Underthesun In The Co Rockies

  • Thread starter Underthesun
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Cool! Looking good! As a CO native i've always grown outdoors but never tried greenhouse way.. what are the advantages to greenhouse vs Full-sun?


Thanks for stopping in @Redwood-roots and @tryptanamide. Its very peaceful, I catch myself out there just staring into nothing all the time. Probably spend too much time out there.

I think there are a number of advantages to greenhouse growing in CO. First we have nasty weather, hail, stroung winds, strong rains, late spring frost, early fall frost. With the greenhouse I can protect my plants from all these elements. I can also start my plants in there from seed in April with no lights. And if I want to grow a sativa or a strain that finishes late in the fall I can do that as well. I usually harvest my last plant by end of October and lots of times we have already had a large snow storm by then. Outdoors you'd be lucky to have your plant survive healthy until late Sept, even then its a risk, so that leads to premature harvests that aren't all they could be.


Summer is in full swing. Hot and no signs of clouds or rain anytime soon.

First girl to show. Stateline. Planted in her forever dream home.

Planted 2 mamboes and 2 jamaican voodoo plants in my largest bed. They are small now but wasn't happy with their growth in the little pots. Maybe due to heat stress in such small pots. So hoping to get one girl of each, but I'd settle for one girl of either.


Now I'm just waiting for a girl Jerriatric to show, she'll get planted in my last bed and that will be that. Time for the party to start! The rest of the plants will be given to friends to stick in their backyard vegetable gardens. I'll be giving some males away also for pollen. They'll be about 5 miles away...too close? Should I worry about other growers around the area, or just not even think about that?


I love your garden! I bet another advantage with the greenhouse is less watering. I have to water the veggies every afternoon right now in this dry heat.

Thanks, @Orcaman! I have to be sure not to water too much, that is my problem. But my outdoor garden dries out very quick and I have to water it every day also.


Awesome start to the season , I hope you find a treasure cause those cross mixtures sound DANK!

subscribed for the future and then some

Thanks Burned Haze. I hope so too!

When I gather pollen, I shake the plant and the pollen falls onto paper.
I suspect that the exposure radius is measured in meters not miles.

Some small heroic travel distances might be expected with turbulent winds though.

Cool, I didn't think I had to worry too much. But if my friends neighbors are growing, they might not fair so well. Ignorance is bliss.


“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.”

Okay, weekly weather report....hot AF. Today may bring some relief. Here are some pics. Coming alng nicely.

Stateline a week after transplant. Top, FIM, bend, super crop or just let it go? Can't decide.

Mamboe and Jamaican Vodoos finaly starting to grow after the transplant.

Waiting for one of the Jerriatrics to show girl still before transplanting.


“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.”

Never tried acid but I completely agree about physical existence being vibrational in nature, reality being mutli-dimensional and all things being one thing.

Loving seeing different kinds of plants growing together..thanks for the pics


Weekly update:

Still hot here, 90s for highs. Lows in the 50s - 60s. Not too bad.

Stateline is growing. I pinched the top.

Transplanted a hopeful girl Jerriatric. She hasn't shown pistils yet but looks like a girl to me. She get's a top dressing of 2" worm castings and some alfalfa meal today to boost some growth throughout July.

Mamboes and Jamaican Voodoo. One Mamboe seems to be a runt. No sex shown yet. They are still young. But I have high hopes still and plan to get at least 2 lbs of dank from this bed.

Blew out a rear hub in the middle of Roosevelt National Forest yesterday evening, so unable to ride a few miles from my truck. Luckily I was prepared and someone had made a nice bench.


Weekly update:

Still hot here, 90s for highs. Lows in the 50s - 60s. Not too bad.

Stateline is growing. I pinched the top.
View attachment 612213

Transplanted a hopeful girl Jerriatric. She hasn't shown pistils yet but looks like a girl to me. She get's a top dressing of 2" worm castings and some alfalfa meal today to boost some growth throughout July.
View attachment 612214

Mamboes and Jamaican Voodoo. One Mamboe seems to be a runt. No sex shown yet. They are still young. But I have high hopes still and plan to get at least 2 lbs of dank from this bed.
View attachment 612215

Blew out a rear hub in the middle of Roosevelt National Forest yesterday evening, so unable to ride a few miles from my truck. Luckily I was prepared and someone had made a nice bench.
View attachment 612216

Isn't it amazing how far out in the woods you can get on a mountain bike? You never really appreciate that fact until you get a flat tire! Been there, done that!


Glad to see that you made the best out of that ride. My new commute it not quite that serene along the cherry creek trail through downtown Denver. The rains on tuesday night made the trail pretty messy the next morning. A lot or gardens took a big hit from that storm here in town. I was lucky.
Mr Bee

Mr Bee

Thanks Orcaman! That is what I was thinking, the pot worms wouldn't eat anything unless it was dead or rotten. Could be they never germinated and where just bad seeds from the get go, or from my mishandling. Could also be that they germinated and something killed them then the pot worms ate them. We'll see how this next round turns out...hoping for 100% success rate this go around.
Fungus gnat larvea can polish of germinating seedlings fast.they usually only eat the wee hairs on the roots but thats really all a tap root is wen it first comes out the shell.dunno how many times wen i had fg i put seeds with the tap root showing into soil and it didnt pop.dig down into the soil to see wats happening and theres just an empty shell.little bastards.
you can by nematodes that are cheap and VERY effective against fg and plenty o other soip pests.


Isn't it amazing how far out in the woods you can get on a mountain bike? You never really appreciate that fact until you get a flat tire! Been there, done that!

Yes, its great! Bet you have some nice spots out in your neck of the woods. I wish I had a flat tire, I could have fixed that...but it took me a few times being stranded to realize I needed to carry a pump and tube. Not sure I'd be able to build a whole new wheel in the woods though, haha.

What a place to sit back and burn one...I'm mad I'm sitting on the sofa

Its not too bad. Mosquitos though, man.

Glad to see that you made the best out of that ride. My new commute it not quite that serene along the cherry creek trail through downtown Denver. The rains on tuesday night made the trail pretty messy the next morning. A lot or gardens took a big hit from that storm here in town. I was lucky.

Dang, glad your garden made it out okay. We didn't get much weather up here as predicted. Maybe today though. Riding a bike anywhere is nice, plus you get to commute on a bike...I would have to ride some dangerous roads to do that around here and I won't. Cars always win.

Fungus gnat larvea can polish of germinating seedlings fast.they usually only eat the wee hairs on the roots but thats really all a tap root is wen it first comes out the shell.dunno how many times wen i had fg i put seeds with the tap root showing into soil and it didnt pop.dig down into the soil to see wats happening and theres just an empty shell.little bastards.
you can by nematodes that are cheap and VERY effective against fg and plenty o other soip pests.

That's what happened. Put them in the soil after tap roots showed. Dug them up a week later, gone just an empty shell. Thanks for the advice!

Thanks for stopping in ya'll! Dead and Co this weekend in Boulder. Got the butterflies for this one.


Weekly update. Life is good. Plants are happy.


Jerriatric, she finally showed pistils, don't be so prude next time okay.

Mamboes and Vodoos. One mamboe is looking like a girl to me, hell yeah. The other three not so sure. I have one more Jerriatric girl I put in there if the Vodoos end up male. Or Just let the one mamboe have that big bed to herself. Hmmm.

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