What wrong with my ladies ?



Are you on flowering nutes yet? Theyre hungry. They drink alot more right now, might be the cause of any humidity issues. Dips or spikes?

What are you growing? I like the looks of it. Youre looking pretty good dude, would probably just feed a bit more, maybe adjust your watering amounts. Would guess you need a little more right about now, depending on if youve adjusted since veg


i don't see anything especially wrong with your plants.

light stress is a thing either too much light or not enough bottom of the canopy will make some of the leaves slowly decaying

also i think you could remove the third smallest light, and only use the two biggest.


Are you using coco coir or soil? Are you watering to 10%-20% runoff? Without knowing your water/ nute cycle or growing medium, environment etc, on a quick glance and i would suggest a thorough flush first. Use a tds meter (theyre about $10 at all hardware stores), and check the water your using to flush first. (My flush water is 400ppm) and flush until the runoff is an acceptable level (800-1100ppms seems to work great at all stages of growth for me) before adding anything. Ive had runoff that tested over 8000 ppm and plants on the verge of death. Flushed them down to the 1000 ppm range and they recovered quite easily. Its the easiest cheapest, and quickest fix for a lot of issues and worth a shot before you start throwing in a bunch of fertilizers and ammendments. Less is usually more in this game.

I just looked at your pics again and noticed how clean your catch trays are, as if they havent seen any runoff at all, or am i mistaken and those are freshly cleaned?
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Are you on flowering nutes yet? Theyre hungry. They drink alot more right now, might be the cause of any humidity issues. Dips or spikes?

What are you growing? I like the looks of it. Youre looking pretty good dude, would probably just feed a bit more, maybe adjust your watering amounts. Would guess you need a little more right about now, depending on if youve adjusted since veg

Leaves keep shriveling and vpd meter is going wild.
I just looked at your pics again and noticed how clean your catch trays are, as if they havent seen any runoff at all, or am i mistaken and those are freshly cleaned?

Im guessing your about 3-4weeks into flower right? I use the same grow bags and The best thing about them is they show you when your watering properly. The bottoms of your grow bags should be somewhat white from flushed out salts. No white means no residual salts flushed out. 3 weeks into flower my grow bags look like that crusty sock under every teenage boys bed. See after the plants have sucked up all the nutrients, the nitrogen, the phosphorus, potash, the calcium, magnesium and everything else it needs, there are salts left behind. Think of it as plant poop. If this poop isnt cleared from your growing medium your plants will 'lockout' and not take any nutrients regardless of the quantity that they are present. So you can have the best nutes available in the proper amounts but the plant cant take them up because they really need expell the waste from prior feedings. Theyre just like all other living things. Nourishment in, and waste out. I dont see any waste leaving those grow bags.

Count your growing medium as part of the plants digestive system. This is what is implied on most soil info that states "a well draining soil" gotta get the poop out and theyll be fine.


For example, this is a one gallon bag i haven't washed yet. It was used in veg for about 4 weeks before potting up to a 3 gal.
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