Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
She's very happy to be alive. Not the fastest, others gaining, but they also aren't already older then I am. She's gonna land in veg very nicely though I do believe. Has a funny looking middle finger on the newest leaves lol. Idk whats funny about it, but it catches my eye in a humorous way.

Got em all in a super heavy perlite mix rn because we just hit slow season at the club and I'm here 4/7 days for a while. Aiming to have em as big as fast as I can, within reason anyway. Once they pop over to 1 gals I'm gonna back the perlite off a hair.

Very stoked to have her, didn't think I'd have any from em, and if I did thought it'd be on life support for a bit, but Once she saw the light she got lively real fast. Soils better then it looks, was near the bottom of a compost batch, and quite a few tiny rocks made their way down in there over time lol. If it was big enough to go through my crappy screen, it went in the soil. It just catches bigger rocks and sticks and stuff.
Bro I think you got the stout pheno. Most likely a fem. It’s takes a while for every stage of growth. Took a minute to get to a veg stride, after a retarded germ time. Then 18 days. for preflower I think. Now for the long haul. It’ll be done by Christmas maybe hahahaha I’m gonna check some pics see if I can verfy you have that beast pheno. I say extra veg, as much as you can stand.


Will your plants flower in Southern California this early in the summer?
In the language of my people of sunny so cal, Sì🤣 I've been keeping them at 15 hrs light a day with LED's, we're about 14:15 daylight and getting shorter so yup, today is basically flip day. I'll have to snag a few cuts within the week of that girl and the Rhubarb.

I can flip anytime using the 15 hrs light per day year round.

I've got a pair of Sin City Juice that will go out soon to the other side of the house 80' away and no line of sight.

We're on a large lot and while the breeders will be 100' or more away from any plants outside there's no direct path to send pollen to any other plant. Plus there's a 5' rise to the greenhouse and garden area and its been working like a charm. I get female plants no seeds except those around the males every season.


I need to spawn a run man, I’ve been slacking on that…
I was gifted a blue oyster kit that had I thought about it I’d have gotten going during summer. That way I could have higher temperatures than normal and crank up my lights and fully embrace the SUCK! I’m so tight on space that a new home is on the horizon. I too would enjoy the extra space for activities, tomfoolery and good old fashioned shenanigans.
Hey @Captspaulding :
Killer Clown Junction
Maui kona Juana
Big island mix up
Island hopper aka TC’s Chopper
Hawaiian wedding
Cum onya Aye juanna lay ya
Magnum PI’s peanut butter pie
Higgens express
Big wave morning aftershave 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Been a minute since I been on here not growing much atm seed stock struggling to pop bad storage but I did manage to get 4 goin so we will c but tonight she’s mushroom night got em sent to me from a legend down south of our island gunna smash em tonight c how I go😂👍View attachment 2204795
yup buddy, gonna have a fun night man👍 post the seedling up what strains you got growing.


yup buddy, gonna have a fun night man👍 post the seedling up what strains you got growing.
Gday Cheesy my seedlings in my bedroom mrs is asleep not much to c anyway il post em later on anyways👍 dunno bout the rest of yas but I’ve lost a bit of motivation for growing for the first time in my life does anyone else suffer from grow slumps😂👍 I’ve just enjoyed the freedom of not having to be home all the time I’ve done more travelling in 10 months than I have in 10 yrs right I’ve snapped out of it gotta get my grow on again👍 my strains are gg4 x green crack c99 x mango alien gorilla tech and 1 other that I can’t recall atm😂


She's very happy to be alive. Not the fastest, others gaining, but they also aren't already older then I am. She's gonna land in veg very nicely though I do believe. Has a funny looking middle finger on the newest leaves lol. Idk whats funny about it, but it catches my eye in a humorous way.

Got em all in a super heavy perlite mix rn because we just hit slow season at the club and I'm here 4/7 days for a while. Aiming to have em as big as fast as I can, within reason anyway. Once they pop over to 1 gals I'm gonna back the perlite off a hair.

Very stoked to have her, didn't think I'd have any from em, and if I did thought it'd be on life support for a bit, but Once she saw the light she got lively real fast. Soils better then it looks, was near the bottom of a compost batch, and quite a few tiny rocks made their way down in there over time lol. If it was big enough to go through my crappy screen, it went in the soil. It just catches bigger rocks and sticks and stuff.
tbh, she's most most well-formed, least inbred looking seedling right now @Captspaulding 🤣 🤣 👌

Maaaan, ive been sitting on like an ounce of some of the dankest looking mushies ive ever seen. Been in the freezer for like a year now, and i just.... haven't lol. I keep offering some to people, but no one takes em (one has), even when they say yes, its forgotten about til long after they left lmao. They are some insane looking boomers though. i gave 1.5 to a friend a few months ago and he said trees were melting into puddles and language just sounded like straight gibberish to him for hours and the yards were full of gnomes. And he hasnt been willing to touch mushrooms since 😶

I have this huge gut feeling though, that when someone finally does eat these boomers... Every soul from Seattle to San Diego is going to turn towards whoever does, and say "Oh shit, here we go" in unison.
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She's very happy to be alive. Not the fastest, others gaining, but they also aren't already older then I am. She's gonna land in veg very nicely though I do believe. Has a funny looking middle finger on the newest leaves lol. Idk whats funny about it, but it catches my eye in a humorous way.

Got em all in a super heavy perlite mix rn because we just hit slow season at the club and I'm here 4/7 days for a while. Aiming to have em as big as fast as I can, within reason anyway. Once they pop over to 1 gals I'm gonna back the perlite off a hair.

Very stoked to have her, didn't think I'd have any from em, and if I did thought it'd be on life support for a bit, but Once she saw the light she got lively real fast. Soils better then it looks, was near the bottom of a compost batch, and quite a few tiny rocks made their way down in there over time lol. If it was big enough to go through my crappy screen, it went in the soil. It just catches bigger rocks and sticks and stuff.
I hear ya on the compost I used chicken wire as a screen huge stuff passing through, diddnt care lol that stuff I used for the hot cherry peppers they dry back on 5 gallon grow bags in a day but the plants are beasts 😝


Gday Cheesy my seedlings in my bedroom mrs is asleep not much to c anyway il post em later on anyways👍 dunno bout the rest of yas but I’ve lost a bit of motivation for growing for the first time in my life does anyone else suffer from grow slumps😂👍 I’ve just enjoyed the freedom of not having to be home all the time I’ve done more travelling in 10 months than I have in 10 yrs right I’ve snapped out of it gotta get my grow on again👍 my strains are gg4 x green crack c99 x mango alien gorilla tech and 1 other that I can’t recall atm😂
yeh man i get that, the strains sound great man, mango alien sounds good. you see the tpb podcasts super funny👍


Will your plants flower in Southern California this early in the summer?
He could do what hes doing with my old columbian land race sativa, and it would still work.

Its not the hour count that matters, its the fact that its changing noticeably one way or another. If he can trick an outdoor plant into starting to flower over the next week, itll stay flowering because it can tell light hours are still getting shorter after some time.. Any cannabis plant will. Most Sativas finish later because they flower slower, not because they start flowering later, its just easier to notice the change earlier on with an indica plant. Whether it looks like it or not, all your outdoor plants are going into flower at the same time, when doing a natural outdoor grow anyway lol.


tbh, she's most most well-formed, least inbred looking seedling right now @Captspaulding 🤣 🤣 👌

Maaaan, ive been sitting on like an ounce of some of the dankest looking mushies ive ever seen. Been in the freezer for like a year now, and i just.... haven't lol. I keep offering some to people, but no one takes em (one has), even when they say yes, its forgotten about til long after they left lmao. They are some insane looking boomers though. i gave 1.5 to a friend a few months ago and he said trees were melting into puddles and language just sounded like straight gibberish to him for hours and the yards were full of gnomes. And he hasnt been willing to touch mushrooms since 😶

I have this huge gut feeling though, that when someone finally does eat these boomers... Every soul from Seattle to San Diego is going to turn towards whoever does, and say "Oh shit, here we go" in unison.
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View attachment 2204801
ill have a go of those😁


I have an irrigation system to set up, but I still haven't. Carrying buckets gets my lazy ass out there to the plants.

I've come to the conclusion that if I rig up an irrigation system for outdoor plants I will get much lazier with them 😂😂
It must be an age thing cuz my elastics are letting go on me mostly long biceps tendons in both arms now I get lotsa exercise out here comes with the territory lol and 66 years of crazy shit


they look good man, whats the species called.🌈
Theyre cubensis. Strain is Albino Penis Envy. Its an agar isolated beast 😉😇

Very DMT-like in the headspace and visual intensity from what little ive been able to gather on them. The isolate was a mostly unmutated revert that popped out of some APE multi-spore. In between the first blob flush and the second flush. Big and pale like an APE, but the caps and gills fully formed properly. The gills still only partially spored out like full APES though.

I think a spore of something else made it into the syringe, they mixed in a wrong print or something. And the genes managed to combine in multispore while they were still monokaryotic.
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