Papa's Propagation Playland

  • Thread starter Papa Indica
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Papa Indica

Papa Indica

I chopped and hung my first Sour Dubb yesterday, took my Sour Secret today, and I'm thinking I'll probably take my Jack tomorrow. I have to stagger them like that so I don't have more than one to trim up on any given day. I was able to do the Chems together because they were so freakin' small. :shifty:
All I'll have left is my second Sour Dubb and she'll be ready to come down within like a week.

This is the first time in awhile that my flower tent will be emptied out, gonna take advantage of the opportunity to get some stuff done. The pre-filter on my carbon filter is looking terrible, the air from my entire house gets cycled through that filter since my grow room is open to the rest of the house so, all the time we were smoking with that thing up has made that pre-filter bad and it seems like smoking causes more dust to be around too... somehow. ??? Maybe my imagination???
Gonna get it cleaned up good in there and got a new Digilux bulb to try, hopefully I'll be as impressed with it as other people seem to be them, if not I'm going back to using cheap ass bulbs. When I first started using hps I bought a couple $30 bulbs from the same people I got my ballasts and hoods from so I'd have a spare and eventually I got the itch to try some "better" bulbs.
After trying Ushio and Eye Hortilux bulbs I'm really not impressed, got the impression I paid a lot of extra money for a name by going with them, I hope that's not the case with the Digilux.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Using the technique of looking for a crater in one end of the seed to determine if it's a female, (seems to hold true, we'll see what happens I guess), I started germinating 4 seeds today; 1 from Medusa Cannabis Co., White Widow x Predator ???, (the name was smudged, damn it), 1 Purple Rose from Snowhigh Seeds, 1 Devil Dawg from Seeds of Compassion, and 1 iScream from @Og Gong , hoping for something special!


Nice can only imagine the contamination in your scrubber from complete house intake guarnteed its a mess full of pathogens .
good choice cleaning it up i always took my scrubbers after each grow washthe cloth filter and and shake the hell out of metal carbon box i have even ran water thru them ..
to break up the coal that has been glued together from RH and other things and use a shop vac to suck out hook up exhaust fan to blow dry it with constant taps with a hammer

Might be a good idea to wash inside tent bring back some shine .


thanks for the tip on bulbs about to buy my first replacement in about two weeks and have been researching.
i dont know what your pre filter is but i personally prefer blue horse hair type from ac supply cut to shape and its washable.


thanks for the tip on bulbs about to buy my first replacement in about two weeks and have been researching.
i dont know what your pre filter is but i personally prefer blue horse hair type from ac supply cut to shape and its washable.
Never heard of blue horse hair have made my fair share of Diy Scrubbers from a pound to 50 pounds of activated charcoal :)


the blue is just before the air goes into carbon filter.the blue will scrub the grease and such from the air so it doesnt stop up your carbon pre filter.the blue works great and is cheap.hardy can take a washing repeatedly.
the reason i brought up grease was because you said all house air goes through it.those carbon filters seem to be expensive and so a prefilter will cut down on carbon filter replacement cost.a cheap blue pre filter may increase the life of the carbon filter by 75%
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Using the technique of looking for a crater in one end of the seed to determine if it's a female, (seems to hold true, we'll see what happens I guess), I started germinating 4 seeds today; 1 from Medusa Cannabis Co., White Widow x Predator ???, (the name was smudged, damn it), 1 Purple Rose from Snowhigh Seeds, 1 Devil Dawg from Seeds of Compassion, and 1 iScream from @Og Gong , hoping for something special!

I think it's white Tuna? I could be wrong lol. I follow her on IG I'll hit her up and ask her what she says!

I'm stoked to see what you find dude! Keep me posted!


I think it's white Tuna? I could be wrong lol. I follow her on IG I'll hit her up and ask her what she says!

I'm stoked to see what you find dude! Keep me posted!

Ok bro got it for you. This is from her....
And of course I was wrong lmao. Anyways here ya go dude.

Predator pink. Male x my widow. Female. Pink Puta. PP is exotics line but the cut I found


Using the technique of looking for a crater in one end of the seed to determine if it's a female, (seems to hold true, we'll see what happens I guess), I started germinating 4 seeds today; 1 from Medusa Cannabis Co., White Widow x Predator ???, (the name was smudged, damn it), 1 Purple Rose from Snowhigh Seeds, 1 Devil Dawg from Seeds of Compassion, and 1 iScream from @Og Gong , hoping for something special!
Have you used this "technique" before? I was wondering if it works. I found it somewhere on the net before, just haven't popped any seeds using it.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Have you used this "technique" before? I was wondering if it works. I found it somewhere on the net before, just haven't popped any seeds using it.
This is my first time trying it, any of the beans I've popped for years now have been feminized. I'm doing what I can to help increase their odds by keeping them in as cool an environment as I can in there while they germinate, it would be great if I got lucky enough to hit females with them all, time will tell.
My cousin hit a couple females recently using that method of picking seeds but, that's hardly enough to constitute a testing of the method. If I manage to hit 4 for 4 on these I'd feel pretty confident that it's true, if I don't hit them all I'll know it doesn't hold true.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

i would think cool would increase chances of damping off.
im curious of the crater comment.
I'm germinating in paper towels on a plate, shouldn't have any trouble there.

I'm quite curious to see if there's any truth to that myself. I've been told that and I read somewhere that you can guarantee yourself females by looking for this in your seeds. I'm a little unsure myself because it seemed too quick and easy to find them and I didn't look them all over to see if they all had it or not. Gonna find out I guess.


Lower you rh% then as air cycles through the Carbon filter it helps wick/dry out the charcoal particles.

Well you know sometimes in most cases dealing with fresh air intakes or plants counts its allot harder then many think even with 5 degree difference in temp
This is my first time trying it, any of the beans I've popped for years now have been feminized. I'm doing what I can to help increase their odds by keeping them in as cool an environment as I can in there while they germinate, it would be great if I got lucky enough to hit females with them all, time will tell.
My cousin hit a couple females recently using that method of picking seeds but, that's hardly enough to constitute a testing of the method. If I manage to hit 4 for 4 on these I'd feel pretty confident that it's true, if I don't hit them all I'll know it doesn't hold true.

Personally no matter which way a person grows Reg or Fem it still takes 4 - 5 weeks for them to mature .
So really who cares you mention your looking at seed tips in determining sex ??
but you been growing fem seeds now how long ?? maybe i read that wrong

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