Get This?

  • Thread starter colostoney
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Ok a lot folks here know Im not a very healthy guy. I'm not quite 40 and I got a severe case a adult onset type 1 diabetes. Long story short I lost 60lbs of my 160lb body weight in three months and about died five years ago.......... But I made a lot a changes to my health n reckless lifestyle and along with four or so shots a day and a ton a push up sit ups in walking my dogs I'm back to as strong or stronger as I ever was..................well accept I got neuropathy pain in my legs bad sometimes, lack a energy a lot and some days my moods are so drastically off that at least I can even recognize them fast now and deal with them.......lifes ok even good th0ugh now and Im still adjusting to a big chamge made me poor but im humble and I don't really care about money like a lot a western folks cuz I'm part native and for some reason the money hating "pheno" is expressed quite clear in my genotype LMAO

Well Christmas day I started to get sick with what seemed to be a cold or flue symptoms ....
but you'd have to be a type 1 to understand I always feel kinda shitty like a person who has the flue and honest I don't like the whole Christian falla la la la holiday thing so my mood was bad. I figure too many edibles n maybe a lil too many sips a shine IDK......WRONG
I got sicker n sicker no matter what I did until finally new years eve this is no shit I slept from 2am until 5:30am jan 2nd almost 28 hours non stop I never stirred to flip my pillow no pissing no nothing........I live alone with five dogs n 4 parrots and everyone them was in my bed room freaking out and I was white as hell and my lips sorta blue when I woke up. Probably though just from no insulin in over 24 hours. I took all my meds ate breakfast and I felt sick still but not like I was gonna die. This just scared the shit out me. I don't know if I went in a coma that time or what but everyone I've told eithr don't believe me thinks it was drugs or is just blown away. I'm almost afraid to tell my Dr about it but it scared the shit out me. Before most who know me lifes all about majical hocus pocus and afterlife n spiritual bullshit but ya know 28 hours out not a dream nada I wonder if one day its just lights out for all of us and not only does this make me afraid as fuck to die now its kinda sad cuz I've lost a lotta folks Ilove very much I look forward to bein with one day.......

anyways who even gives a fuck right? well I figured this place is a good place to get opinion on wtf happened to me..........fucked my gardens all up tell ya that Im seriously scrambling to save moms Ive kept twenty years.

peace folks and be happy you are fucking alive today:confused:

happy b

I would certainly get it checked out col . Maybe your body was just so tired it slept right through,but I know wat u mean,at my age (37)I usually wake up every hour or so . In fact it feels like I'm awake most of the night just dosing so 2 hours straight without a peep would have me thinking also . hope u feel better bud.


Get it checked out. Nobody should sleep that long.

On a side note, maybe you should get right with the Lord, just in case. You told a story about how you almost died, and how you seem to hate religion. Good luck brother, never give up.


Trichome Engineer
Sounds like you went into a diabetic coma. Your Lucky. Is there no one that can check on u? Any drinking ? That is the worst thing u could do . Sucks And for sure let your doc know. All your furry and green friends would be at a loss Diabetics really need to monitor themselves everyday Glad your ok. M


lol nope no drinking a patient I support bought me a gift qt a shine for xmas but Ive seriously maybe dented a pinkie finger of the jar that's sharing I take like a qtr shot lol I do like me some shine though fuck it a lil does everyone well .....heck I was sick that night I nursed a joint a blueberry all day and finished the last qtr of it before the new year with some sugar free lemonade. And I monitor my sugar 24/7 one type a insulin I inject is extremely strong and wil mess you up if you don't know how much to take based on your sugar levels when you are a smaller person like me. I do wonder if it was a diabetic coma but it certainly wasn't because of high or low blood sugar. I think I had a bad fever. I don't even own a thermometer ! lmfao couple days before this I ws sick n freezing and I had my therm cranked to 75 and still I was under every blanket I could find freezing..........the 28th a December I slept for 14 hours straight and that's also the longest I ad ever slept in my life even wen I did hard core drugs n drank tons a vodka, Teq n shit all the time. I really think it was just some weird fever induced thing like you'd see in the old western movies when the shot up outlaw slept three or four days.............Lazarus come forth! Lmfao and bro Jah n I are all good man I live a much more biblical exstance than most could imagine read the bible front to back three times man my mom is way religious......I just aint a god damn Christian ya know the whole submission to slavery and the rewritten roman new testament a total bullshit is nothing but a forgery in my eyes so the birth of some savior who didn't even save himself to me seems irrelevant......I only believe Jesus was a hell of a good man.......checkout the old beleifs of the true Nazarene or the Jews at the time of King Solomon .....that's where my religious feel lies Im a redneck mutt hillbilly rastaman......respect guys

and fyi I am so tired a drs no way im telling them this shit ya know Ill be in a hospital and all that shit and Im alive and recovering a lil weak......Im more pissed off my gardens are wounded than anything I about lost a few strains I cherish like children......about lost them ya mothas lmao I got the serpent eating itself of the green rush tattood on me before xmas Isorta think something bad came to get me cuz ya know xmas for no reason I just randomly made amends with my mom who has done me very dirty in life cuz I kept thinking I never wanted either us to die and not know we at least love each other and even new years I sent probably a dozen emails to old friends n family I had some sorta problem with just trying to clear my life........serious idk what the fuck it was but it scares me and I really question the afterlife now 28 hours i didnt dream I dont remember shit but lmfao my crazy ass does sleep walk and it seemed like I may have but my house was wrecked by my dogs foraging too so idk......
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Definitely need to monitor what your blood sugar levels are and what they were...
Diabetes is a nasty disease but you no that, with out monitoring levels you prob won't no if it was a diabetic coma or not, shit bro just take care of what you can so you don't end up on dyalisis...
My moms spent 6 yrs dyalisis never made it for a transplant!


my kidneys failed when I first got sick but I didn't need a transplant tons a dialysis n putting everything just perfect n tons a water and I healed myself......that shit sucks though and consumes all your time and me being a grower it was stressful always being there 6-8 hours a day worrying some cock was figuring my schedule out and was gonna rob me perfect time when your being drained n filled lol....
ya know the human body is amazing and if not completely wrecked almost every organ can completely rebuild itself in 5-7 years......shit I prick my fingers like 4-8mtimes a day anyone know a sick lil fact it don't matter if your on welfare like me but them test strips are like a dollar a test......these mother fuckers will never cure diabetes cancer or alzheimers or ever help ya mentally but give ya pills to make ya weird.its the health industries cash cow


it was that virus in combo with my health but nothing to do with not taking care my situation that is what makes it scarier trust me id rather be laughing saying I ate a eigth a shrooms 3 oxys 2 4brs a xnx snorted a half a grm pure coke and slammed a half qt my shine with ten blunts like the good ol days and slept 28 hours but it wasn't so.......not al all and even back then I've always been an insomniac I sleep 4-5 hours tops no matter


this was me before I got sick well lmfao still is very much so now I gotta behave a pinch more



Trichome Engineer
Maybe ya should of smoked the whole joint of that blueberry Prob the combination of being worn out. And something viral. Glad your on the mend . Did your kidneys have a problem flushing out after ? they would hurt. Lower back pain. Sounds like you monitor yourself. Nurse Ratchet here.


Hey Thump take care or yourself,brother. Told ya bout my uncle and his diabetic comas.
It's a new year hope things get better for ya. Give me shout when you get to feeling better.
Happy New Year
Hey @Medusa, Happy New Year there lady


Trichome Engineer
Hey Thump take care or yourself,brother. Told ya bout my uncle and his diabetic comas.
It's a new year hope things get better for ya. Give me shout when you get to feeling better.
Happy New Year
Hey @Medusa, Happy New Year there lady

Ditto Motz !


happy new year to everyone n heck medusa I appreciate ya concern too
I even talked to my mom n sis forever today all concerned
28 hours is a trip lmao had to be just a bad bad fever I take
health pretty serious I have too but I been stressed n bummed a lot
sometimes it takes a slap from Jah to wake ya up
loud n clear my man I don't wanna die yet


but I aint due drs till end a feb and I aint goin.....people dnt know what I know about health care being at drs constnt the last almost 6 years they all suck and im tired a each dif opinion messin with my health or head a diff way its getting to where I dnt trust the bastards at all and I know a lot about biology n medicine on my own
its pretty sad how much brains ya get for $250 for fifteen minute appointment it all shows me how America has fucked things up by letting all the spoiled entitled rich have the bad ass education
and a lot of us just gotta put all our brains in to fighting our way out from the bottom the im the sorta weird runt pup that never gets the nipple of the litter oh well lol man Im glad to feel better I got so dang baked today first time in a while man


Trichome Engineer
Oh I know all to well @colostoney .. cancer 3 times since was 16 last one saw 31 dr.s took 18 months for a mass to take my kidney while the bills got there before I got home ...Thats why they call it practicing medicine...u have to be your own advocate .. now get back to labeling and getting those beans out...LOL Nurse Ratchet over and out ....but dont wear yourself out...;);););)
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