I would like to try growing mushrooms.

  • Thread starter juggernaut
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Any tips or suggestions on strains/ growing/buying spores as well.


Hey man I would suggest starting with an easier strain to grow like maybe B+. Its not an easy experiment. How do you plan on growing them? Inside a glove box or pressure cooking your bulk substrate in mason jars and injecting them. I hope you have obviously done a shit load of reading on spawning mycilium. I have attempted numerous times with very little success. Cleanliness is key to successfully harvesting especially with the zoomers.


I grow my own (from spores) and yes the Cubenis strains are the easiest. You can buy the spores online and grow your own but it is a bit of work with cleanliness and patience being key. When done right, it's the best shrooms you ever experience. I started out growing cubenis strains and have advanced to growing out the exotic ones (the Pacific NW ones and the tropical ones). Fact: you do NOT need a pressure cooker to germinate mushroom spores..trust me on this. I grew mushrooms on my very first attempt just by following directions. There are lots of ways, I followed Fanaticus's (PF TEK) directions for growing cubenis strains. here is his link, scroll down to view. http://www.thehawkseye.com/

I have also seen ads in High Times rag offering "just add water" kits where everything is prepared for you. A bit pricey at 150 bucks or so but I have heard that they work. But, if you can follow directions well you can grow your own from spores..which I highly recommend.

FYI, shroom spores are NOT illegal. growing the shrooms are though. So no woories about shipping etc. AND I don't think any of the employment drug tests ever check for shrooms.

here's a great site for info: http://www.shroomery.org/4/Growing-Mushrooms

I've purchased spores from a few places and this one is by far the best (they throw freebies your way too):
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Hawkseye spores rock...they put THE most amount of spores in their syringes and they reimburse you at a discount should they not germinate. It takes me about 2-3 months to grow them out. It's fucking magical to grow them and magical to ingest them.


I'm actually about to give it a go myself after a few years…sporeworks has solid service also. Go to shroomery and read up as they have all the info you need. IF you do cakes, research Hippies Supercake recipe..im about to try it out but I've read great things about it.


You can order from a buncha sites as long as you're not in Cali, Georgia, Idaho.. Just avoid spores101.. Good luck bro..

If you in scali pm


Ive always found the mazapotec and Cambodians are fantastic ly easy too grow. Depending on your substrate sterilization isn't necessary. If your able horse manure and straw a Tid bit of coco coir no need too sterilize simply pasturize hell you can even just leave it out in the sun. Now too inoculate you will need too sterilize whatever it is you decide too innoculate too. Hell I got ahead of myself. I grew bulk in bins. Tubs are the way too go same amount of time spores money and you'll get 10x what you could on a cake


Bluelou here,from shroomery.org!!!!!!

HEY can we talk shrooms here,COOL....

Well what can i say but,go to the shroomery,then go
to the outdoor section and see my old thread there!!!
You will see some of the BEST shrooms ever,grown by me im imortalized there ok!!!

Loved growing an doing them,but you must be in a
perfectly positive or nutural state of mind to enjoy them...
Dont have things bothering you,in other words!!!!!
Ready to fly freely without pressures from life,it can be done,think positive...

Now,since we CAN talk shrooms,can i post some up?

Here is a tidbit of what i use to do,both indoor and outdoor shrooms hehe!!!
ANy help ya need,just ask...
1rst flush 051
1rst flush shelf 05
1st PF shrooms
2nd flush porch casing
2nd flush 05 GCGTF
3rd flush end pile
40 gram kreeper
Casings 05 fanGT
Creepy thai KS
F outdoors


here's the scoop gents........5 syringes of penis envy and Mexican blues............got the perlite for the pf jars method. Im buying a pressure cooker tomarrow........any advice or new strains that are sexy strong available? btw I had a degree in mycology so I understand the importance os sterility.


hells ya if ya ever need any tips or tricks pm me jugs ya seem way co0l and cubensis are a mega potent medicine for my depression as well as a window into my religious existence.
I recommend people eat like a 20th a gram a day as needed for depression it is the oldest most universal effective antidepressant there is and cool thing is it will rebuild your serotonin
so after a while you wont even feel like micro dosing everyday
I only nibble when zI get bummed or am in a groovy sorta mood
but a trip a couple times a month on a gram or two keep my cobwebs cleaned out
im sorta a wizard a wild bird seed been moldin jars as long as I've grown bud
it is easier cheaper and way fuckin faster than canna but like canna there is definite zen must be learned cant be taughttrust me find a strain a cubensis that grows easy enough
for ya and ya like the buzz and stick with them
all these more potent exotic shrooms can be flat out dangerous and with cubensis there is no ceiling so eat more if ya need to fly higher
there is no way anyone would want to get any more high than I have on a half ounce a cubensis a couple times lmfao
azures (wood lovers) have a toxin in them that's why ya usually boil them to tea to remove it and bro when I wan young I grew a few different pannaeolus species and them
are sorta hard to fruit and yield teeny and are scary unpredictable strong sometimes and make folk black the fuck out
stay away from the weird shrooms at least until ya grow and trip so many cubes ya are bored
kinda pisses me off when I hear novice myceliologist recommending the exotics for beginners
those are toxic fucking shrooms straight up beware azures have made me feel like I was gonna die
many a times and unless ya got outdoor beds ya gotta put the casings in your fridge to fruit them
and hell they arte abundant in northwest wild they have no commodity value other than an oddity
and they are toxic as fuck Id never give them to a friend and I was raised in the psych scene from a child.

cubensis are safe and honestly their chem comp is the best for the mind n body so just find a potent strain and et a lot if ya like goin to mars
I prefer the central/south American races for their contam resistance and buzz but even there theres a few distinct different cubes and buzz
Eqs are my favorite but I like amazonians and mazapec too but all three to me give me a very distinct buzz like bud
they are all similar but diff some booms make me fart more, giggle, more, nap, see more shit, or feel more racey or tired , more or less wobbly
cubensis is just like canna though and there is a subspecies everywhere man has a civilization....perhaps even more so with cubes they are
a much much older and wider used botanical than herbs mans been grubbing cubensis at least since he found fire
there are thousands a subspecies and just like weed they all are a lil different buzz and grow slightly dif because the geographic conditions they evolved in
cubensis was spread all over the globe by man as he spread in the gut tracks of his grazing animals
every time he moved 6 weeks to two months later cubensis miraculously appeared in the grass surrounding the settlement!
YaEAH! its a miracle Jesus does love me! I'm gonna micro dose today

oh yeah and fuckin eh get ya a pressure canner ya can grow booms with rice flour and all that cute lil league style silly crap but it is a lot more expensive and a big hassle
get ya a used pressure canner on ebay or something and a bunch a fucking quart jars skip all that high school shit ya hear about n study Stamets growers guide a bit
Ill answer any questions too I know a few neat tricks im glad to share for your personal projects


he he he
here folks is a sclerotia or philosophers stone or a psychedelic truffle from my Eqs last spring
it only happens rarely under perfect conditions with shroom strains that produce mushrooms
a sclerotia is a none spore producing fruit body of mycelium
pretty neat cuz I hardly ever get them like a four leaf clover so I save them and share them
with my friends into majik
there used to be huge treks in search or the philosophers stone in old times for visions
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