couple months ago though, and it was a very strange movie but i loved it.
Attention deficit disorder? Or as I often heard as a kid “you’re like a dog with a sore ass, that just can’t sit down”? Here’s the real question for you, can you watch documentaries and instructional videos? I’ve recently been struggling with watching movies, but put on a documentary or a podcast where interesting things are discussed and I’m all in. Then there’s the ever growing number of pages to keep up with on the trainwreck page, that’s a challenge all in itself sometimes.


Attention deficit disorder? Or as I often heard as a kid “you’re like a dog with a sore ass, that just can’t sit down”? Here’s the real question for you, can you watch documentaries and instructional videos? I’ve recently been struggling with watching movies, but put on a documentary or a podcast where interesting things are discussed and I’m all in. Then there’s the ever growing number of pages to keep up with on the trainwreck page, that’s a challenge all in itself sometimes.
Probably a little along those lines. Im not usually lumped into the ADHD group by physicians im usually grouped into the Asperger's/autism spectrums lol.

I dont have problems keeping focus on most things at all. Especially if its something i need to, or want to be doing.

Visual media entertainment is not something that catches me very easily. Its a lot of happening for the take away for me. I go into sensory overload with movies really easy, and i cant really watch them with a good sound system going. I definitely cant do movie theaters, ill have an anxious heartbeat in my throat the entire time and itll be 10x worse if its a full crowd lol.

I watch documentaries, and informational stuff all the time. But its phone/headphones style usually. Its def visual media entertainment i struggle with though. At home i gotta be in the right mood, with the right cannabis, and its gotta be a movie a LOT of people have told me i need to watch. Like i said, i loved clockwork orange. But i also had to watch it on a 24" TV with the built in tinny speakers at night with all other lights and sounds off lol. If its just loud music going, im way better then most as conversating and picking the real voices out. If its music the opposite of sensory overload happens to me. I do more music and reading for entertainment then anything else.

I do have a bit of an oddness lmao. I usually end up really enjoying the movies i finish, fwiw lmao.

Im thinking the sick is waning off finally. Didnt come back this time when the brain drugs wore off lol.


Hell yeah haha, yeah those nail magnets haha,

Brother came to work for me and the old man once, doin a roofing job was 4 of us, next thing I know there’s 3 of us on the roof so of course I jump up and look around, don’t see him, look out front his car is gone, sent him a text, he hit his thumb, that was the last time he ever did physical labor, he became a bartender and now is a supervisor for USPS 🤣

No honestly it’s really fun work, I enjoyed it, built houses start to finish from an open field to the last piece of trim, nothing as rewarding at the end of a job as handing the customer the keys to their brand new house (that I’ve only taken 87 shits in the toilet of already) 🤣 plumbing is good fam, fully tested 🤣
I manage a warehouse that supplies flooring and cabinets for new home construction as well as renovations, and in seven years I’ve only taken one shit in a new home bathroom 🤣🤣🤣. It’s kinda hard to explain yourself when you get caught, and there’s five portapotties on the job site.


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Framing is hard fucking work and only for the young

I hear that ❤️

If only knew then what I know now ✌️💨
I transitioned from a fatty desk job at NOAA/Natl weather serive, to running the grounds crew of a country club for salary pay, and doing contract work stuffs on the side. (Which was what i did for cash pay before i left Tennessee the first time).

Im in my 30s, and that screened deck left my back a few years older it feels like. .

Im on a couple local contractors speed dials for framing, dry wal, roofing, drainage stuff. Got a couple elderly fellas on fixed incomes that call me about things first because ill do the work hourly instead of flat rate with most things. I only charged 10/hr+ material for that screened in deck and i think i made close to 500 total spaced out over a few months. That was entirely a thing to help an old fella (Was actually an old science teacher i had in elementary school that i totally credit for my passion for learning new information) get his dream deck and bar setup hes been trying to get for ages though. I didnt underbid the contractors because i think they charge too much, i just did it so a friend could have what he really wanted.

Framing and roofing? Yea, im INCREDIBLY glad i dont do that for a living, and have a lot of respect for the people who do. Especially those older cats you see outworking the guys my age like theyre little kids. (although to be fair, i havent met someone my age or younger, in quite some time, that had any real work ethic at all, generally, its no work ethic whatsoever) My 26 year old brother will huff and puff for 20 mins straight trying to get out of helping me do something thatll take 5 damn mins sometimes, and then he expects to be paid for it, so i dont even bother with him anymore. The dude i brought to help yesterday, few years older then me, i definitely wont be seeking his help to work anymore either. Its not a bad work ethic, it just doesnt exist.

Framing and roofing is for the young for sure, if you can actually even get them to do it, which is very unlikely ime. And if you do get em to, youll just be fixing it afterward most of the time anyway, also ime. I can count on a single hand the men i know in person around my age that have real work ethic, and actually posses usable skill-sets. It's a rapidly dying thing. All the solid, skilled workers i know, are like 40+ around here. Most in their 50s and 60s. Most dudes my age dont even know what a framing square even is, and will repeatedly damage the same door jam if they help you carry something while also complaining the entire time they are "working".

Sorry... /end rant. I have a huge bug up my ass about my own demographic. Most of us are pretty pathetic imho.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I got Chinese takeout on my way home yesterday.

Got that "both ends blues" this morning. Worst I've ever had it

Was supposed to serve a concert at the country club and make epic cash tips tonight 😭
I may go get an IV instead if I can't keep some damn water down. Been about 5 hours now. Out of spit, out of sweat lmao.

That space in between the blues though, my god can the brain make some damn good drugs 🤣🤣🤣
The good ol screamin’ green apple trots?
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