Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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MY HAMMER is a 20 east wing.

I guard it like a pit bull

There is something about that bgrip material over time. Truly does become “your” hammer.
It’s the shaft design really. It just kills the vibration and keeps my mitts from cramping up.


I swing a Bosch framing hammer that has a dope magnet loader, don’t have to hold a nail to start it. Once you get used to it 2 swings if you have a sack 👊🏻😂
Hell yeah haha, yeah those nail magnets haha,

Brother came to work for me and the old man once, doin a roofing job was 4 of us, next thing I know there’s 3 of us on the roof so of course I jump up and look around, don’t see him, look out front his car is gone, sent him a text, he hit his thumb, that was the last time he ever did physical labor, he became a bartender and now is a supervisor for USPS 🤣

No honestly it’s really fun work, I enjoyed it, built houses start to finish from an open field to the last piece of trim, nothing as rewarding at the end of a job as handing the customer the keys to their brand new house (that I’ve only taken 87 shits in the toilet of already) 🤣 plumbing is good fam, fully tested 🤣


Hell yeah haha, yeah those nail magnets haha,

Brother came to work for me and the old man once, doin a roofing job was 4 of us, next thing I know there’s 3 of us on the roof so of course I jump up and look around, don’t see him, look out front his car is gone, sent him a text, he hit his thumb, that was the last time he ever did physical labor, he became a bartender and now is a supervisor for USPS 🤣

No honestly it’s really fun work, I enjoyed it, built houses start to finish from an open field to the last piece of trim, nothing as rewarding at the end of a job as handing the customer the keys to their brand new house (that I’ve only taken 87 shits in the toilet of already) 🤣 plumbing is good fam, fully tested 🤣
building houses from start to finish, well, being able to do the many things that are required to do such is cool as hell.... 👍👍👍

a very useful skill, and so rewarding.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
managed t get through 11 outta 29 episodes. actually one was included twice so maybe 28 episodes.... i got a question. it appears as if a number of these are actually a part of longer segments, how much of the ali g stuff is actually borat stuff.
Every 3rd episode or so, he rotated between Bruno, borat and Ali.

Fucking crazy dude.


Hell yeah haha, yeah those nail magnets haha,

Brother came to work for me and the old man once, doin a roofing job was 4 of us, next thing I know there’s 3 of us on the roof so of course I jump up and look around, don’t see him, look out front his car is gone, sent him a text, he hit his thumb, that was the last time he ever did physical labor, he became a bartender and now is a supervisor for USPS 🤣

No honestly it’s really fun work, I enjoyed it, built houses start to finish from an open field to the last piece of trim, nothing as rewarding at the end of a job as handing the customer the keys to their brand new house (that I’ve only taken 87 shits in the toilet of already) 🤣 plumbing is good fam, fully tested 🤣
Couldn't say how many times I hit my thumb or better, took some meat off. You're brother is a very smart man😉

But yeah, building shit is amazing. When I actually became a plumber people were happy to see me and even thankful after I fixed their problem. It was like a pat on the back and making people happy, and yeah the $ too that kept me doing this the past 45 years. There truly is a lot of pride that you feel when you can build shit. Unlike any other work I've known😉


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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
building houses from start to finish, well, being able to do the many things that are required to do such is cool as hell.... 👍👍👍

a very useful skill, and so rewarding.
I built all the custom cabinets shelving, trim, 2x10 walnut shoe molding, chair rails and banisters working for a badass cabinet making nut, he had a contract with the spurs benefactor foundation that raised money for good causes by building these fucking crazy huge mansions and then use 70% of the purchase price for what ever shit they were giving money too. Was a great gig honestly. So unfortunately one night after a job in San Antonio, ol Marc and I and a couple hand me that’s, getting drunk on a Saturday, cutting up some spruce and poplar, just some square cuts to toss them in the plainer, we go to set up double blade ghetto fab dado blade for the table saw, I walk outside to have a cig, that place was combustible as fuck. Anywho, I come walking back in and the beers have nailed my boss Marc to the wall a little more than he thought, I did put the blade in, he says he will set the depth ect, so he flips it on why he yelling at this kid fucking off at the mitre box lost on degrees or some shit, I hear a ZIIIIIIP
POW, (old school real deal table saw, now human contact was NOT stopping that thing) a rooster tail of blood whips up and across the ceiling, and I duck away from hunks of 3 fingers from his right hand. he turns blue, hits the floor, I tell the asshats to call an ambulance, one of you see to Marc, and the other has to find what’s left of his fingers, dude instantly had a penguin flipper instead of a fist, I run behind the shop to his moms house, best lady ever, 6 days a week that women woke up to feed us assholes with out fail, I snatch a cooler off the mud room floor, fill it with as much ice as possible, and head back to scrounge for fingers. well, they where fucked what was leftover of his digits, he thought his career was over, he adapted with his crab claw pretty fast. Kept us eating. Tough sob all told. 😂

I also used a pass load and had a ring shank framing nail blast through a stud, that went through two of my fingers giving me a permanent peace sign gesture hahaha. That fucking sucked haaaaard, ring shank nails have a tendency to seal up the wound really well, and you know damn well this asshat ain’t abiding that shit, Jack Daniel’s to the chin, my buddy cut a wedge of wood to stick in between my fingers so I could let him extract the nail, (typing this is taking me back there, fuck it was brutal.) well he got it out no problem, on the 6th attempt. The nail brought boars heads new captspaulding meat with it.
So, never take a co2 pass load to use without yourself adjusting the nail depth gauge, or you too can win a Darwin Award. 😂


I built all the custom cabinets shelving, trim, 2x10 walnut shoe molding, chair rails and banisters working for a badass cabinet making nut, he had a contract with the spurs benefactor foundation that raised money for good causes by building these fucking crazy huge mansions and then use 70% of the purchase price for what ever shit they were giving money too. Was a great gig honestly. So unfortunately one night after a job in San Antonio, ol Marc and I and a couple hand me that’s, getting drunk on a Saturday, cutting up some spruce and poplar, just some square cuts to toss them in the plainer, we go to set up double blade ghetto fab dado blade for the table saw, I walk outside to have a cig, that place was combustible as fuck. Anywho, I come walking back in and the beers have nailed my boss Marc to the wall a little more than he thought, I did put the blade in, he says he will set the depth ect, so he flips it on why he yelling at this kid fucking off at the mitre box lost on degrees or some shit, I hear a ZIIIIIIP
POW, (old school real deal table saw, now human contact was NOT stopping that thing) a rooster tail of blood whips up and across the ceiling, and I duck away from hunks of 3 fingers from his right hand. he turns blue, hits the floor, I tell the asshats to call an ambulance, one of you see to Marc, and the other has to find what’s left of his fingers, dude instantly had a penguin flipper instead of a fist, I run behind the shop to his moms house, best lady ever, 6 days a week that women woke up to feed us assholes with out fail, I snatch a cooler off the mud room floor, fill it with as much ice as possible, and head back to scrounge for fingers. well, they where fucked what was leftover of his digits, he thought his career was over, he adapted with his crab claw pretty fast. Kept us eating. Tough sob all told. 😂

I also used a pass load and had a ring shank framing nail blast through a stud, that went through two of my fingers giving me a permanent peace sign gesture hahaha. That fucking sucked haaaaard, ring shank nails have a tendency to seal up the wound really well, and you know damn well this asshat ain’t abiding that shit, Jack Daniel’s to the chin, my buddy cut a wedge of wood to stick in between my fingers so I could let him extract the nail, (typing this is taking me back there, fuck it was brutal.) well he got it out no problem, on the 6th attempt. The nail brought boars heads new captspaulding meat with it.
So, never take a co2 pass load to use without yourself adjusting the nail depth gauge, or you too can win a Darwin Award. 😂
We laugh at that shit now but... worked for a contractor who started as a cabinet maker and the shit he could build without plans was amazing. He lost half a finger in a saw when younger and was very particular about anyone touching his table saws. I'd do the plumbing on the remodels and help out with any tile work and some carpentry. We made some huge Butcher block tables for a dog food company once. One was 20' long and weighed over 1000lbs. I miss those days sometimes.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
We laugh at that shit now but... worked for a contractor who started as a cabinet maker and the shit he could build without plans was amazing. He lost half a finger in a saw when younger and was very particular about anyone touching his table saws. I'd do the plumbing on the remodels and help out with any tile work and some carpentry. We made some huge Butcher block tables for a dog food company once. One was 20' long and weighed over 1000lbs. I miss those days sometimes.
As long as the flying bloody fingers miss, I suppose I can look fondly on them days and miss them in my own way. Marc was the same way, dudes eye was incredible, could build the box’s in wall for any recess without measuring sometimes. His house was basically a giant custom entertainment center that started at the door, and stopped at his bar. And yeah, I laugh now, I laughed at myself then as well though. I’ve always been touched in the head 😅 you know who wasn’t touching shit? My boss Marc . 😅


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Wait they make 1 gals in those flimsy pots? I have the 6” witch equates to roughly a half gallon I didn’t see gallon ones!

I can get the 1 gallon jars walled nursery pots for $1 at my local hydro shop though

I got these ones in the 220x stack for $17 they are the 4”

The black 1 gallon nursery pots on that bottom shelf I got or a buck each, duded been closed for a week I wanna get in there and buy about 30 of them lol
I’ve only ever gotten the brown flimsy pots at the 1/2g size down to 8oz starter,
The 1gs I got were made with a muuuich better material.

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