Hows The Weather In Your Neck O The Woods?? And What Are You Doing Today???

  • Thread starter chickenman
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10 minutes after the other photo


Premium Member
more concerned about the freeze action glad all is swell.


Yo chicken man it blows me away i mean plant looked seriously finished this morning i mean leaned over shrunk looked real bad here is a picture just amazing
but man you can see from the fan leafs from bud i took and once temp increased she stood up like a trooper like in them after noon pics
to show you how bad she was here this is what - 10 degrees C did to her and later on looking like second pic even thou - 10 She is alive talk about possible more trichomes being produced tonight to combat the cold lol
Trust me i always chop second frost like today it would of bin trimmed but looking at weather for next few days its going to be great weather so thinking this massive scare to the plant might give her , her last push to imaginary seeds :)


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Epic way to start another day of living the dream....
Farming and fishing....
Long lost nephew showed up, been 10 years since he left the farm in a huff.
We worked that out, he absolutely worships me and he really needs some guidance, glad to help..
Will be farm choreing then floating and fishing 8 miles on the Gunnison River...
Blows my mind. I used to be the guy that needed help, lot's of help.
Now I am the one who others seek out for advice and help.
It all boils down to loving yourself that ended my self destruction, Iam worthy.
After awhile then others can love you as well.
A good friend troubled over hate filled letter from the X.
Told him send the hate right back to her, love yourself, pray for her, let it go....
No decaf ever...mind fuel...
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Premium Member
Should be doing a clean up instead of fishing.....


Premium Member
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Six miles of river not another soul in sight. A few fish all browns here and there, wind came up and blew like hell right in out faces, white caps, had to really row just to move... feel great after hot soak.
The orange dealie on hat is a indicator of permission to fish 2 mile private section.
All others cannot stop in any way, no anchor, no shore fish, no wade. Myself and 10 others have exclusive rights to anchor, wade or shore fish.
Been fishing it for free for 10 years now it's $300.00 per person per year deal in my book especially after all the free years.
Got the drift down just as much fun as fishing almost...
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Premium Member
Snow over night, will do chores, keep the woodstove burning and hunker down....


Premium Member
Bright sunny cool morning, awesome day in store.
Up and at em, going to be another wonderful day just to be alive, will embrace my good health and fortunes.
Kind of slowing down on farm just a little. have to winterize garden, pull up landscape cloth, roll up irrigation, pull up plants, give to goats.
We will have on of our young farm kids coming this weekend to gleefully help us out.
He happens to be gay. We accept him for what he is, a wonderful young man who recently came out to his family. They were shocked but in time will understand. Someday we will meet his parents ands tell them they are so luc kyto have such a wonderful son....
Funny how our farm kids and us are way closer than real family. The love we share is not only beyond awesome, it is so healthy for all, finding and sharing passions, planting seeds and watching garden grow, cooking foods that taste awesome and nourish body and soul.
Got to run to town, may stop at the bank, river bank that is for a few casts at the Senior citizens hole.
best to live it up while you can, one never knows when your time is up, young and old each day is a gift so why not live it to fullest and do not let negativity get you down..
It's only castles burning, find someone who's turning and you will come around....


Gays are ok on the farm.... But goat fuckers.....that's a big no no. lol.

Got a case of the fuck it's. Don't feel like harvesting anymore, so a couple lbs of popcorn nugs are getting burned in my next fire. My freezers are full of trim, my storage is full of packs. Now it's just time to roll up the sprinkler lines, till up my beds, take soil samples, ammend, and plant cover crops. Already in the works for ordering more soil, which I hope will be delivered in the next week or two. Have some beds to build.

Spring starts in the fall everybody.


Premium Member
Gays are ok on the farm.... But goat fuckers.....that's a big no no. lol.

Got a case of the fuck it's. Don't feel like harvesting anymore, so a couple lbs of popcorn nugs are getting burned in my next fire. My freezers are full of trim, my storage is full of packs. Now it's just time to roll up the sprinkler lines, till up my beds, take soil samples, ammend, and plant cover crops. Already in the works for ordering more soil, which I hope will be delivered in the next week or two. Have some beds to build.
Spring starts in the fall everybody.

Was told on a sheep farm in New Zealand,.
Just stick one foot in each gumboot and away you go mate...
Just thinking first time in 15 y years not growing weed.. A break till to New Zealand 3 months so why bother?
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A man, Seamus, was sitting in a bar one night, depressed and drinking. The bartender comes up to Seamus and asks him what's wrong?
"Do you see that bridge over there?" Seamus asks the bartender
"Aye, Seamus, that's a fine bridge, a lot of people use it every day" the bartender replies.
"I built that bridge with my own two hands, but does anyone call me Seamus the bridge-builder? No. Do you see that house over there?" Seamus asks
"Aye Seamus, that's a fine house, that family moved into it after their other house burned" the bartender says.
"I built that house for that family, but does anyone call me Seamus the house-builder? No. ....Do you see that wagon over there?" Seamus asks again
"Aye, Seamus, it's a fine wagon, the church uses it every Sunday."
"I built that wagon with my own two hands, but does anyone call me Seamus the wagon-builder? No."
Seamus takes a drink."....but you fuck one goat...."

It's best imagined in a heavy Scottish accent.


Premium Member
Overnight snow in the HIGH, oh so High mountain desert.
Just a couple inches of wet snow, will hunker down after chores and wake bake coffee session.
will clear today river will be up 1200 cfs by end of day so by Wed or Thur will hit it..


best to live it up while you can, one never knows when your time is up, young and old each day is a gift so why not live it to fullest and do not let negativity get you down..
It's only castles burning, find someone who's turning and you will come around....

Knowing it is one thing, actually living it is an entirely different boat:)

Today...well I am looking at a CM thread trying to pick up my spirits and get out of a funk. Started growing again after taking a couple of months off, sitting and talking to my little seedlings helps quite a bit. Don't think it really even matters what I am growing, but well if I am going to the trouble of growing a plant inside it had better be a pretty awesome one.


Premium Member
Knowing it is one thing, actually living it is an entirely different boat:)

Today...well I am looking at a CM thread trying to pick up my spirits and get out of a funk. Started growing again after taking a couple of months off, sitting and talking to my little seedlings helps quite a bit. Don't think it really even matters what I am growing, but well if I am going to the trouble of growing a plant inside it had better be a pretty awesome one.

like I said, Don't let it bring you down..
it's only castles burning..
Find someone who's turning...
And you will come around....
Feel the music..


Cold and windy in the high mojave today,30s and a 20-30mph wind that blows right through you.Looks like its on its way to you colorado boys,We got snow right above us last night too CM but only rain for us.


Snowmagedon in the greater denver area. Still can't believe people are expected to go to authorized sledding locations, wtf. Taking the whole park to myself, suck it.
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