What is your typical yield for an indie plant?

  • Thread starter Budclarkson
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well apparently i have not because i have never had any weed that effects me the way you guy say yours does so im not sure how im a jackass for saying that
I'm thinking there's probably a lack of communication going on here. Missed translations in typing maybe? IDK. But we're all here for a plant that puts smiles on faces, so let's keep on keeping on. Love all around. 🥰


I love growing and consuming, like everyone else here. I would absolutely love any really good ways to consume, I'm mostly a smoker, but do use tinctures in my coffee sometimes. We've made edibles, but nothing that does anything other than really put me to sleep, which, is really great at times. But there are times when we don't want that to happen :) Anyone have a good recipe and or method of making really kick ass edibles they would love to share? Or best cultivars to use for them? Or do you find it doesn't matter? I would like to try using RSO for my edibles. Anyone used it this way before? If so.... please, share 😋


It has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance. If it was about tolerance, smoking would still lose out. When you smoke weed 50% of all the THC is lost to heat destruction if you smoke joints/blunts/or some other method that gets lit once. You lose 60% of the THC to heat destruction if you smoke bowls/bongs/or some other method that requires lighting and relighting the product. And that's just the heat destruction. You also lose more THC when you breathe out those giant clouds of smoke. And since you're a daily smoker of 35 years with a high tolerance, your body can only make use of 23-27% of the THC that makes it into your bloodstream. Because that "tolerance" is all about how efficiently and quickly your liver can break down the THC into its waste metabolites. It all ends up meaning that for every 100mg of THC that you set on fire approximately 3-9mg actually affect your brain.

Edibles on the other hand don't have any loss to heat destruction. They don't lose any THC to the respiratory process. They simply need to be extracted via digestion. The drawback there is that it can take 40 minutes to more than 3 hours for peak plasma concentrations to be achieved. But, if you consume THC via edibles, you will receive more mg in your bloodstream, and therefore more mg to your brain than when smoking. Eating a 100mg brownie will provide at least 20mg of THC to your brain. Drinking 100mg of an alcohol based tincture on an empty stomach would provide a bare minimum of 22mg THC to your brain. The difference being that the alcohol based tincture will reach peak plasma concentration in around 40 minutes, while the brownie might take 2 or more hours.

I guarantee that when you consume edibles, you also smoke while waiting for it to kick in. And since smoking weed has a median time to peak plasma concentration of just 53 seconds, you are simply already high when the edibles kick in. And since your brain has a finite number of cannabinoid receptors the two highs just blend together.

This isn't a matter that is up for debate. These are matter of physics, chemistry, human biology, and metabolism. The ONLY way to avoid this being true, is if someone wants to step up and claim to NOT be human!
mmmm id disagree with some of this, im guessing this info/study is done with modern weed (1990-2024),.. which still to this day has ruined the true “high” of marijuana


I love growing and consuming, like everyone else here. I would absolutely love any really good ways to consume, I'm mostly a smoker, but do use tinctures in my coffee sometimes. We've made edibles, but nothing that does anything other than really put me to sleep, which, is really great at times. But there are times when we don't want that to happen :) Anyone have a good recipe and or method of making really kick ass edibles they would love to share? Or best cultivars to use for them? Or do you find it doesn't matter? I would like to try using RSO for my edibles. Anyone used it this way before? If so.... please, share 😋
RSO or QWISO for edibles,, what i do is just put the oil in 1 gram silicone containers and freeze, so when you want one or two just pop it out and swallow like a pill,..


mmmm id disagree with some of this, im guessing this info/study is done with modern weed (1990-2024),.. which still to this day has ruined the true “high” of marijuana
Dude, it wouldn't matter what weed you are using. THC in its pure form on the plant is very sensitive to heat destruction. That's why de-carbing for edibles is done at a low temperature (240F or less). The butane lighter most people use to light their weed on fire has a 1300F flame. And if you want to go back to pre-genetically manipulated plants, they had less THC, so smoking would deliver even less psychoactive chemicals to the brain.

And human biology and metabolism has changed very little since 1990.

The reality is that while a lot of people know how to grow weed, and even more know how to get high from weed, very few ever bother to explore the chemical process of getting high in and of itself.

My above post is absolutely accurate. It doesn't matter if people choose to believe it or not. It will remain true. As weed strains become more potent, the ultimate number of mg delivered to the bloodstream will rise accordingly. As will the number of mg destroyed through heat loss, and the respiratory process.


RSO or QWISO for edibles,, what i do is just put the oil in 1 gram silicone containers and freeze, so when you want one or two just pop it out and swallow like a pill,..
Will definitely be trying this out as well :) Thanks for the tip.


Dude, it wouldn't matter what weed you are using. THC in its pure form on the plant is very sensitive to heat destruction. That's why de-carbing for edibles is done at a low temperature (240F or less). The butane lighter most people use to light their weed on fire has a 1300F flame. And if you want to go back to pre-genetically manipulated plants, they had less THC, so smoking would deliver even less psychoactive chemicals to the brain.

And human biology and metabolism has changed very little since 1990.

The reality is that while a lot of people know how to grow weed, and even more know how to get high from weed, very few ever bother to explore the chemical process of getting high in and of itself.

My above post is absolutely accurate. It doesn't matter if people choose to believe it or not. It will remain true. As weed strains become more potent, the ultimate number of mg delivered to the bloodstream will rise accordingly. As will the number of mg destroyed through heat loss, and the respiratory process.
how old are you?
no way in hell is weed better today..
a 12% indian landrace strain will get you higher and longer than a modern 30%+ strain today,..
science just discovered natural thcp in 2019 which is 33 times stronger than thc,.. what’s the next discovery? haha
when you breed for a gain there has to be a lose,. no way around it,.. so how much of the good ingredients have been breed out,..
no breeder truely knows what they are doing,..
and i’m definitely not here to argue,,


how old are you?
no way in hell is weed better today..
a 12% indian landrace strain will get you higher and longer than a modern 30%+ strain today,..
science just discovered natural thcp in 2019 which is 33 times stronger than thc,.. what’s the next discovery? haha
when you breed for a gain there has to be a lose,. no way around it,.. so how much of the good ingredients have been breed out,..
no breeder truely knows what they are doing,..
and i’m definitely not here to argue,,
LMAO And yet you're arguing! Mr. "How old are you?" You're acting like a petulant child. Which seems to be pretty much par for the course whenever someone tells you that you're wrong.

You say that you disagree with my post, but nothing specific. Come on now, GET SPECIFIC! What SPECIFICALLY do you disagree with from the post to which you originally took issue?

I was there 40+ years ago. And MOST of the weed available was brick weed. Moldy, 40% seeds, brought up in the diesel tanks of tractor trailers. Ah, the good old days!!! L...M...A...O!!!


how old are you?
no way in hell is weed better today..
a 12% indian landrace strain will get you higher and longer than a modern 30%+ strain today,..
science just discovered natural thcp in 2019 which is 33 times stronger than thc,.. what’s the next discovery? haha
when you breed for a gain there has to be a lose,. no way around it,.. so how much of the good ingredients have been breed out,..
no breeder truely knows what they are doing,..
and i’m definitely not here to argue,,
what i’m saying getting high
LMAO And yet you're arguing! Mr. "How old are you?" You're acting like a petulant child. Which seems to be pretty much par for the course whenever someone tells you that you're wrong.

You say that you disagree with my post, but nothing specific. Come on now, GET SPECIFIC! What SPECIFICALLY do you disagree with from the post to which you originally took issue?

I was there 40+ years ago. And MOST of the weed available was brick weed. Moldy, 40% seeds, brought up in the diesel tanks of tractor trailers. Ah, the good old days!!! L...M...A...O!!!
well sorry for your early shitty weed experience,. we got much much better stuff most of the time, ya sometimes the colombian or mexican weed was around,,,
look believe what you want,, i really don’t care, just trying to inform,.
ya some of your original post is absolutely true but in the end it means absolutely nothing to getting high and you just don’t see that,.
that’s fine brother, enjoy the farm,..


LMAO And yet you're arguing! Mr. "How old are you?" You're acting like a petulant child. Which seems to be pretty much par for the course whenever someone tells you that you're wrong.

You say that you disagree with my post, but nothing specific. Come on now, GET SPECIFIC! What SPECIFICALLY do you disagree with from the post to which you originally took issue?

I was there 40+ years ago. And MOST of the weed available was brick weed. Moldy, 40% seeds, brought up in the diesel tanks of tractor trailers. Ah, the good old days!!! L...M...A...O!!!
ok right now i’m smoking my afghanica landrace hash i made, supposed to be 24%thc as bud and i get much higher longer than any of my hash i made from weed at 30-36% thc,.
so why is that?


ok right now i’m smoking my afghanica landrace hash i made, supposed to be 24%thc as bud and i get much higher longer than any of my hash i made from weed at 30-36% thc,.
so why is that?
Did you perform a laboratory analysis of the different strains in order to verify their actual potency? A marketing data sheet is pretty unreliable information. Beyond that, I can't account for what standards your cooks are. Is it possible that you simply fucked up with one, and hit near perfection with the other?

And why am I supposed to believe that your anecdotal "evidence" is even remotely believable. I've seen posts from you where someone disagreed with you and you went on a rant about gender identity issues. I'm not convinced that you are the most honest person in the world.

As I said, my post is accurate, and it's backed by science. You don't need to believe it. At the end of the day reality doesn't give a damn about whether you, me, or anybody else on this planet believes in it. It just keeps on being real.


It has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance. If it was about tolerance, smoking would still lose out. When you smoke weed 50% of all the THC is lost to heat destruction if you smoke joints/blunts/or some other method that gets lit once. You lose 60% of the THC to heat destruction if you smoke bowls/bongs/or some other method that requires lighting and relighting the product. And that's just the heat destruction. You also lose more THC when you breathe out those giant clouds of smoke. And since you're a daily smoker of 35 years with a high tolerance, your body can only make use of 23-27% of the THC that makes it into your bloodstream. Because that "tolerance" is all about how efficiently and quickly your liver can break down the THC into its waste metabolites. It all ends up meaning that for every 100mg of THC that you set on fire approximately 3-9mg actually affect your brain.

Edibles on the other hand don't have any loss to heat destruction. They don't lose any THC to the respiratory process. They simply need to be extracted via digestion. The drawback there is that it can take 40 minutes to more than 3 hours for peak plasma concentrations to be achieved. But, if you consume THC via edibles, you will receive more mg in your bloodstream, and therefore more mg to your brain than when smoking. Eating a 100mg brownie will provide at least 20mg of THC to your brain. Drinking 100mg of an alcohol based tincture on an empty stomach would provide a bare minimum of 22mg THC to your brain. The difference being that the alcohol based tincture will reach peak plasma concentration in around 40 minutes, while the brownie might take 2 or more hours.

I guarantee that when you consume edibles, you also smoke while waiting for it to kick in. And since smoking weed has a median time to peak plasma concentration of just 53 seconds, you are simply already high when the edibles kick in. And since your brain has a finite number of cannabinoid receptors the two highs just blend together.

This isn't a matter that is up for debate. These are matter of physics, chemistry, human biology, and metabolism. The ONLY way to avoid this being true, is if someone wants to step up and claim to NOT be human!
whatever you say dude you know every ones body better then they do


Did you perform a laboratory analysis of the different strains in order to verify their actual potency? A marketing data sheet is pretty unreliable information. Beyond that, I can't account for what standards your cooks are. Is it possible that you simply fucked up with one, and hit near perfection with the other?

And why am I supposed to believe that your anecdotal "evidence" is even remotely believable. I've seen posts from you where someone disagreed with you and you went on a rant about gender identity issues. I'm not convinced that you are the most honest person in the world.

As I said, my post is accurate, and it's backed by science. You don't need to believe it. At the end of the day reality doesn't give a damn about whether you, me, or anybody else on this planet believes in it. It just keeps on being real

it’s called experience

it’s called experience, a friend grow the exact same plants same breeder etc had it tested at 2 different facilities and both came back the same 35-36% thc, it was great weed but it wasn’t as good as the old days,.. modern weed is just missing something, most of it really just gets you numb and dumb,..
back in the day when a 100 kilos of jamaican weed would arrive, inside was 2-4 ounces of jamaican gum (charas) and was for the top guys, i would get a quarter ounce and still to this day it’s in my top 5 of being the highest of all time, couldn’t of been more than 30-40% thc,..


whatever you say dude you know every ones body better then they do
HAHAHAHA!!! I have pointed NUMEROUS TIMES that due to people's unique biological profile provides wiggle room to the amounts of THC received. THAT is the exact reason the ultimate result (for smoking) is 3-9mg for every 100mg burned.

But I ABSOLUTELY know the CHEMISTRY behind getting high far better than you.

And yopu simply can't accept that your preconceived notions are flawed. But that's not my problem.
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it’s called experience, a friend grow the exact same plants same breeder etc had it tested at 2 different facilities and both came back the same 35-36% thc, it was great weed but it wasn’t as good as the old days,.. modern weed is just missing something, most of it really just gets you numb and dumb,..
back in the day when a 100 kilos of jamaican weed would arrive, inside was 2-4 ounces of jamaican gum (charas) and was for the top guys, i would get a quarter ounce and still to this day it’s in my top 5 of being the highest of all time, couldn’t of been more than 30-40% thc,..
It's ANECDOTAL experience. There are no scientific measurements received. A self reported "study" of one person with no control group. No peer review. No evidence that the issye even exists. And you still don't seem to even be able to consider that YOU might have made an error when making the product. All that I can say is that I'm not clairvoyant. And without the ability to study your results, and attempt to recreate them, I can't possibly answer your scenario.

You're not wrong that when you add something you also have to take something away. At least in most cases. But for the purposes of this conversation, its true enough. But that doesn't mean that you end up with a lesser product. Imagine for a moment that I could offer you a course of medication that would alter your DNA in such a way that you could bench-press a car. But taking the medicine would cause you to lose your appendix. Would you take the deal? Superhuman strength in exchange for an organ that you don't even use? One that can turn traitor and kill you in a matter of days?

Of course you would. You'ld be an idiot NOT to jump at that chance. And of course this hypothetical is ridiculous. But it does illustrate the point. When breeding a plant for increased THC production, the question then becomes what was lost in the process. I can't answer that question. Who had studied the marijuana genome back in the 1950's-1960's when breeders started painting their plants with Colchicine in order to bolster the production of THC?

When exactly were you getting Jamaican bud that was 30-40%? It damn sure wasn't the 80's! There aren't that many strains today that go over 40%. So you were complaining about modern bud in your earlier posts, but claiming modern bud to be in your top 5 highs in this post.


I don't know about any of that stuff, all I know is I love growing and consuming it. But I'm sure that due to the fact that people used to think THC was the be all, end all, of cannabis, a lot of the really good stuff was sacrificially, albeit, possibly accidentally, bred out. But since the research is redefining what we call the high and what causes it, there will be marked efforts put forth to re-introduce these compounds back into the plant as much as possible, that's a fact. Especially as the market demands it. And hobby breeders will scour the land for these missing ingredients. Believe it or not, there are some very smart and capable home growers doing their due diligence in trying this as we speak. And some of them really know their stuff. That's where the truly great finds come from anyhow. Not from labs. And facts are facts, there have been some heavy THC laden plants I've tried that didn't do much and some lesser varieties that kicked my ass, so....there is that. Either way, I can't wait to see what we can do with this gift from God :)
Otto Bonn

Otto Bonn

I don't know about any of that stuff, all I know is I love growing and consuming it. But I'm sure that due to the fact that people used to think THC was the be all, end all, of cannabis, a lot of the really good stuff was sacrificially, albeit, possibly accidentally, bred out. But since the research is redefining what we call the high and what causes it, there will be marked efforts put forth to re-introduce these compounds back into the plant as much as possible, that's a fact. Especially as the market demands it. And hobby breeders will scour the land for these missing ingredients. Believe it or not, there are some very smart and capable home growers doing their due diligence in trying this as we speak. And some of them really know their stuff. That's where the truly great finds come from anyhow. Not from labs. And facts are facts, there have been some heavy THC laden plants I've tried that didn't do much and some lesser varieties that kicked my ass, so....there is that. Either way, I can't wait to see what we can do with this gift from God :)
"👍👍👍there have been some heavy THC laden plants I've tried that didn't do much and some lesser varieties that kicked my ass"


I'm old. I'm probably one of the oldest members here. I've been smoking since the 1960s. My wife is a few years behind me, but she has been smoking as long as I have. We both agree that the weed we grow is better than what we had way back when. Some of that assessment is surely subjective. Then again, back then we had better bodies, so we may have been better at metabolizing our weed, which should narrow the gap between then and now. Now, in my 70s, after more than 50 years of partaking, I've almost completely lost my sense of smell and I take dopaminergic medications. I don't smoke it now. I only vape or use tinctures powerful beyond my limit. So much has changed. I don't miss the bags of weed with leaves, stems and seeds. Now, it's only pure bud, and I know just about everything involved in growing it. That's an improvement, for sure.
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