Who is using Advanced Nutrients with soil?



Simple question. When mixing these nutrients... do I need to wait any period of time before feeding?

I ask because I have a 1 liter bottle I am going to use to make life easy when mixing since all the charts are per liter. One liter is not enough for 4 5 gallon pots I am going to assume so I may need to make another mix to get all 4 pots watered.

So can I mix and feed or do I mix and wait before feeding.

I do let my tap water sit for 24 hours before using without nutrients..... do I still need to do that if I am mixing nutrients into the water?

Ok, 2 questions. LOL.
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If I'm watering an indoor soil grow, I prep a third of the media volume. With 5 gallons of media, I'd prep 6 liters of water. For 20 gallons of media, I'd prep 25 liters. Doing that piecemeal in 1 liter increments is more work than I'm willing to do. I'm lazy. I'd invest in a bigger bucket and some measuring cups/pitchers. No need to wait to feed once the nutes are mixed, and you can use them for up to a few days after they're mixed.

With regard to letting the water sit out for 24 hours, that's usually done to let the chlorine in the water escape. If you have high chlorine in the water you're using, I'd continue to do that.


Doing that piecemeal in 1 liter increments is more work than I'm willing to do. I'm lazy.
I am too but have been told that they do not last that long after mixed. I am still learning proper watering so I do not want to mix too much. I have not been going through a lot of water in these small pots so I am not sure how much I will need in the 5 gallon bags.
No need to wait to feed once the nutes are mixed
Cool, this is good to know.

If you have high chlorine in the water you're using, I'd continue to do that.
Even with nutrients? I thought they balanced the water. Ok, I will keep that in my routine.
With 5 gallons of media, I'd prep 6 liters of water. For 20 gallons of media, I'd prep 25 liters.
This is what is going to get me. The conversions. I was trying to keep it simple. 1 liter of water, 1 ml of nutrients, some require 2ml. Also need to start half strength I have been told by several people here so 1lt water, .5 ml nutrients... still pretty easy.

So if I may ask... using 4, 5 gallon bags.... how would that break down into liters and ml? Do you use the entire 6 lt for one pot every time you water? Just the little I give them seems to almost yellow them and I do not give them much.

I did buy a large watering can, not sure how much it holds though. Been using it to fill my humidifier, not water. I have a 1.25 lt coke bottle I use for water atm. I have a measuring cup that has ml on it, it will go to 1000 ml. I still need to look up how many ml in an lt. Could not find anything that was exactly 1 lt. LOL.

Ok, so I guess 1st test is to use the measuring cup at the 1k ml and see how many I can get into this watering can. I suppose once I know how much it holds then I can get a better idea of where I am and what I can mix.

Thank you for helping! 👍
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I use AN in soil
You can start with 2L bottle but that won't last for long 🤣
I do more or less the same like above. I have now 12.5L pots. I prepared 4L for each plant
I am using 5L and 10L water carriers. They last years 😉
With conversions to smaller quantities at the start- app of Advanced Nutrients is useful.
It's called BudLabs- you can set up yourself ml per half litre if you want to 🤟


UG... liters liters liters... Pots are gallons, water jug is gallons.... I wish there was only 1 unit of measurement... this conversion is cumbersome. 😁
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well- I use litre as I'm from Europe. My pedigree is slovakian/polish 🤣 I was raised in cm and litres
You use gallons as you are in USA. App have both to set up in case
Interesting fact- Irish are in European Union but they use imperial UK units mixed with USA
So I am often lost last decade I'm here 🤣

and yes- with those nutes it's better to prepare them fresh. and you have to remember to put PH part very last ✌️
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If you go on Advanced Nutrients site, they have feed charts for all of their lines, by country. The US feed charts are ml of nutrient per gallon of water. I'd start there. There are many schools of thought with regard to watering volume and frequency. If I'm in an amended soil, I water slowly to 10% runoff, only when the pots are very light. That will take between a quarter and a third of the media volume. If you're not drying back as long, or not saturating as much, your mileage will vary.
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The US feed charts are ml of nutrient per gallon of water. I'd start there.
Ah, ok, I have the wrong one. Mine is ml to lt. :)

you have to remember to put PH part very last
Oh, I did not know that. I was just going to go down the list and add in sequence. The PH stuff is the 1st 3 on the list. I did know to add one at a time and mix before adding the next one.

Thanks! I will go look for this.

I water slowly to 10% runoff, only when the pots are very light.
I have been told to bottom feed. I have been doing that. The little trays do not hold a lot do they do not really get a lot at a time. Which is good because I am afraid of yellowing. I will water the tops a little just to get them dark again, usually when the soil is pulling away from the sides.

Another thing I will need to adjust. I will need risers to keep the canvas out of the water and air under there so I do not get mold. I may have to start top feeding again.

My pedigree is slovakian
Nice! I am 1/4 Slovakian. the rest is Italian. But born and raised in the US so yes, I am inches and gallons.

Thanks again... off to look for the US chart. 👍

Yep... there it is. I had the Global Version. This is much easier to follow. Although I think I am late starting. 2 plants are a month old already
PH Perfect Grow Micro Bloom USA
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Are any of the 5 gallon bags actually 5 gallons?

The variance between the different brands/options is crazy. @WickedMichelle said "pots," so maybe that will run truer to size. If it's fabric bags, all bets are off. ;D


The 38 liter bag of OF is almost 10 gallons of soil, so 2, assuming your "5 gallon" pots actually hold 5 gallons.
20240628 120707

This is what I have to work with. I got the large bag on the left this morning. They are open until 8 so if I run short I can go back for more. I hope not... had to walk 4 city blocks with that large bag. I'm too old for that. 🤣


If it's fabric bags, all bets are off. ;D
I meant bags.. Never used them before, I am use to pots. 🤣🤣

I may be going back looking at the bags and the bags... I may not have enough. UG! The OG Kush is still tiny... maybe she does not get potted.
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Here are the results. The smaller one may not have been ready but she went in anyway.

20240628 143812

20240628 143758


You can use right away . On the chlorine topic:
Most municipalities use chlorimine now which doesn't gas off quickly. Knowing that , I do let it sit till it's at least close to room temp.

A gallon is aprox 3.8 liters so just add 4 times your litter input .
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