Venting co2 at night if ppm is fine?



Long story short, I recently upgraded to a larger grow area, and now my buds are flimsy and airy.
I made sure everything was exactly the same, I have monitoring devices, everything checks out.
45RH, 75F, 1200ppm co2, same lights, same nutes, same soil, same strain.

The biggest thing that is not the same as my old room is the co2.
I used to just have a continuous circulation of outside air
Then I started closing the room off, using co2 and it was great.
Switched rooms, weak buds.
It's 1200 ppm all the time. I figured if the plants have 3x the co2 that's in the outside air, it can only be a good thing.
is this related?
Do I need to dump out the 1200ppm co2 air every night?
It doesn't make sense to me.


Do I need to dump out the 1200ppm co2 air every night?
Possibly. They don't use CO2 at night. Maybe they need more O. I've also been thinking about CO2 and fresh air for my lung rooms. I have two separate lung rooms and the one with more fresh air does better than the other, even though everything else is nearly the same. I've been thinking about moving all my tents to that room.


Long story short, I recently upgraded to a larger grow area, and now my buds are flimsy and airy.
I made sure everything was exactly the same, I have monitoring devices, everything checks out.
45RH, 75F, 1200ppm co2, same lights, same nutes, same soil, same strain.

The biggest thing that is not the same as my old room is the co2.
I used to just have a continuous circulation of outside air
Then I started closing the room off, using co2 and it was great.
Switched rooms, weak buds.
It's 1200 ppm all the time. I figured if the plants have 3x the co2 that's in the outside air, it can only be a good thing.
is this related?
Do I need to dump out the 1200ppm co2 air every night?
It doesn't make sense to me.
You say larger area but same lights

...are you trying to use the same lights from a smaller area to cover more plants in a larger area?
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