White/yellow spots on leaves



Hello! Recently I noticed these spots on some leaves of all plants. What could this be?
Refer to this post for growing info
Whiteyellow spots on leaves


These are outdoor correct? The post with grow info still isn’t quite enough but #1 they were a little young to defoliate. #2 never leave your cut foliage remain on the soil, invites pests. #3 is that 3 plants in a 5 gallon container? Outside you want closer to 20gallon per plant, though 10 should be ok per plant.

Regarding those spots, need more info regarding soil, inputs, watering schedule and ph of water. They could be a sign of pests so check the undersides of those leaves for possible intruders.


These are outdoor correct? The post with grow info still isn’t quite enough but #1 they were a little young to defoliate. #2 never leave your cut foliage remain on the soil, invites pests. #3 is that 3 plants in a 5 gallon container? Outside you want closer to 20gallon per plant, though 10 should be ok per plant.

Regarding those spots, need more info regarding soil, inputs, watering schedule and ph of water. They could be a sign of pests so check the undersides of those leaves for possible intruders.
Yes, they are outdoor in a 31 gallon container.
Soil is a mix of universal, cacti, pearlite, pine bark, nothing specific for cannabis.
They were given once or twice a fertilizer (nitrogen 5,5%, phosphorous pentoxide 5%, potassium oxide 7,5%, organic carbon 4,5%, and others under 0,1%).
Ph unknown.
I checked under and on the leaves but Ive seen nothing, and nothing unusual either such as webs.
Thanks for your advice!!


It's some kind of bug damage you have to check under the leaves WITH MAGNIFICATION or you'll never see them because they're so small

doesn't exactly look like mite damage looks more like thrips but you would be seeing thrips everywhere with that much damage, so Occam's razor says mites
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