What deficiency do you think



Just flipped to flower and topped dressed with gai green.
Has had random brown spots here and there on leaves.
Most look ok the tops are a lighter green too.
Just added Epsom salt and molasses, thought it might be magnesium.
Any help appreciated.
What deficiency do you think
What deficiency do you think 2
What deficiency do you think 3


the darkness on massive leaves indicate too much nitrogen but it looks like youve fixed it somewhere recently. the new growth up the top indicates this.
the lighter green looks like clean growth.

the way it looks all bumpy to me says it could be an overwatering thing. just make sure your letting the soil dry abit before you feed again
what macros are you using (for all your zinc cal/mag copper etc).

is there any purple in patches on the stems ??

also i noticed your pots sitting in the drainage wells. wonder how much salt build up you might have increasing your ec level and potentionally giving you a nute lockout. can you test the water of drainage EC and PH?? its always a good idea to buy some cheap pingpong balls and put the pots on them in the wells so they dont absorb the runoff backinto the pots.

apart from all that. youre plants are still looking great, love the green . let me know how you go with the tests


the darkness on massive leaves indicate too much nitrogen but it looks like youve fixed it somewhere recently. the new growth up the top indicates this.
the lighter green looks like clean growth.

the way it looks all bumpy to me says it could be an overwatering thing. just make sure your letting the soil dry abit before you feed again
what macros are you using (for all your zinc cal/mag copper etc).

is there any purple in patches on the stems ??

also i noticed your pots sitting in the drainage wells. wonder how much salt build up you might have increasing your ec level and potentionally giving you a nute lockout. can you test the water of drainage EC and PH?? its always a good idea to buy some cheap pingpong balls and put the pots on them in the wells so they dont absorb the runoff backinto the pots.

apart from all that. youre plants are still looking great, love the green . let me know how you go with the tests
I'm giving them Gaia green once a month.
I just did some Epsom salt and molasses.
There are purple lines on the large dark fan leaves.
I will let it dry out for a couple more days.
Should I cut off some of the big fan leaves.
My first grow. Still learning.
Thanks for all the info brother I appreciate it.
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I'm giving them Gaia green once a month.
I just did some Epsom salt and molasses.
There are purple lines on the large dark fan leaves.
I will let it dry out for a couple more days.
Should I cut off some of the big fan leaves.
My first grow. Still learning.
Thanks for all the info brother I appreciate it.
I will say once a month is really not enough depending on pot and plant size. The bigger the plant the more it needs. For example out doors I feed every 2 weeks in 30gallon pots. In the beginning I am just building up a bank of nutrients for the plant to use later. Once I hit flower I might hit them twice but it's usually once. I use Gia green and pride lands depending on what my grow store has on the shelf. The purple stems take a while to reverse if they do. Sometimes it's the genetics of the cultivars.


I will say once a month is really not enough depending on pot and plant size. The bigger the plant the more it needs. For example out doors I feed every 2 weeks in 30gallon pots. In the beginning I am just building up a bank of nutrients for the plant to use later. Once I hit flower I might hit them twice but it's usually once. I use Gia green and pride lands depending on what my grow store has on the shelf. The purple stems take a while to reverse if they do. Sometimes it's the genetics of the cultivars.
Ok thanks for the info. I will give it every 2 weeks


Just flipped to flower and topped dressed with gai green.
Which did you use? Was it Power Bloom? How much did you add?

I add Gaia Green on a four-week schedule. It's important to add enough, which is typically 2 or 3 tablespoons per gallon of soil.

A tablespoon each of Epsom Salt and gypsum, plus two tablespoons of azomite goes well with the Gaia Green top dressing.

Has had random brown spots here and there on leaves.
I suspect it could be due to overwatering or too frequent watering. Could also be slight calcium deficiency. If so, gypsum would help.

Most look ok the tops are a lighter green too.
Overwatering can cause that. Those leaves should turn green if you let the soil dry.

Just added Epsom salt and molasses, thought it might be magnesium.
The Mg should help.

Any help appreciated.
Sure thing.


Judging from the first pic you are over watering. New growth shouldn't have that funky yellow coloration. If you keep your plants wet too much the roots can't take up nutrients properly and they cant get essential oxygen. The usual tendency of people is to water if you see drooping. Kinda makes sense. But if you water and it just keeps drooping or droops even more then you're over watering. The oldest leaves likely have the darkest color because an immobile or partially immobile nutrient (Mg) is still being store in old leaves. The worst impact is down at the bottom. That's because your plant can't get nutrients from the soil due to over watering so it is feeding on reserves. They start from the bottom, less essential growth and redirect it to new growth. Judging from the color of the new growth it isn't getting much. That's why you aren't seeing more leaf damage......yet. it will come sooner rather than later. Over watering might not kill your plant but it will absolutely stunt growth and negatively impact your yield.

The plant in the foreground has been intentionally over watered. It sprouted the same time as the plant behind it. They are the same strain getting the same nutes but one is obviously very under developed. The only factor that is different is over watering. In the second pic you can recognize that funky yellow discoloration that I'm seeing in your plant.
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My best adviceviscto let her dry out between waterings. It won't hurt anything if you get a few wilt leaves before you water.

" I used to water at will, now I water at wilt." ~ RootFarmer


Ok I will let it dry out a few days.
plant has perked up today and I trimmed a few lower fan leaves with brown spots. Going to give it a few days to recover.
And yes I'm giving them 1 tbsp per gallon of soil.
Thanks for the help.
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