New Years Dank Run 2016 @ Iron Lung Studios, Ca

  • Thread starter CF 420
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From eyeheart by chance? U I'm not sure about his to be honest. I mean he's who gave me both strains to begin with, but his was made via light leak, I made mine using sts. I don't really fem breed so I don't really know which is better if any, all I know is two tucking dope ass strains put together can only mean magic! (And maybe a herm or two lol). I'll keep ya posted as they grow :)
yes ,but i wasnt sure about them either,hell brother i been busy why you was sick,i sexed all my solo's and came up with 1 male white blaze ,1 male la nina,so yesterday 7 lovely girls went into 3 gal pots of coco and rice hulls and ewc,left me with 2 white blaze 2 la nina 3 roy walker,they went to veg in 18-6,2 jedi 1 critical 11 1 white widow went to flower room,dude let me tell you this ,my old ass old hen made me throw my white blaze stud,you should have seen the nuts on that fucker,had me all jiddery,so she grabed the old boy up and headed out the house the old bitch,lmao,i want to run it a couple times before i take to f2 ,but others are already planning it,lol. to top all that shit off i stuck 7 jedi clones in dirt in done ,THEY DEAD ,2 jedi and 1 eac of the ww and c11,in a homemade bubble cloner made out of a maxwell house coffee container with two air lines been 6 days nothing yet,man dont have a clue how im gonna get light to all these som bitches but gonna try,just got the closet and that old bathroom i had last year,but there is my fun ,i guess i should have got sick too were i wouldnt have planted so much,lmao thats the kinda stress i can deal with,but ya eye heart offered them to me also,i just wasnt sure at all about them
CF 420

CF 420

yes ,but i wasnt sure about them either,hell brother i been busy why you was sick,i sexed all my solo's and came up with 1 male white blaze ,1 male la nina,so yesterday 7 lovely girls went into 3 gal pots of coco and rice hulls and ewc,left me with 2 white blaze 2 la nina 3 roy walker,they went to veg in 18-6,2 jedi 1 critical 11 1 white widow went to flower room,dude let me tell you this ,my old ass old hen made me throw my white blaze stud,you should have seen the nuts on that fucker,had me all jiddery,so she grabed the old boy up and headed out the house the old bitch,lmao,i want to run it a couple times before i take to f2 ,but others are already planning it,lol. to top all that shit off i stuck 7 jedi clones in dirt in done ,THEY DEAD ,2 jedi and 1 eac of the ww and c11,in a homemade bubble cloner made out of a maxwell house coffee container with two air lines been 6 days nothing yet,man dont have a clue how im gonna get light to all these som bitches P, but gonna try,just got the closet and that old bathroom i had last year,but there P lols my fun ,i guess i should have got sick too were i wouldnt have planted so much,lmao thats the kinda stress i can deal with,but ya eye heart offered them to me also,i just wasnt sure at all about them

Ouch! He sounded like a damn winner lol. But shit I say have fun with the f1's first. Grow as many as ya can. And get a feel for her as a whole yaknow. Dont worry bout rushing into the f2's, theyll always be there ;) i feeel ya on space brotha. I'm making places just to grow lol, got my 3x3 veg tent and I gutted my closet for a flower room. Hell my bathroom is my cloner and seeds area :P and my outdoor closet may just well be the new 2nd veg area lol. Dude I always do the same thing, plant too many. I expect to cull at least half the beans I plant, then end up pulling maybe 2 lol. Like the flo x gg4 I just harvested, instantly planted 7 expecting some not to germ.. Now I have 7 white tails by morning lol (12 hrs later). All feminized too, should be a fun ride lol. Dude sorry to hear bout ya Jedi's! That blows man. Sounds like they were for the outdoor season? I've been really surprised with my outdoor girls lately, its been dropping to 30° here most nights, the highest I've seen is low 50's. And the girls don't seem to care at all lol. Still growing strong, no signs of wilting or sadness, hell not even a nute def lol (I don't feed them shhh ;)). Wish it was more set n go like this for ya as well man. But hell maybe a blessing in disguise, if ya had too many as it is. And atleast ya have clones still so they'll be around again right? :D. All in all sounds like ur kicking all kind of ass FAM lol. Keep up the good fight for those dankass meds! As for eyeheart, id say grab some beans off him and if you like how mne turn out, pop some urself,. And hell if not, feed em to the birds lol. Its always good to have extra beans lie in around, especially fem beans. Hell u can even 12/12 from germ with FEMS and see what they have to offer and not waste any time wondering, or vegging (veg real estate is more valuable than a house in (insert rich city name here), we don't got space to waste wondering if were growing mulch or not lol


Ouch! He sounded like a damn winner lol. But shit I say have fun with the f1's first. Grow as many as ya can. And get a feel for her as a whole yaknow. Dont worry bout rushing into the f2's, theyll always be there ;) i feeel ya on space brotha. I'm making places just to grow lol, got my 3x3 veg tent and I gutted my closet for a flower room. Hell my bathroom is my cloner and seeds area :p and my outdoor closet may just well be the new 2nd veg area lol. Dude I always do the same thing, plant too many. I expect to cull at least half the beans I plant, then end up pulling maybe 2 lol. Like the flo x gg4 I just harvested, instantly planted 7 expecting some not to germ.. Now I have 7 white tails by morning lol (12 hrs later). All feminized too, should be a fun ride lol. Dude sorry to hear bout ya Jedi's! That blows man. Sounds like they were for the outdoor season? I've been really surprised with my outdoor girls lately, its been dropping to 30° here most nights, the highest I've seen is low 50's. And the girls don't seem to care at all lol. Still growing strong, no signs of wilting or sadness, hell not even a nute def lol (I don't feed them shhh ;)). Wish it was more set n go like this for ya as well man. But hell maybe a blessing in disguise, if ya had too many as it is. And atleast ya have clones still so they'll be around again right? :D. All in all sounds like ur kicking all kind of ass FAM lol. Keep up the good fight for those dankass meds! As for eyeheart, id say grab some beans off him and if you like how mne turn out, pop some urself,. And hell if not, feed em to the birds lol. Its always good to have extra beans lie in around, especially fem beans. Hell u can even 12/12 from germ with FEMS and see what they have to offer and not waste any time wondering, or vegging (veg real estate is more valuable than a house in (insert rich city name here), we don't got space to waste wondering if were growing mulch or not lol
ya i will see if he still is game,you know what sucks ,mama gave me the extra room which is 10 x 10 x8,sounds all good right,problem is i got to paint it flat white,got to get in attic and run new wires then intake and exhaust,the way i see it the only way im gonna get all these done ,im gonna have to get on the stick,i figure i got 4 weeks of my veging girls,damn plants be sweating me man with a lack of funds its gonna be close,im a lazt old ass hippie ,what can i say,lmao
CF 420

CF 420

Agreed, but don't you think a healthier momma is going to produce healthier children? ;)

She looks that way due to the silver treatments ;) happens when the silver solution hits the leaves, causes em to distort and get all funky. I guess. I could have been a bit more careful, but she 'all be fine. Got a bunc of babies on the way, germinng some flo c gg4 as we speak, had tails in 12 hours ;) off to a good start, I'll post updates on them as they grow


She looks that way due to the silver treatments ;) happens when the silver solution hits the leaves, causes em to distort and get all funky. I guess. I could have been a bit more careful, but she 'all be fine. Got a bunc of babies on the way, germinng some flo c gg4 as we speak, had tails in 12 hours ;) off to a good start, I'll post updates on them as they grow
Nice I love it when they germinate that quick. Can't wait till we see that GG4 when she flowers. I'm jealous ;) Been seeing all the killer pics of it. Can't wait till I get my hands on some one of these days.
CF 420

CF 420

Nice I love it when they germinate that quick. Can't wait till we see that GG4 when she flowers. I'm jealous ;) Been seeing all the killer pics of it. Can't wait till I get my hands on some one of these days.
She's cool and all, but IMO its kinda overhyped. Like cookies, sure cookies is a great strain, but the hype behind them is too much lol. That being said she's a dumbass frosty strain with a strong hit and great tasting strain ;)


She's cool and all, but IMO its kinda overhyped. Like cookies, sure cookies is a great strain, but the hype behind them is too much lol. That being said she's a dumbass frosty strain with a strong hit and great tasting strain ;)
Yeah I heard it wasn't a yielder but frosty as a mofo tho. Hype or not Ima try to get my hand on some. :) haha
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