Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I had one in blue just like it but molded into the bottom was a catch under the bowl. I'd fill it with ground flower and pass it around. I added a 2" piece of 3/4" PVC pipe painted black to hold a Bic and a poker on a chain. Loved that bong. The carb was a hole on the top finger groove. I always used dishsoap and water to clean it, no alcohol on acrylic😉 that post brought back some good memories as that piece was with me from 1977 to 2013 and I miss it😥
That’s what Inwould say is a Time Machine ripper.

The deloreon of graphix tubes.

Hey, I think I found you aname for the old skull jester binger👊🏻


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
If it flushed itself out, and i continue to practice hygiene and im able to fully rehydrate and not feel awful, i dont see the problem. So far i havent been to the bathroom in a bit now hahahaha. i just did my garden walk around after a quick nap, feel pretty good.

If it wasnt something food poisoning or dysentery related i wouldnt be recovering this fast from something that brutal. at qabout 5am this morning my vision was blurry and couldnt leave the bathroom for a minute. I just carelessly piled buffet food into a to go container and went on my way. 99% sure i just gave myself small-town takeout poisoning. Its def a thing. i shouldnt have to worry about transmitting it with hygeine + serving alcohol drinks.

The food at these things are usually catered bar. is tonight at least. There is a restaurant, but i dont work in it.
Be sure to drink plenty of high test coffee ☕


You aren’t wrong! There’s a huge gap in all of the skilled labor trades, because the schools stopped teaching kids about hard work years ago. They push kids to go to college and rack up debt because they’re feeding them into a perpetual cycle of desk jobs and misery. The boom in the tech industry is most likely to blame, although nowadays the skilled labor shortage has driven wages up to the point where some of the trades pay better than doctors and lawyers. All without the need to go to college for eight years and burden yourself with a mountain of debt. Hard work is good for the body as much as it is for the mind, and it’s way more rewarding at the end of the day to visibly see an accomplishment vs sitting in a cubicle staring at a screen all day. I learned early on how to work on vehicles and was a mechanic for 15 years, I now manage a warehouse and handle all incoming and outgoing deliveries by myself. It’s a physical job but I don’t mind it one bit because I get paid to exercise. I picked up tile work for a while too and added that skill to my set. I can handle carpentry to a degree but due to a crippling fear of heights I never perused it as a trade. Yeah the younger generations are in trouble but it’s not entirely their fault. The real culprit is society and the education system. More kids need exposure to trade schools and vocational schools and way less screen time. Although I feel a little bit of hypocrisy typing this from a smartphone.

I credit my parents, and the science teacher i built that deck for. Definitely do not credit the public education system. This teacher actually retired from teaching and started selling boats after my grade came through. Our year with him was his final straw with having his style of teaching children being strangled into non existence by state education "standards".

He had a hands on, action first, note taking and tests later attitude to teaching children, ya know, how it should be. Guy was a 4th grade science teacher, and re-met him at a home depot right after moving back down here. Good friend and beer buddy now even though hes like an hour away. Weird how things play out sometimes, but so is the world we live in.

He does know i play around with cannabis, and i think he trusts me enough with it to be curious enough to ask a lot of questions hes been wanting to ask for a long time. (seems like it anyway) I have this hunch he's gonna inquire with me about edibles come fall lol. (ex cigg smoker, heavily against smoking or vaping anything health wise). Hes def been "curious but unwilling" like many in older generations.

Some very nice looking female preflowers. My pics suck compared to this, but i have a hazey looking mystery sativa outside making very plump, round, frosty preflowers just like this.

I cant find my more recent picture, but heres an old one of em anyway lol.

IMG 20240621 104523178

An old friend In kC just sent me a shot of his peaceblaster at 52 days Into flower. Homemade just add water super soil

Un-topped, un-trained

Says this pheno smells like potting soil and skunk spray.

Has a bit of the LED sensitivity, but not as much as the other ones have.

View attachment 2206308View attachment 2206309

Interestingly enough, he says he had it in the far back left corner furthest from the LED, and still had more light burn symptoms early on then his other plants. He almost didnt clone it lol. He just put a couple clones outside today. Very busy guy, dont know when pics will turn up of those lol.

Ive become kinda obsessed with understanding why the old lineages dont like LED light. They can usually take more natural and HPS light then most modern strains. Theyll eat it up.
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You aren’t wrong! There’s a huge gap in all of the skilled labor trades, because the schools stopped teaching kids about hard work years ago. They push kids to go to college and rack up debt because they’re feeding them into a perpetual cycle of desk jobs and misery. The boom in the tech industry is most likely to blame, although nowadays the skilled labor shortage has driven wages up to the point where some of the trades pay better than doctors and lawyers. All without the need to go to college for eight years and burden yourself with a mountain of debt. Hard work is good for the body as much as it is for the mind, and it’s way more rewarding at the end of the day to visibly see an accomplishment vs sitting in a cubicle staring at a screen all day. I learned early on how to work on vehicles and was a mechanic for 15 years, I now manage a warehouse and handle all incoming and outgoing deliveries by myself. It’s a physical job but I don’t mind it one bit because I get paid to exercise. I picked up tile work for a while too and added that skill to my set. I can handle carpentry to a degree but due to a crippling fear of heights I never perused it as a trade. Yeah the younger generations are in trouble but it’s not entirely their fault. The real culprit is society and the education system. More kids need exposure to trade schools and vocational schools and way less screen time. Although I feel a little bit of hypocrisy typing this from a smartphone.
When a contractor calls me to dig drainage or get on a roof, he knows i hate doing that, and i have a back that hurts 24/7 already.

But he also knows i do things right, and can move a LOT of earth in a short amount of time in a place a bobcat cant go. And i know how to do the job without being babysat. And he pays me around 20/hr no quesions asked, cash under table for that because he has no one else that doesnt cost him even more in time lost eslewhere.

Its pretty sad when your general young person population cant even correctly dig a ditch. So you are being payed 20/hr cash to do the job so the contractor can save some money. I actually feel bad for the contractor i underbid for that deck, i work for him sometimes lol.

Agriculture and farming industries are hurting bad too. You can take full vocational school courses for practical horticulture of several types from large scale agriculture to greenhouse management for next to nothing in many places now, massively exapnds your knowledge base of plants and cultivation in general and i recommend them to every single new grower that sends me a DM hoping itll peak their interest in more then just growing their drug of choice lol. (And i mean no offense to newer growers, thats why most start growing, they enjoy the plant as a consumed substance for its side effects lol, im just callin it likes i see's it. Theres no real interest in actual horticulture or the trade skills, but i do my best to push young people in that direction, some of these young people often being older then myself lol.)

I treat old electronics knowledge, vacuum tube tech, old solid state transitor based tech the same way. Its important knowledge and skill to maintain and tranmit into the future.

We'll make do fine as a species without more Lawyers and accountants and politicians. We won't without skilled workers that value their skill and experience. Our species is honestly probably a bit doomed without that.

View attachment 2206403This nl2 middle doesn’t seem to like the increase in led light .

Some plants are weird one way or the other. Just seems to be how it is.
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2 ideas, open the tent, toss the nl outside the door, or tuck it up behind the largest plant so it’s getting filtered light, you have it dead center of the lights footprint.
i think hes saying it didnt like the light being raised. Not that its sensitive to it.

Funny story, my Maui wants the light right on its damn head 🤷‍♂️ it's loooooovin it lol. It's got that "im happy gimme more" leaf reach going on. Not that "it's to hot i need more air" leaf reach going on lol. Deep emerald green. I have it on a tiny plynth like 10"off the panel now, its green got even happier when i did.
IMG 20240629 143557515


You’d probably get everyone at the country club sick too. 🤣💩🚽
It's more like that "I ate old takeout they reheated" sick. Was dehydrated going into it so was just super rough I think.

Not that jhardia/cholera "if I fart to close you might die in 3 days" sick.

I may still not go. But I could also make a few hundred cash tips easy tonight. I'm being transitioned to salary though, so they effectively own me now. And it's more their choice then mine lmfao.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
It's more like that "I ate old takeout they reheated" sick. Was dehydrated going into it so was just super rough I think.

Not that jhardia/cholera "if I fart to close you might die in 3 days" sick.

I may still not go. But I could also make a few hundred cash tips easy tonight. I'm being transitioned to salary though, so they effectively own me now. And it's more their choice than mine lmfao.
get that tax free dowgy
Just keep extra shit tickets. 🧻


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
It's more like that "I ate old takeout they reheated" sick. Was dehydrated going into it so was just super rough I think.

Not that jhardia/cholera "if I fart to close you might die in 3 days" sick.

I may still not go. But I could also make a few hundred cash tips easy tonight. I'm being transitioned to salary though, so they effectively own me now. And it's more their choice then mine lmfao.
Gas station sushi.

Really good shit 😂


i think hes saying it didnt like the light being raised. Not that its sensitive to it.

Funny story, my Maui wants the light right on its damn head 🤷‍♂️ it's loooooovin it lol. It's got that "im happy gimme more" leaf reach going on. Not that "it's to hot i need more air" leaf reach going on lol. Deep emerald green. I have it on a tiny plynth like 10"off the panel now, its green got even happier when i did.
No I have had the ac affinity light operating on setting 1 at 30 plus inches. I have been increasing the intensity up. All the plants seem to want more or show their limit. The nl2 just wants to go back to setting one.


Gas station sushi.

Really good shit 😂
small town Americanized chinese take-out run by an old white guy in his 80s lol. Prob wont be back any time soon. was my first visit to the place. Buffet food seemed mostly like it had been out too long, but i paid for the container up front already.

Tried it on the guy i brought to "work" yesterday's recommendation and he was the ride so... Basically i paid him (covered all the gas and lunch too) so that i could work without being paid and get food poisoning. doing 3 liquor shelves took over half of my saturday lmfao. Bad day. I got the pictures of the deck i kept forgetting to get on prior visits though. Which means more untaxed income to come most likely.

"Silver and Gold!.... Silver and Gold!..." 🎶🎶🎶
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
i think hes saying it didnt like the light being raised. Not that its sensitive to it.

Funny story, my Maui wants the light right on its damn head 🤷‍♂️ it's loooooovin it lol. It's got that "im happy gimme more" leaf reach going on. Not that "it's to hot i need more air" leaf reach going on lol. Deep emerald green. I have it on a tiny plynth like 10"off the panel now, its green got even happier when i did.
That cup says point break.
Very much one of my favorite movies.
Swayze man, so many good lines.


“I know man! Isn’t it great?”

And who can forget tank girl,

“You’ve got that kamakazi look, like a man who pushes to the edge, even passed it”

“Calm down warchild, seriously.”

👆👆👆I even have a shirt with that quote.

Point break is all.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
small town Americanized chinese take-out run by an old white guy in his 80s lol. Prob wont be back any time soon. was my first visit to the place. Buffet food seemed mostly like it had been out too long, but i paid for the container up front already.

Tried it on the guy i brought to "work" yesterday's recommendation and he was the ride so... Basically i paid him so that i could work without being paid and get food poisoning, and doing 3 shelves took over half of my saturday lmfao. Bad day.
Just paying them taxes homie.
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