Hows The Weather In Your Neck O The Woods?? And What Are You Doing Today???

  • Thread starter chickenman
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Clear skies in the upper 30s today. Spent the day trying to catch a steelhead but no takers. Was a very enjoyable day smoking joints and wading the river.
Never a bad day fishing,always catch a buzz,lol.
Supposed to catch 3/4'' of rain tomorrow,ill beleive it when i see it.Heard 2-3 ft of snow possible in the sierras,was in boston last week for the holidays and weather was not bad at all either.Sure do like riding the T around town,we need some public transportation like that in cali,nice and easy to barhop!


woke up to 53deg and in mid seventies again...humidity through the roof...and we have a three dog night every night



Too dry here in Colorado..we need some rain or snow but temps are sweet. Building another addition on to the tipi, connecting my sunroom to the tipi and making a small indoor grow area (3-4 plants). I also got offered a job in a prison as a vocational teacher.....and taking a few days to think about it. The salary is enticing but not so sure about being behind bars again,,,even on the other side.....and can I actually make a difference and help people or is it just a program that makes the prison look like it's trying to actually "correct" people. Dunno.


Too dry here in Colorado..we need some rain or snow but temps are sweet. Building another addition on to the tipi, connecting my sunroom to the tipi and making a small indoor grow area (3-4 plants). I also got offered a job in a prison as a vocational teacher.....and taking a few days to think about it. The salary is enticing but not so sure about being behind bars again,,,even on the other side.....and can I actually make a difference and help people or is it just a program that makes the prison look like it's trying to actually "correct" people. Dunno.
Just bring good energy and the rest will sort it self out.


Premium Member
Too dry here in Colorado..we need some rain or snow but temps are sweet. Building another addition on to the tipi, connecting my sunroom to the tipi and making a small indoor grow area (3-4 plants). I also got offered a job in a prison as a vocational teacher.....and taking a few days to think about it. The salary is enticing but not so sure about being behind bars again,,,even on the other side.....and can I actually make a difference and help people or is it just a program that makes the prison look like it's trying to actually "correct" people. Dunno.
Pee test????


SoCo is dry. NoCo is snowed in. (though it has melted some) There's a good 2-3ft ft of snow in the hills here...about a foot of packed in stuff here in the valley. Crazy how the patterns work and SO to NO can be so different. Same with West Slope/Front Range weather. Never a dull moment. Thankfully, we have plenty of water at our place down south...

Hmm...maybe you can teach the vocation of growing weed to the prisoners? (who don't already know) LOL.


Yeah, like more and more jobs these days, a fucking pee test is mandatory...but I have time before that happens. Also have 20 days of "tactical" training before actually teaching. I know quite a few workers and they'll fill me in on the specifics (why type of test....urine, oral, hair, watched, unwatched, etc) Being a a midnight toker with a high metabolism and low fat percentage I should be able to clean up fairly well. If I decide to take the job, I'll explore options on detoxing and the possibility of using a synthetic product. Job pays $52k per year and I'd only work a year or so to pay off my land mortgage ($18k) and be debt free. Then I'd go back underground, go back to being self sufficient and chucking back to my self-employed part time handyman work. I despise being a slave to modern living.

Yeah..teaching weed-growing to inmates would be cool...mask it under the term "horticulture" but streamline it specifically for growing weed ...I mean tomatoes.

Now that my outdoor harvest is finished it's a bit quiet and empty up here....dang plants keep me in good company. Therefore the small indoor grow addition is much needed.

Also, been sawing and splitting a few cords of firewood as I got caught with my pants down this year. It's my only source of heat...and not a lot of free time with my job at the casino.
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FYI for CO peeps. On my prison application, there was a question that read something like, " Are you on the MMJ registry list? If so, explain. "

I let my redcard expire because I knew this would start popping up on applications and also because pigs can now run your drivers license and see if you on the MMJ registry as well (which would easily open you up for a DUI-D)

I spoke to a few friends who work at the prison and they told me if you admit that you have a redcard you get the ax.

So much for "legal MMJ" in Colorado.

I read that there is a handicap guy who hires a lawyer and is sueing Wal-Fart. He worked there, got his redcard and they fired him. It's a good case to follow because if he somehow wins it could possibly set a new standard for redcard status and employment.

A rare cloudy grey and foggy day here...a nice quiet morning though. About 12 deer drinking and hanging out by my horse troughs...with a few bucks checking out the babes.


Premium Member
35 this am, chance of showers but doubtful...
Starter day...Farm truck has broken starter bolt and Hot Rod needs starter reinstalled and battery relocated to trunk. Got a mechanic friend to help, will trade for some good smoking..

Got hot tub relocated and wired up last night. Sparky our electrician came last night and wired it up. Smoked some Blueberry with him after job was done. He left but returned a few minutes later saying holy shit man iam baked can I chill for a minute??, we fed him and after awhile he was ok to figure out how to find his way home......
Have a great day all, live it up......
Another time friend said.. Cant find my glasses man, he was wearing them lol.....


tis cold n dusty n slight chance a hostile in the soco this morning.....same ol same ol the zoo n the jungle demand
my slavery for the mortgages monthly pound a flesh but the haze cured well so I got a way fresh head :D


Typical Missouri. One day beautiful n mild. The next, freakin cold! Now its like 30 degrees. Not bad. Got wood cut fer a spell at least. Wood stove is crankin, kids'r at school. So I'm a sparkin a chillem fixin'ta tinkerin on this wind turbine project i've been stewin on. Also got a DC grow room on the drawing board.
20141111 102745

Blessings to the well needed rain in Cali! Long overdue!


Well, we've had rain for a couple days here in drought-stricken SoCal, now we have road closures and evacuations due to mud slides in the burn areas. Looks like a good day to stay home and bake :-)


I remember those cloudy/cold Missouri dayz. At times it seemed endless...

Definitely clouds here today...inside and out. Seems like a daily thing now that we hear of someone passing. Today it was my remaining son's best friend. Another oxy casualty... and only 21. Hearing shit like that fucks me all up and slams me to the mat. Such a waste.

Yeah...the MMJ/job thing is wayyyy off base...but then again...from the get-go the laws (both A20/medical...and A64..rec) stated in black and white that there is no formal protection from fallout in the it shouldn't be a secret that the employers who ask...or test for cannabis as a condition of not condone its use in any way, shape, or form. The same law that lets us grow and possess also prohibit us from certain uses...even under the guise of "medical". It makes no sense yeah.... very little does anymore. In the end I just file it all under "trivial shit" ....adjust as best I can....and go on and do what the fuck I wanna do. I hope it works out for you...however you want it to go, kolah....

been cuttin back on smokin lately....but after this AM....I think it's FATTY time again...

onward, through the fog....


Premium Member
wow sorry to hear of such a loss. what a shame, Oxy destroys but MJ don't..
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