Boiling Roots??

  • Thread starter the Rock
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i guess if you notice how fast a plant dries out once it starts to wilt, is why they think it dries faster, it seems to lock all photosynthesis from continuing. In a cut plant, it may not neccessarily be completely dead for days, you might even be able to take a cutting and revege it, if its wilted and shocked maybe its faster to dry since its killed immediately. THc Production is over by this time in the grow anyway.


I personally started doing this to help clean up res, but it seemed to me that the smoke was much cleaner . It could very well be in my head, but I run hot water through my res anyway to clear up built up salts anyway. So really it's no dust off my collar.

Thegodson~ I don't recommend putting your drying buds in the sun, even as a quick dry... First, Light degrades THC.. Second, Chlorophyll is still working even after it's chopped, at least in my experience. Buds I had drying in a non interrupted dark room were ALOT smother then ones I had drying in spare bedroom, which had sunlight exposure.

For a quick dry you can have buds in short time with a brown paper bag. Even faster poke holes in bag and add a fan.


Thegodson~ I don't recommend putting your drying buds in the sun, even as a quick dry... First, Light degrades THC.. Second, Chlorophyll is still working even after it's chopped, at least in my experience. Buds I had drying in a non interrupted dark room were ALOT smother then ones I had drying in spare bedroom, which had sunlight exposure.

For a quick dry you can have buds in short time with a brown paper bag. Even faster poke holes in bag and add a fan.[/QUOTE]

Thats what I told him. Sunlight, plastic, are you kidding me.LOL But he still does his own thing. I personally let mine dry in the air, with a fan and darkness so it doesn't get degraded and doesn't get a funky shape from being turned on its side, not to mention the loss of crystalage every time it's touched.



It may sound like torture, but proper method is about 5 days 3-5 prior to harvest water your plants with BOILING water. This doesn't increase thc nor necessarily speed cur BUT IT DOES make for much smoother smoke.

The miss conception is that cutting down ur girls kills them instantly, however this is FALSE. Adding boiling water will kill the ROOTS but only the roots. After adding water, continue 12/12 for 3-5 day, I prefer 5 but don't water anymore. By killing the roots but allow the plant to live it FORCES the plant to use the nutrients in its leaves for survival.

On day 3 of 5 start to trim fan leaves, about 50% on day 3, then 50% of remaining leaves on day for, and finally harvest on 5th day.

There are GREAT threads on this on other sites, but you can find those in your own. The best growers I know use this technique but are far too busy to waste time here.

I challenge anyone to dare test this concept and prove me wrong. If I'm wrong, i will provide free beans to anyone with evidence of there trial.

Tip: goggle boil roots RM3 for more info.


40 years ago an old hippie/guru friend told me to soak the roots in sugar water for a couple of days to give the buds a sweet taste . Still haven't got around to try it , lol


Old Pharmer
I am curious about this as a partner of mine says when plant is pulled to dry, he boils roots for ten minutes than hangs upside down to dry. He claims this works wonders,the stuff I have smoked of his is always killer.
Has anyone ever heard of this or done it.
If your doing lots o plants this would be alot of work.
^^^^^^^^^^^ [May 14, 2009]^^^^^^^^^^^


I heard about this from a guy from Panama in North Georgia ~1975;
I asked if he knew any "tricks" or techniques they used down there,
and he said they pulled 'em up and stuck the roots
in a kettle of boiling water,
and then hung 'em up to dry;
I tried it with half a crop (~20 plants) the next year--
and got busted before I could test anything...


Obviously there are many tips and tricks as well as myths out there. I was told when I first started growing about this technique, but my mentor wouldn't tell me his reason. His only reply was "if you try it you will know." I had a small group of plants that had just been switched over to flower, and figured as a new grower at the time that it would be worth a go since it came from someone with much more experience. The 3 plants I tried this with, in comparison to the 3 plants I harvested without this technique had very different smoke qualities although they were the same strain.

Since this time, I have had multiple people tell me I am crazy for torturing my plants yada, yada, yada, however there has not been a single time that I have noticed any negative effects. On the contrary I have had others who I introduced to this method who now swear by it. Even in the rare case that I decide to quite dry a bud or two to test, the smoke is almost as smooth as if they had been able to cure to some extent. I urge people to give it a try, even if it is with only one plant out of your crop.

I have never pulled the plant and put roots into a boiling pot, as this seems like a lot more hassle then just boiling water and carrying the pot to my grow room.


LOL,There are so many holes in your theory its rediculous,good luck with that BoilEm.


Holes in my theory? I speak from experience and how it's worked for me and those I know who have tried it. However I'm going to guess both of the above comments are speaking without any actual experiences


I am curious about this as a partner of mine says when plant is pulled to dry, he boils roots for ten minutes than hangs upside down to dry. He claims this works wonders,the stuff I have smoked of his is always killer.
Has anyone ever heard of this or done it.
If your doing lots o plants this would be alot of work.
never heard of this done - but each to one's own> basically one is dry rooting the plant - done in nursery's all the time but no boiling - ???????????


In my experience, by adding the boiling water it kills the roots, which means the plant will no longer take any nutrients up from the soil. The plant whether you boil or were to cut it down is still technically alive at this point. Cutting your plants down doesn't kill them instantly, this is common knowledge. The difference is with the roots dead, and continuing the lights on for a couple of days after, the plant can actually still continue to grow by surviving off the nutrients still in the plants. I by no means am a chest or botanist, but I have read concepts of this use on other plants as well.

I do have to say to each there own. Some swear by flushing plants at a 2:1 ratio, others believe to completely let the soil dry out before harvest, and there are the ones out there that feed right to the end, however I personally don't feel any of these methods are "wrong". Who ever is growing/harvesting the plant is most like the owner of the garden and needs to make decisions based off of experience. My experience with many different methods continues to lead me back to this.

I am not telling you to go out and boil your whole crop, nor am I telling you to try it on even one of your plants if you truly feel uncomfortable with the idea. However, myself in each of my grows I set aside 1-2 plants to continue testing ideas and concepts that other growers share, because in my personal opinion there is ALWAYS ways to improve your grows, and this is the same for even the most experienced growers.

I apologize if as a new grower I came across as someone who appeared arrogant and or full of themselves, but this is what works for me. I encourage you to do what works best for you, but at the same time, they are plants so don't be afraid to try something different as a test subject. You never know, might just find your new favorite techniques by doing so.
the rrock

the rrock

this is a myth,same question comes out about every ten years,Ive been growing for close to 40 years and know some world famous growers(before internet was born) and no one boils roots unless your clueless


Been growing myself for many years, however haven't even been alive for 40. The thing is that those who refer to this as a "myth" don't have any backing to prove at as so other then their opinions. I would greatly love to see evidence rather then just opinion proving this to be a myth. Seems that within different circles and different groups there are different theories about this, yet no one can provide me proof that this is a myth and from my first hand experience with many different techniques I have found this to be one I go back to time and time again.

So to make comments as far as being clueless, especially from someone who I'm guessing has never experienced this so called myth first hand, is pretty arrogant in my opinion. Furthermore I doubt that anyone on this site is a "world class" grower or "cannabis cup" winner etc. I know I by no means am, just like to continue to learn and provide top grade medicine to myself and others. However, I know many breeders that do use the boiling method as well.

Next to comment that boiling water would induce immediate death for the plant truly shows the uneducated mind of a a grower who made the statement above. Do some biological research and you will find that this does NOT instantly kill a plant, but rather only the root system. A plant however can survive a period of time with out a root system, thus the reason cloning is so prevalent in this industry. Educate yourself before making stupid comments such as "instant death" to a plant.

I see why many experienced growers find these forums to be a laughing stock, and am truly starting to regret even joining because of the overall ignorance and lack of educated comments. Anyone with a chemistry, biology, or botany degree who could provide me with PROOF this doesn't work I would be gladly willing to listen too, or even those that could provide a scholarly source proving this as a myth, however speaking out of your ass with no experience in this matter just makes you look like a fool.


I'm not sure it's fair to demand scientific proof when you offer no scientific proof that your belief is true.
I bet most of us are glad that you have something that you like and believe in. Thank you for sharing this technique. I had heard about it many years ago. We didn't have the incredible power of the Internet, but damn it, if we heard about it working we were willing to try it. I appreciate your old school willingness to experiment.


Old Pharmer
[just for hysterical, er, historical reference]:
I heard about this from a guy from Panama in North Georgia ~1975;
I asked if he knew any "tricks" or techniques they used down there,
and he said they pulled 'em up and stuck the roots
in a kettle of boiling water,
and then hung 'em up to dry;
I tried it with half a crop (~20 plants) the next year--
and got busted before I could test anything...

Because of ~15 negative scientific-less opinions
Boilem slanders ~72,658 Farmers (Members: 72,673)
obviously with little or no research on his part;
it seems he only pops into this thread and does drivebys,
and yet he professes to be knowledgeable about The Farm;
but he already had pre-concieved opinions
apparently derived from other sites--
right from his first post:
The best growers I know use this technique but are far too busy to waste time here.
...and continues...
Furthermore I doubt that anyone on this site is a "world class" grower or "cannabis cup" winner etc.
I see why many experienced growers find these forums to be a laughing stock, and am truly starting to regret even joining because of the overall ignorance and lack of educated comments.
He demonizes all Farmers here
without any first-hand research or experience,
pretty much the same as the posts that he's ranting about here,
that bother him so much:
a truly first-class ignorant hypocritical jerk of the first degree--
and I suggest he take his own advise...
speaking out of your ass with no experience in this matter just makes you look like a fool.


I usually feed mine Coca Cola straight one of last feelings! The high acidity causes a nutrient lock out which causes the plant to draw more water trying find its deficient nutrient thus sucking up all the sugar from the coke giving you a last sugar ingestion for the plant which acts like a bud sweetener like you've never seen! I think the caffeine too the plant absorbs counteracts couch lock
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