g/w the oldest lie in the book

  • Thread starter Desertboy
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Can't be arsed to retype

4 ton of air con in the UK would cane ~5-6kw on it's own, I don't get why you guys don't use air cooled tubes what you lose in light you will gain in reduced leccy usage bothered about the glass robbing light use 1.5kw it'll pay I'm certain.

quick rough calculation 4000btu's * 8 32000btu's basically 3 tonne of that air con runs whilst lights on or 3/4 of 6kw 12/12 in flower which gives us 4.5kw/hour + 10kw/hour for the lights, pumps, fans, chiller so round up to 15 units an hour lights on.

I think 10lbs is 4.54kilos so 18.16 Kilos or 1.2g's/w

g/m3 of course has it's own merits beyond g/kwh.

All calculations should be g/kwh really when dealing with leccy that's how a professional greenhouse growing veg under lights will work.
While I'm playing the numbers game let's see if I can guess doubleds g/kwh

2 weeks veg 18/6 * 15 = 1890 units for veg in the main room

9 weeks flower 12/12 *15 =11340 units for an average 9 week strain.

13230 units /18160 g's = 0.72 units/g or

18160/13230 = 1.37 g/kwh which is very very good.

This factors none of veg costs before they go into the main room or any power for night usage

I think g/w should be banned from the forums and g/kwh the new standard.


I agree with that - makes total sense

I mean if your running as much juice for ac, humidifiers and chillers that you are for lights this should be considered


i think it should stay g/w for comparison purposes. i understand wanting to know your efficiency for personal reasons but itd vary too much from location to location, like some ppl dont have to use alot of A/C and some dont use much to keep temps the same


i think it should stay g/w for comparison purposes. i understand wanting to know your efficiency for personal reasons but itd vary too much from location to location, like some ppl dont have to use alot of A/C and some dont use much to keep temps the same

And some use none at all, g/w belongs to a different time about 20 years ago.

It's amazing how many people grow air breathing and how can we compare the 2 with a biased system that makes people think we can take 2g's/w where as in reality we taking 1.1g's/w.

Without g/kwh it's a very hollow calculation.


i guess if you have to have a figure to brag about then you can calculate it however you want . people with legal plant counts usually could give a flying fuck how much juice they use

Bobby Smith

i guess if you have to have a figure to brag about then you can calculate it however you want . people with legal plant counts usually could give a flying fuck how much juice they use

Stole my thunder..........was just gonna tell the OP that the only people who care about g/w are illegal growers trying to max yield while keeping electrical usage reasonable..............legal growers couldn't give a flying fuck.


Sorry I live in a country where they're is no legal growing and I'm persecuted.

Also sorry that I slightly care about my environment but I guess it's meaningless to you guys because you too fucking stoned. :evilgrin (I'm only jealous)

By the way I don't sell my weed but at $200 a month in leccy I'd like a bit of efficiency.

Bobby Smith

BTW, I think Lucas said it best in this dialog he had with Ddoc:

Ddoc: As for normallizing grow yeilds it should be gms per watt per unit time.

Lucas: I agree, but time can be factored in AFTER grams per watt get my attention:-)

Bobby Smith

Sorry I live in a country where they're is no legal growing and I'm persecuted.

Also sorry that I slightly care about my environment but I guess it's meaningless to you guys because you too fucking stoned. :evilgrin (I'm only jealous)

By the way I don't sell my weed but at $200 a month in leccy I'd like a bit of efficiency.

You don't need to talk to me about efficiency............I've spent many thousands of dollars on my setup to make it the most efficient (smallest electrical draw) that it can be..........like you, I'm also persecuted and need to minimize electrical consumption.


personally i like measuring pounds per light. we should change it to P/kw

Bobby Smith

Without accounting for quality, any comparison is pretty worthless............a monkey could get 1g/w off of a 4' fluorescent bulb, but you couldn't pay me to smoke that shit.

There's always a tradeoff between yield and quality...........


true that im just sayin why are people measuring thousands of grams to thousands of watts im tryn to pull down Ps not Gs


I'm a European I pull Kilo's they're more satisfying ;-)

The trade off between yield and quality is strain more than anything.

I have never got to play with US strains but the Dutch ones are rather boring TBH. I'm growing Killer Skunk which is a throwback strain from the 80's @ the same time as cheese.


I can see how the small grow, legal med patient would value a real life comparison of energy cost vs harvest quantity. They generally don't have the extra cash, and monthly cost on electric is certainly a deciding factor for many people's designs. I say grams per KWH.


Bobby Smith

The trade off between yield and quality is strain more than anything.

I'd have to disagree there..........I could pull 3lbs. (pulling a number outta my ass) off of a 1K on a light mover covering a 4x8 tray, but the quality of a stationary 1K over a 4x4 area would be much, much better......

Of course genetics matters, but setup matters as well.

Not sure how anyone could argue against g/kWh; it simply makes sense.

Just saying that quality needs to be accounted for as well..............I'd rather smoke .5g/w from a 1KHPS than 1g/1w from a 175HPS.


You obviously have more experience at this than me.

My bud under 60w/sqft tasted the same as 40w/sqft, same clones.

I'm only just running co2 for the the first time at 100w/sqft so I'm unsure what to expect.

As it's a new strain to me as well I will have no yard stick so to speak.

I'm using 600w's this time. Look in the MPB section for a quick look at my setup.

Piss poor I'm sure by most standards on here but my g/kwh will probably be good and I have very high light levels possibly more than MPB rooms.


I dont think gpw is to measure how much power you use per gram. Its to measure how much you yeild per light compaired to someone else, so you know how your doing.
I do think veg time and watts used in veg sould be used though. Its not fair to say you hit 1 gram per watt if you have 2000w in veg for 8 weeks then you veg for 4 weeks in flower. The calculation need to include veg watts, flower watts, weeks in the flower room and the yeild. I wouldnt count weeks in the veg room because this sould be about the same for anyone taking advantage of the veg room.
Total watts X Weeks in the flower room / 10 = your new "watts"
grams yeilded / "watts" = gpw
I use 10 as a nember of weeks most people might use there flower room, if you use more your gpw goes down to make the playing field equal.

Bobby Smith

As long as you wanna talk about poor measuring sticks, watts per foot is right up there :)

It comes down to how much useable light your plants are getting............if you've got a 1K Ocho 12" from the canopy of a 4x4 and covering the entire thing, you're doing better than the guy who's got a shittier reflector 2.5' from the canopy, even though they're both 1K watts over a 4x4 footprint.

Of course, that doesn't even begin to calculate the PAR, umoles, etc., etc............good luck with your new setup, I'm rooting for ya.


Air con is important it cost money, a lot of money. Not every medi user has deep pockets and not every percy grower wants to burn money.

I agree g/w gives you an idea on how efficient you are with lighting but it's part of a picture not the whole.

Informed decisions need to be made we're burning power for fuck all and efficiencies and savings can be made. If any of you fuckers drive a hybrid hang your head in shame.

My car has a chevy 350 (Bare in mind I'm a UK citizen) so I'm a hypocrite but a hypocrite with a cool car!

w/sqft is utter bullshit yes!! I totally agree.


By the way it's ~11 pence a unit or 5 units to the $ in the UK, 1 unit=1kwh.

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