Total overhaul of growing tents

  • Thread starter Gmix
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Job done 🙂
Done myself up like a kipper ( I hurt )
My friend helped but wouldn’t go on the roof. We went to get the ladders on hire as I needed roofing ladders.

They was as heavy af and getting them in place him,his gf and me of us to lift them.
I had to go up there first tile I took off was blocked up and I had a hella of a time getting it back that was day one done.

Day two I removed another tile got the right one, lifted them and slipped the top under the top 3 tiles. He put the pipe in place and I did the flashing.

We went to the shop £250.00!!! On a extended filter ( longer life ) and two 10m insulated ( quiter ) ducting boxes.

He did the rest thank goodness as I really did mess myself up Lifting & climbing the ladder.

So my new tent is now up and running at long last. 🎉

The autos had a hard life so they are what they are ; need seeds germinating when the box i germinate in warms up.

Dunno how well you can see it but ones developing a Double head
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Well that’s good to know 👍🙂

All the usa videos I watched the roofs had shingles and not tiles. I’ve s tiles.
Why do guys use shingles is it a weather thing like a shingle flying off in a storm isn’t going to hurt someone as bad as if the roofs had tiles
You got me on that one? 🤷‍♂️

You do see tile roofs in the southwestern part of the country. I think it probably has something to do with Spanish Mexican influence. ✌️


You got me on that one? 🤷‍♂️

You do see tile roofs in the southwestern part of the country. I think it probably has something to do with Spanish Mexican influence. ✌️
It’s on like every house in Arizona, California, Nevada. Not sure about the safety thing because Florida has the same thing. I am thinking you are correct.


Why are you adding the roof flashing? Won’t water, rodents, insects, etc have direct entry into your home?

They already probably have lol
These houses are at least 75 years old
I was flashing the roof to make a flu I can vent out off because my neighbour could smell it and being uk side it’s not legal so I had to do something or should would of grassed me up.

I dout anything will come in via my roof there’s already a chimney vent that’s open in there but the way it’s weather hat has been made it doesn’t work when the wind blows.
So I can’t vent through it , I tried but that’s why I ended up putting the flu up

The flu vent / flashing I took extra care to seal anyways as i didn’t want rain comming in.

The actual flu has a hat or a rain cover the rest is sealed
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I’m not sure I used the right terms if folks think bugs will come in via the flu they wouldn’t get far away as the duct attached to it is pushing air.

This isn’t mine it’s a random one from the net but it’s kinda what I have done.
There used a lot on uk houses I’ve one myself ( not inc the one I just added ) most houses round here have two there on every house they are used to Ventilate boilers
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